Chapter 249 Food
Li Yunlong hesitated for a while, then reluctantly replied: "Success, if you add one, you can add another, anyway, it's a one-off life!"

"Brother Yunlong, please!" Chu Yunfei laughed and said, "Then, Chu will send someone the money tomorrow, and then..."

"Wait a minute!" Li Yunlong interrupted Chu Yunfei: "What did you just say?"

"Chu will send the money tomorrow!" Chu Yunfei said, "If you need to spend the money in a hurry, Chu can send someone to send it right away!"

"Brother Chu!" Li Yunlong said, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"How do you say that?" Chu Yunfei pretended to be confused: "Could it be that you didn't accept the price that brother Yunlong just said?"

This is Chu Yunfei's clever trick... he traded in French currency.

At this time, the base area is in a state of blockade, and what is lacking is neither legal currency nor silver dollars.

These things can no longer be bought in the base areas, they are no different from waste paper and waste silver... They are neither edible nor usable, so who would trade them for grain?
If the entire 1000 million French currency comes in, it will not help but further accelerate the depreciation of the legal currency and become an accomplice of the stubborn army.

Li Yunlong is not stupid. He smiled "hehe" and said, "Brother Chu, brother, I don't like this. The price of food outside is now one yuan and eight catties, right? If I suffer a little loss, I will count it as two yuan, and it is more than two hundred for 1000." Ten thousand French currency is more than 600 million catties of grain, and I will give you the change, is that interesting? 600 million catties of grain will be shipped in, and we will deliver the grain with one hand! If you want to tell me something else, then please ask Gao Ming , I, Li Yunlong, will not serve you!"

Saying that, Li Yunlong made a gesture and left.

Chu Yunfei hurried forward to stop him: "Hey, brother Yunlong, if you have something to say, it's not impossible to trade grain. It's just that this is a private transaction, and 600 million catties of grain is not a small amount. With so many supplies brought in, can you arouse suspicion?"

"Brother Chu doesn't need to worry about these!" Li Yunlong said: "Brother, if I don't have a diamond in my hand, I won't take this porcelain! You just bring in the food, and I will tell you about the new batch. No one is stopping you!"

Chu Yunfei did have scruples about transporting grain.

He knew that the stubborn army's intention at this time was to block the Eighth Route Army with the devils.

But at this time, I was doing business with the Eighth Route Army, and it was the food that the Eighth Route Army urgently needed, and I sold it for 600 million catties...

If Shangfeng is tracked down, he will have to bear some responsibility no matter what, and if he is not good, he will be charged with collaborating with the enemy.

But after thinking about it, Chu Yunfei felt that there was no problem, as long as he told Shang Feng the truth, Shang Feng would probably agree.

After all, what was replaced was a rocket launcher, which is the anti-tank equipment that the troops dream of.

What's more, the 600 million catties of grain sounds like a lot, but it is actually only three catties per person on average for the Eighth Route Army, which does not affect the overall strategy.

(Note: At this time, due to the increase of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, the population of the base area has increased significantly, and there are already more than 200 million people)
Thinking of this, Chu Yunfei nodded in response.

How could Chu Yunfei have thought that this transaction is just the beginning...

Chu Yunfei thought that the bazooka that Tubalu could make, of course they could imitate it.

Isn't that a one-time transaction and then there will be no more?

Who would have thought that this is not the case, this is simply not something they can imitate.

Then Chu Yunfei pretended to observe for a while, and then left with his adjutant.

When Chu Yunfei and the others walked away, Zhao asked with full expectation just now: "How is it? How many have you sold?"

Li Yunlong stretched out three fingers.

"Three hundred?" Zhao Gang said.

Li Yunlong shook his head: "Three!"

Zhao Gang was a little disappointed, only three of them were sold after tossing for a long time, it seems that they are not very popular!
But he said in his mouth: "It's okay, in the future, when they know how powerful the bazooka is, they will buy more!"

Li Yunlong nodded in agreement.

Zhao Gang then asked again: "How much food did you change?"

"Not much!" Li Yunlong raised his chin: "It's only 600 million catties!"

"How much?" Zhao Gang couldn't believe his ears.

"600 million catties!" Li Yunlong replied.

Zhao Gang was stunned for a long time before laughing: "Blow it to you, 600 million catties? It's not worth so much if you sell you Li Yunlong!"

"Didn't you just sell me?" Li Yunlong replied: "The rocket launcher may not be able to sell so much food, but if I am charged with 'collaborating with the enemy', it will be my head, Li Yunlong!"

As he spoke, he patted his head and said triumphantly, "Old Zhao, don't look down on this head. The devil is offering a reward of [-] oceans! I'm selling it at this price!"

Only then did Zhao Gang believe what Li Yunlong said was true, and he said with a look of shock: "Good guy, the three are sold for 600 million catties, and the other one is worth 200 million catties... This deal can be done!"

"Why can't we do it?" Li Yunlong laughed: "In the future! Don't say that Xiaodongbei is more valuable than Lao Tzu. The rent of Xiaodongbei is just a few boxes of grenades and a few bullets. Once I sell it, it will be fucked." millions……"

"You're so rare!" Zhao Gang happily walked towards the phone and replied, "If it wasn't for Xiao Dongbei's whole bazooka, would you be able to sell your head? It's a rarity for devils!"

Li Yunlong grinned at Zhao Gang's resentment: "That's right, damn it, so you've got Xiao Dongbei's reputation!"

The chief received a call soon:

"What? Sixty thousand catties of grain? It's good..."

"Six hundred... ten thousand catties?"

"Did you make a mistake? Is there a hundred or ten thousand?"

"It's really 600 million catties?"

"Not bad!"

"We must continue to sell. It doesn't matter how much you need, quality and quantity are guaranteed, and satisfaction is guaranteed!"


When he hung up the phone, the chief smiled, with tears in his eyes, and excitedly said to the chief of staff: "There is finally a solution to the problem, three rocket launchers, selling 600 million catties of grain! Damn it!" Li Yunlong, there are two tricks!"

The chief of staff nodded, and his nose couldn't help but feel sour.For a while, the chief was worried about food.

The problem of fighting can't help him, but there is nothing to do if there is not enough food.

Opening up wasteland and growing food will take several cycles to produce results, and it will not be able to quench near thirst.

Setting up factories can only solve other self-sufficiency problems, and cannot replace food.

Transporting salt to enemy-occupied areas for sale can solve some problems, and the food in exchange is not small, but it is a drop in the bucket for the more than 200 million people in the base area.

During this time, the Chief's brows have not been stretched.

Now finally see a little light!

Then the chief ordered: "Send reinforcements to Zhaojiayu immediately, and we must ensure the safety of this batch of food!"

(End of this chapter)

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