Chapter 250 Trading
Wang Xuexin knew about this at the wine table.

Li Yunlong negotiated a good price for the bazooka, and when Zhao Gang didn't stop him, he would celebrate with a few sips. Since it was a celebration, of course Wang Xuexin was indispensable.

Due to the difficult conditions, the drink is sweet potato burnt. Although the burn is the same, the taste is much worse than Fenjiu.

While pouring wine for Wang Xuexin, Li Yunlong said, "Little Northeast, you made another contribution today. Three bazookas sold 600 million jin of grain! Damn it, with this calculation, I would just kill you in Yucun. Tens of millions of catties of grain!"

"Do you have such a calculation?" Zhao Gang said with a smile: "If you have the ability, don't use bazookas in the future, save all of them and sell them!"

"That's impossible!" Li Yunlong raised his head: "We have to live to enjoy the food!"

Several people couldn't help laughing.

Wang Xuexin was quite surprised that Li Yunlong could sell for this price. He thought it would be good to exchange tens of thousands of catties of grain for a bazooka, but he did not expect to exchange 200 million catties... nearly a hundred times more than expected.

Li Yunlong crossed his legs and untied Fengjikou, and touched Wang Xuexin with a wine bowl: "I said Xiaodongdong, you will have to do more at the arsenal in the future. Today you will fight tanks, and tomorrow you will fight cannons. Then we can eat delicious food and drink hot food in the future without worrying about it!"

Wang Xuexin drank a few sips of wine, and his tone became rough: "Commander! That's a must, let alone tanks and cannons. One day we will make something to kill the devil's plane, and that will be fun!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Yunlong picked up the bowl and said, "Come on, let's go! We have to fix this thing!"

Zhao Gang laughed at the side: "It's only a few mouthfuls, and I'm so drunk!"

The three of them were bragging while drinking, and Li Yunlong suddenly sighed: "Little Northeast, you don't know, today is called elation! We usually ask grandpa to tell grandma to ask others for equipment. Today it's the other way around. It's time for someone else to beg us!"

Li Yunlong hiccupped, then gave Wang Xuexin a thumbs up: "I didn't say anything, give our independent leader face, give me Li Yunlong face! What a fucking pleasure!"

After hearing this, Wang Xuexin realized that Li Yunlong was so happy today not entirely because the bazooka sold for a good price, but also because he had a sense of pride because of the equipment and technology leading for the first time.

Wang Xuexin didn't feel it because he was used to it in modern times, but people who are suffering enough in this era suddenly have this day, and that is mixed feelings.

Li Yunlong is like this, the head of the headquarters and the chief of staff are like this, and so is Zhang Wanhe.

When Zhang Wanhe knew that a bazooka could actually sell 200 million catties of grain, he was so excited that he immediately dropped his work to find Su Xin, and confessed: "Director Su, the production of bazookas must be strictly controlled, and we must not be negligent!"

Su Xin thought it was a problem with his own inspection, so he asked suspiciously: "Director, what's the problem?"

"No problem!" Zhang Wanhe laughed: "That thing is worth a lot of money, one can sell 200 million catties of grain!"

"What?" Su Xin couldn't believe it. With the price of grain in the base area at this time, it's not bad that this bazooka can be worth two hundred catties of grain, and it can be sold for two million... ten thousand catties?
What is the concept of 200 million catties?
I'm afraid I won't be able to finish eating it for a few lifetimes!

Just a bazooka?

"Don't believe me!" Zhang Wanhe said earnestly, "This is Xiaodongbei's ability. We only have the whole world, so it's rare! That's why it's valuable! I'm talking about Director Su, you are a talented student." You have to study hard, don't fall behind!"

"Yes, factory manager!" Su Xin replied, feeling a little aggrieved.

Can this be compared with Little Northeast?

That guy has a crazy idea every few days, sometimes the rocket launcher is aimed at the mine, and the other day he doesn't know what he can come up with.

But for some reason, Su Xin felt more proud.

The chief also attached great importance to this transaction, so he sent a division to ensure food safety.

Except for the headquarters and the arsenal, none of the frontline troops knew about the transaction, and only a few people in the independent regiment knew about it.

The reason is that Zhaojiayu at this time can be said to be the front line...

The tens of miles east of Zhaojiayu was originally a base area, but it has now become a guerrilla area under the counterattack, blockade and engulfment of the devils.

Therefore, Zhaojiayu, which originally belonged to the hinterland, has become a veritable front line.

There is such a big deal on the front line. Once the wind leaks out and the devil knows, the devil will definitely interfere or even organize a food grab.

Therefore, the transaction was kept strictly confidential, and a division that went up as reinforcements was also sent to the vicinity of Zhaojiayu on the grounds of building reverse slope fortifications.

The food that Chu Yunfei promised was delivered on the third night.

They use American-style trucks with trailers on the back... Trucks usually don’t have trailers when they go to the battlefield, but when transporting supplies in a safer place and there are a lot of supplies and there are not enough trucks, they will add trailers.

A truck full of grain, at least dozens of them, went directly to Zhaojiayu along the separated road.

Standing in the front was Chu Yunfei's adjutant Sun Ming. When he saw Li Yunlong, he stepped forward to salute and said, "Commander Li, due to lack of transport capacity and also for safety reasons, we transported the first batch of 200 tons this time!"

This is reasonable. At this time, the American-style vehicles equipped by the stubborn army are generally light trucks with a load of more than one ton, and the trailer is only about three tons. It takes more than sixty trucks to transport 200 tons.

Li Yunlong laughed and said: "No problem, we agreed to pay the food and deliver the goods. Since the food hasn't arrived, we can't give all the goods!"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong handed over a bazooka to Sun Ming.

Sun Ming said dissatisfiedly: "Captain Li, this is not good! We gave [-] tons of food at a time, and you only gave an empty rocket launcher? At least one rocket should be equipped with one shot!"

"Adjutant Sun!" Li Yunlong asked back: "Three rocket launchers weigh 600 million catties, how much do you calculate for one rocket launcher?"

"200 million catties!" Sun Ming replied.

"How many tons is 200 million catties?" Li Yunlong asked again.

"1000 tons!" Sun Ming replied again.

"That's right!" Li Yunlong replied, "I'll give you as much food as you pay. Now you only give one-fifth of the food. How can you not be satisfied if I give you a bazooka?"

Li Yunlong actually saw that Chu Yunfei was playing tricks.

Chu Yunfei didn't have enough transportation capacity. From his jurisdiction to Zhaojiayu, it was only a dozen miles away from Xinyituan. These cars could go back and forth several times in one night.

Chu Yunfei wanted to take a bazooka to the military workers to see if it could be imitated. If it could be imitated, then the rest of the food would be lost.

Now Li Yunlong only gives the bazooka but not the rockets, so he can't even look at it.

Sun Ming had no choice but to say: "Leader Li, wait a moment, we just need to transport a few more times, and we should be able to transport a thousand tons tonight!"

"That's right, I'm not in a hurry!" Li Yunlong smiled, then turned around and told Wang Xuexin: "When they transport a thousand tons, we will return the bazooka!"

(End of this chapter)

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