Chapter 268 bluff
After a night of marching, the task force finally arrived near Lujiagou at dawn.

Kazuki Yamamoto ordered all the staff to rest and eat some dry food to replenish their physical strength, so as to better cope with the upcoming battle.

Kazuki Yamamoto ate a few mouthfuls of compressed biscuits and drank a few sips of water in a hurry, and took Ichiro Koike to hide behind the stones on the roadside and open the map to make the final deployment.

"Five miles ahead is Lujiagou!" Kazuki Yamamoto pointed to the map and said, "According to reconnaissance, the enemy's arsenal is probably located in a mountainous area two miles ahead, with a force of about 500 people and a small number of guards! The headquarters is located in the village!"

As a special agent, Kazuki Yamamoto has always attached great importance to intelligence, so he has already sent people into Lujiagou to find out the general enemy's situation.

"Then, we will split up our forces!" Koike Ichiro said.

"Yes!" Kazuki Yamamoto nodded.

Two targets, two positions, no matter which target is attacked first, the other target will be on the defensive.

Therefore, the best solution is to prepare both sides and attack at the same time.

After thinking for a while, Kazuki Yamamoto said: "The enemy's arsenal is on a high ground, so I will hand it over to my special agent team. The enemy's headquarters in the village, please leave it to Koike-kun!"

"Yes!" Koike Ichiro nodded in response.

Although this offensive plan was formulated in a hurry, it was reasonable.

The secret service team has the ability to cross mountains and mountains, and can approach the arsenal from the mountain without relying on roads, so it is more suitable for attacking the arsenal.

Koike Ichiro's mainland advance team is a group of troops who speak Chinese and can mix with the enemy, which is obviously more suitable for attacking the enemy's headquarters in the village.

Thus, Kazuki Yamamoto led a hundred agents into the mountains, and Ichiro Koike led the remaining 400 people along the road to Lujiagou.

At this time, Wang Xuexin was being pissed off by the recruits. He repeatedly emphasized the need to concentrate on laying mines, but there were still a few soldiers whispering while laying mines.

Damn, don't hurt others if you want to die!

After Wang Xuexin scolded them, he decided to try to explode a landmine to open their eyes, otherwise these guys who have never tasted steel balls would have no awe at all.

Of course, the test explosion is not stepped on by people.

Wang Xuexin ordered to dig a simple trench at a distance, and then hide in it and throw wooden blocks in the direction of the mines.

As a result, Wang Xuexin shot accurately, but the wooden blocks were thrown one by one and missed, which made the soldiers laugh.

After throwing it, Wang Xuexin shouted angrily: "Huzi, come and shoot, every time you miss, you will be punished with a bullet!"

"What?" Hu Zi was stunned when he heard it: "Company commander, will you be punished with bullets if you miss the shot?"

"Why aren't you fined?" Wang Xuexin took out a few bullets from the bullet bag, counted one, two, and three, then switched his left hand to his right and put them back into the bullet bag. He raised his head at Huzi and said, " Do you see clearly? I'm fined!"

Huzi: ...

When did the company commander have the same virtue as the regiment commander, and become the one who wins or loses?
Huzi picked up a piece of wood and was just about to cast it, when he caught a glimpse of a food delivery team coming up the road, he stopped and reported: "Company commander, a team comrade is here, it's not good to scare people!"

Wang Xuexin raised his eyes and replied indifferently: "It's more than 200 meters away, everyone is carrying a gun, a landmine is a little louder than a fart, and it can scare people? Besides, you kid? I really thought I could make a shot if I wanted to..."

Before he finished speaking, the wooden block in Huzi's hand flew out, hitting the landmine impartially.

With a soft sound, the thunder body flew up from the ground, and then exploded in mid-air with a "boom", and the steel ball flew around with a "swish" sound through the air, scaring the recruits all lying on their heads. They didn't dare to raise their heads in the trenches for a long time.

"Okay, Huzi!" Wang Xuexin praised: "There are two hands, and I will reward you with five bullets..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Xuexin let out a "huh", and he found that the comrades transporting food on the road had already formed a battle formation.

Hu Zi leaned over: "Company Commander, I'm right, it really scares people!"

He was about to step forward to speak out, but was pulled back by Wang Xuexin.

"It's not right!" Wang Xuexin took a look through the binoculars, and then ordered: "They may be enemies, get ready to fight!"

Huzi was taken aback by Wang Xuexin's words, and hurriedly passed on the order: "Get ready for battle!"

"Get ready for battle!"


Soon the instructor came up in a hurry and asked, "Company commander, what's the situation?"

Wang Xuexin handed the telescope to the instructor and said, "Look at these people, something is wrong!"

The instructor took the binoculars and looked in the direction indicated by Wang Xuexin.

At this time, those people had already stood up, patting the dust, and one of them shouted towards Wang Xuexin: "Comrade, my own people! Misunderstood!"

The other person's tone was somewhat accusatory, and he shouted in an authentic dialect: "Why can't you just say a word? It seems to scare people, what if there is a fight?"

"There's nothing wrong with it!" The instructor replied, "It's our fault. We will send someone over there to stop the explosion next time..."

"Instructor!" Wang Xuexin interrupted the instructor: "Look at their positions and formations. Is there anyone in our troops who reacts so quickly and uses machine guns as the firepower?"

When the instructor heard it, he also felt a little strange.

This is the squad platoon tactics used by the devils. It is understandable to say that one or two teams of veterans learned the tactics of the devils, but hundreds of people came together like this... Then the quality of this army is not ordinary!

After thinking about it, the instructor said: "Maybe they are comrades from the guard battalion, and they have returned from a mission!"

This barely makes sense. The guard battalion is well equipped and all of them are veterans. It is not impossible to have such a reaction speed and deployment method.

Then the instructor said: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, we can't be suspicious. This direction is the rear of our army. How can there be enemies?"

Wang Xuexin said: "Try it and you will know!"

"How to try?" the instructor asked.

Wang Xuexin did not answer. He first ordered the troops not to shoot and waited for the order.

Then shouted in Japanese: "You bastards, pretending to be us, I will not be fooled by you! Die!"

As he spoke, he raised the rifle and fired a bullet with a "bang".

The bullets whistled and knocked off the hat of a "comrade".

This target was not randomly chosen. He was a strong figure and stood relatively at the back.

This is another thing that Wang Xuexin feels wrong... There are very few such strong soldiers in the Eighth Route Army, and the guard battalion is no exception, but this team has many soldiers.

Koike Ichiro said inwardly that he was not good. The person whose hat was blown off was a member of the Second Independent Mixed Brigade. He did not have the mental quality of the Continental Advancement Team.

They could understand Japanese, so they must have thought they were exposed.

What's more, Koike Ichiro couldn't even stop it, because to stop it, he had to speak Japanese that the mixed brigade could understand, and he had to shout it out loud so that everyone could hear it... and it was tantamount to slapping himself!
The enemy is using this difference in communication!

(End of this chapter)

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