Chapter 267 Bray
The progress of the imperial contingent was very smooth. They were divided into several groups and mixed with the merchants who went to Yuncheng to collect salt and entered the defense area of ​​the Jinsui Army...

Merchant is a great excuse.

Because Yuncheng is the main salt-producing area in Shanxi, there is an endless stream of merchants going to the city to mine salt. In consideration of two-way trading and currency depreciation, they often transport grain to sell and then buy salt.

So there were a lot of mule carts and carriages coming and going.

The contingent hides equipment and ammunition beneath sacks of grain.

The Continental Advancement Team spoke authentic Chinese and lingo of beating salt all the way, but no one doubted it.

When they encountered the stubborn army checkpoint, they stepped forward, handed cigarettes and saluted, nodded and bowed and said, "Sir, it's convenient, we are in a hurry, it is not easy to do a small business, just a little bit..."

As he said that, he secretly stuffed two oceans.

Dayang was a bit special during this period, because in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the devils occupied the Northeast almost effortlessly and seized a lot of silver dollars. In exchange for silver dollars, a large number of silver dollars were stored.

The Chongqing side worried that the devils would use these silver dollars to plunder supplies, so they banned the circulation of silver dollars and changed them to legal tender.

But silver dollars are not banknotes. They have more than 85% silver content. Although they are banned from circulation, they are still valuable.

So it is actually still in circulation among the people.

At this time, the stubborn army always looked around, and then quietly accepted it as if nothing had happened, and then turned a blind eye to search casually and let it go.

I ran into trouble until I had to enter the base area through the junction road...

This can be said to be an irony. When the foreign enemies invaded, the trade route between the recalcitrant army and the devils was open, but the trade route with the Eighth Route Army was "strictly investigated for smuggling, and those who violated it were shot."

(Note: The recalcitrant army blocked the base area of ​​the Eighth Route Army under the pretext of "strictly investigating smuggling")

In desperation, the task force could only stay near the junction for a few hours, and waited until dark before directly launching an offensive, blowing up two gun towers and rushing over.

In this regard, it should be said that Kazuki Yamamoto does not know how to play politics.

Otherwise, they just need to show their identities to the recalcitrant soldiers guarding the gun towers, explaining that they are using this method to find trouble with the Eighth Route Army, and they are afraid that the recalcitrant soldiers will let them go immediately and even send a bunch of ammunition.

But rushing out didn't make much difference. The devil was only injured by stepping on a mine, and the others were unscathed.

In addition, Kazuki Yamamoto has another idea, that is, if real knives and real guns rush over and transport food, the people on the Eighth Route Army will take it for granted that these are the Eighth Route Army who went to the enemy-occupied area to get food...

Kazuki Yamamoto had done enough homework before coming here. He knew the contradiction between the Eighth Route Army and the recalcitrant army, and also knew that the Eighth Route Army had been breaking through the blockade to secretly transport food during this period.

Sure enough, the people in the base area saw a group of "common people" dressed in civilian clothes rushing towards the enemy-occupied area with weapons in their hands and protecting food in the dark. They took them for granted as the Eighth Route Army, and many even greeted them .

Since the common people regarded these devils as the Eighth Route Army, no one reported to their superiors.

This made the task force led by Kazuki Yamamoto go all the way to the Lujiagou headquarters without getting any news.

Wang Xuexin woke up at dawn this day.

Perhaps because of staying on the battlefield for a long time, Wang Xuexin has developed a bad habit of not being able to sleep well in the back that is too quiet...As long as the battlefield is quiet, accidents are sure to happen. It is often the silence before the storm, so a By this time Wang Xuexin was flustered.

This may be what is often called the "battlefield syndrome" in modern times.

Usually half asleep and half awake, not to mention, when the rooster crows, he will be awakened immediately.

Naturally, Wang Xuexin won't make others feel better when he wakes up. At this moment, he will immediately shout to the guard outside the door: "Blow the wake-up call, get up for fucking training!"

"Yes!" The guard replied, turned around and went to inform the bugleman.

Not long after, the melodious and rapid sound of the trumpet rang over and over again over the barracks.

At this time, Xie Baolin was usually the first one to run out, and then his soft voice would be heard: "Comrades, wake up! Everyone is up... Hurry up!"

That doesn't look like a soldier at all, but rather like a teacher urging the students... But he does seem to be a teacher.

And his thinking has not changed from the teacher's identity.

When Wang Xuexin asked Xie Baolin why he always took the lead in everything, even Bray was no exception, Xie Baolin asked strangely: "Shouldn't it be like this? I am their teacher, of course I have to set a good example! Otherwise, what teach them?"

Wang Xuexin said helplessly: "Comrade Xie Baolin, you are no longer a teacher, you are their commander. Have you ever seen a commander laying mines on the battlefield? Or as a commander, rush to the forefront of the troops?"

Commanders below the battalion level of the Eighth Route Army are indeed going to take the lead on the battlefield.

But this "leading" refers to leading the troops to the front line, not really rushing to the forefront.

If you really rush to the forefront, then the grassroots commanders will be knocked down by the enemy immediately and affect the command of the troops.

In the "three-three system tactics", even the squad leader is in the middle of the formation.

Xie Baolin replied: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, maybe you are right. But if we are a teaching force... then we should follow my way!"

When Wang Xuexin heard it, he felt that it was really fucking reasonable.

This is an educational force rather than a combat force, and their main task is education rather than combat, so it really has to be based on education.

The troops practiced the "three-three system tactics" as usual, and Wang Xuexin led the soldiers to the minefield to lay mines.

The minefield was located on an open field next to the westbound highway.

The reason why the minefield is set here is because Wang Xuexin can explain to them the main points of laying mines by the way.

"It's not enough to bury mines in a mess." Wang Xuexin raised the small red flag and pointed at the open ground, and said majesticly: "The first principle of choosing a minefield is to look at the terrain. It should be beneficial to our army's defense and disadvantageous." The enemy attacks."

While talking, Wang Xuexin pointed to the highland behind and said: "The 117.1 highland behind the open land is facing the arsenal of our army. As long as a few machine guns are set up on it, all the openings of the arsenal can be sealed off. This open land is an excellent minefield, where the mines can not only guard the road but also stop the enemy's charge..."

"Report!" At this moment, a recruit interrupted Wang Xuexin.

"What's the problem?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Company commander!" the recruit shouted: "The enemy is in the east, and this road faces west..."

"Didn't I just show you the terrain as an example!" Wang Xuexin replied angrily.

At the same time, he cursed inwardly, how could he be so single-minded?

Return to Normal University at this level?
How to teach students like this in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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