Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 269 Steel Ball Thunder

Chapter 269 Steel Ball Thunder

Wang Xuexin did, as Koike Ichiro thought, using the devil's own communication differences to let the devil show his flaws.

It's actually not that difficult.

Wang Xuexin first assumed that the group of "comrades" in front of him were devils.

On this basis, Wang Xuexin concluded that it is impossible for everyone to speak Chinese... It is not so easy to train members of the Continental Advancement Team, and dozens of them at a time are considered too much.

But there were hundreds of people in the team in front of them.

So Wang Xuexin came to the conclusion: Some of them must not be able to speak Chinese, it should be said that most of them cannot speak Chinese.

That being the case, why not fool the majority of these non-Chinese speakers?

So there was the previous scene, Wang Xuexin shouted in Japanese and then fired a very threatening shot.

Sure enough, the devil was fooled. The devil whose hat was knocked off shrank back and lay down on the ground, shouting, "Damn it, have you been found out?"

Koike Ichiro felt a little helpless, even if he was not found, you would still be found if you yelled in Japanese like this!
In fact, it wasn't just this one. Most of the devils belonging to the Second Independent Mixed Brigade thought they had been discovered.

Now that he was discovered, he didn't need to hide it anymore, so he set up a few machine guns and fired at the enemy as soon as he gave an order.

It was too late for Koike Ichiro to stop it... In fact, it is meaningless to stop it, because it is a mass attack, as long as one person makes too much movement, it will be exposed.

As a result, Koike Ichiro had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​pretending and turned to attack.

The instructor here was also taken aback. He wanted to criticize Wang Xuexin when Wang Xuexin fired a shot. He had already thought out the words: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, how can you point the gun at your own comrade? Even if you have good marksmanship You can't do it like this, what if you hurt someone..."

But before the words were spoken, the bullets on the opposite side "swished" and flew over. Not only that, the devil officer also shouted the devil's words to command.

The instructor was stunned for a long time before he yelled out, he really is a devil.

Then I felt scared for a while.

There are so many devils, and they are still dressed as civilians and can speak Chinese. If they really let them sneak into Lujiagou, then the headquarters and the entire Lujiagou will be ruined!



If it wasn't for Comrade Wang Xuexin's cleverness, there would be a big problem now!
Wang Xuexin didn't think as much as the instructor thought.

He immediately ordered to fight back, and he was secretly glad that the open land in front of him had already been covered with landmines, leaving only a road in the middle as a passage, otherwise the more than 400 elite devils would be more than enough to beat him and others.

But now, the devil might just stare blankly at the other side of the minefield.

The battle situation was indeed as Wang Xuexin thought, Koike Ichiro just started to attack and found that the situation was wrong.

The devil's unit tactics are actually learning from the infantry squad tactics of the West, especially the allies.

To put it simply, each squad is equipped with a light machine gun, which is also called a squad machine gun.

When attacking, the infantry squad first starts with the machine gun as the center. At this time, the infantry in the squad basically determines which ranges and positions are the blind spots of the machine gun that the firepower of the machine gun used by the squad can suppress the enemy.

Then, the infantry charged under the cover of machine gun fire. Their task was to approach the enemy's line of defense within 40 meters and then throw grenades to force the enemy out of the bunker.

Once the enemy is forced out, he will be shot and killed by machine guns and rifles in a large area, and the defense line will be breached.

The Eighth Route Army obviously cannot use this tactic, because their equipment and ammunition are far from reaching the level of one machine gun per squad.

At this time, Koike Ichiro adopted such a tactical attack.

More than a dozen machine guns were deployed in the front, and grenadiers fired one after another in the direction of the enemy, covering their respective squads to charge towards the enemy's position.

Koike Ichiro was lying on a rock, and his telescope immediately pointed to the high ground behind the enemy's line of defense.

To him, the enemy army in front of him was not worth mentioning at all. There were more than 200 people, and the distance was only more than [-] meters. They could be taken by a single charge.

Koike Ichiro had already planned to occupy this high ground immediately after breaking through the enemy's defense line, and then use this high ground as the base camp to launch a strong attack towards Lujiagou.


The devil infantry hadn't rushed forward much before they fell down in pieces amidst explosions.

"Bastard!" Ichiro Koike yelled, "Watch out for steel ball mines!"

(Devils refer to directional mines as steel ball mines)

Koike Ichiro's first judgment was the steel ball mine, because he saw the steel ball shining in the sun, and only the steel ball mine could cause such a large number of casualties. After a few explosions, dozens of imperial soldiers fell down. .

Koike Ichiro was a little dissatisfied with the soldiers of the Second Independent Brigade. Even though they had been taught how to deal with directional mines during training, they still suffered a lot of casualties from it.

After all, it is still an ordinary army. Koike Ichiro hates iron but not steel.

But Koike Ichiro soon found out that he was wrong. One of his subordinates ran over and lay beside him, reporting, "Your Excellency, Major, what our army encountered was not steel ball mines!"

"What is that?" Koichi Ichiro asked back.

"We don't know!" The subordinate swallowed hard, and replied with horror: "That is a new type of landmine from the enemy, and we have never seen it before!"

Koike Ichiro withdrew his gaze and pointed the binoculars at the battlefield. After a while, he realized...that was indeed not a steel ball mine.

To be precise, it is a steel ball mine, but it is another steel ball mine.

It can actually jump up from the ground and explode, and then shoot steel balls in all directions.

Are they still the Eighth Route Army?

There is such a strange weapon!

The point is that it is extremely lethal!

If there are still traces of the previous steel ball mines, then the current steel ball mines are veritable mines.

"Command, clear the mines with grenades!" Koike Ichiro gritted his teeth and ordered.

"Yes!" The subordinate immediately conveyed the order.

But this is not a good way.

The reason is that the killing radius of the jumping mine is 50 meters, while the throwing distance of the devil cantaloupe grenade is only about 40 meters...

In fact, 50 meters is only the killing distance determined by jumping mines, and the steel balls it shoots are still lethal within a range of 70 meters.

This means that the devils have to use their lives to clear the mines.

If you can expel it with your life, that's all. There will always be omissions in grenade clearance. As long as one is missed, the devil's troops will push forward... and then another one will be blown down with a "boom".

Those who were blown down usually didn’t die, their bodies were covered with steel balls and they were in agony, their eyes were blinded, their bodies were penetrated, their fingers were broken, and their genitals were shot... There are all kinds of people who want to stand It is difficult let alone continue to fight.

After a while, the battlefield was full of screaming and writhing devils.

Koike Ichiro's face became very ugly, he looked at the two wings, there were mountains.

It is almost impossible to get around by the flank, and the enemy is ready to fight by then.

After thinking about it, Ichiro Koike ordered in a cold voice: "Continue to attack!"

Koike Ichiro did this to attract the attention of the enemy.

If Yamamoto was good enough, he would have realized that this side was in trouble after hearing the gunshots and explosions.

At that time, as long as Yamamoto sends a small unit to launch a surprise attack from the rear, the enemy can be quickly defeated.

Only in this way, there is still hope of victory in the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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