Chapter 272
When Su Xin heard the gunshots, he realized that it was probably an enemy sneak attack.

This is because of the experience of being attacked by devils last time.

After hesitating for a while, Su Xin ordered to shut down all the machines. She didn't know that the devils already knew the location of the arsenal, and she was worried that the noise of the machines would attract the devils.

The workers gathered together with a "wow", and asked in a hurry:
"Director Su, what's the situation? Why are there gunshots?"

"Is the devil calling?"

"Their target must be the arsenal!"


Su Xin was at a loss for a while, she had never dealt with such a problem before, and she didn't know what to do when she encountered it suddenly.

It would be great if Xiaobei was here, he must know how to deal with it.

But... Little Northeast should be fighting the devils outside now, of course it is impossible to come back at this time.

Su Xin took a deep breath to calm herself down, thinking, what would Xiao Dongbei do if he was here?
He can……

Then Su Xin suppressed the fear in his heart, and comforted him: "Comrades, don't panic! The gunshots came from the rear, and there is Xiaodongbei's troops, and they will not let the devils come over!"

With that said, the tense atmosphere immediately eased a lot.

Su Xin cursed secretly, the name Xiaodongbei can still scare people, will it scare children to cry in a few years?

But of course she wouldn't say this, so she collected herself and then ordered: "Comrades, if the devils really come over, we can't just catch them like this, we should make some preparations!"

"Director Su is right!"

"We are an arsenal with many weapons!"

"That's right, we have to arm ourselves and cooperate with the soldiers to fight devils!"


So the workers moved out the equipment from the factory one by one, those with guns and bullets, and then under the command of Su Xin, they built a simple fortification with obstacles in the cave to prepare for the battle. preparation.

Therefore, when Wang Xuexin led several soldiers into the cave, they were all taken aback.

All of the workers were holding rifles or grenades, and some of them were carrying rocket launchers... Good guy, if you shoot a shot in the hole, wouldn't you be afraid that the tail flame would ignite the ammunition and cause a chain explosion?
"What are you doing?" Wang Xuexin ordered: "Put away your equipment!"

"Wang... Wang Xuexin?" Su Xin shouted in surprise and joy.

She was holding a large [-] cap on the wooden table, and saw a few people rushing in from the smoke, and was hesitating whether to pull the trigger!

Wang Xuexin stepped forward to see that Su Xin turned down the wooden table and used it as a cover. He was angry and funny for a moment. Are you using the devil's submachine gun as a toy?Can't even break through the wooden table?

Without hesitation, Wang Xuexin ordered in an unquestionable tone: "Everyone is there, non-combatants are hiding in the cave, try to move inflammable and explosive items in, and move quickly!"

Su Xin was taken aback by Wang Xuexin's fierce look, as if he had completely changed himself when he started a war.

But after thinking about it, it felt normal. Time was running out on the battlefield, and there was no time to explain anything.

So she hurriedly organized the workers to retreat deep into the cave according to what Wang Xuexin said.

After it was over, Su Xin took two front boxes full of bullets and stuffed them into Wang Xuexin's hands, saying, "Original bullets, be careful!"

Wang Xuexin said "um", and threw the bullet box to Wang Zhisheng next to him.

When the workers were almost evacuated, Wang Xuexin gestured to his subordinates to signal them to disperse and prepare for battle.

Avoiding into caves to fight is actually not a good choice.

The reason is that the cave is considered an "indoor". Although the space is large, it is full of various machines and equipment. The long gun will inevitably bump into it and cannot be used, but the submachine gun in the devil's hand does not have these problems.

What's more serious is that the submachine gun has amazing firepower persistence, but the long range of the rifle cannot be used here, so it is likely to fall into a passive situation.

But this is again impossible.

Wang Xuexin cannot just watch the arsenal being occupied by the enemy and then blown up.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin ordered the soldiers to retreat more than ten meters.

The reason for doing this is because Wang Xuexin can imagine what tactics the enemy will use to attack the cave.

First there will be a row of grenades, and then there will be a submachine gun with high firepower output rushing in.

If the fighters were too close to the hole, the first wave would be knocked out by grenades.

Sure enough, in the next second, there was a sound of grenades hitting stones outside the cave, and then several grenades with green smoke were thrown in.

"Lie down!" Wang Xuexin yelled anxiously as soon as he arrived, when he heard a loud "boom".

Wang Xuexin found that he had still underestimated the power of the grenade exploding indoors after all. Its lethality was not only the shock wave, nor the shrapnel, but also the sound of being enclosed in the room.

At that moment, Wang Xuexin clearly felt the eardrums being squeezed in violently, and then he couldn't hear anything, and his reaction became dull.

On the other side, a few devils rushed into the entrance of the cave and shot wildly into the cave.

The bullets hit the rocks around Wang Xuexin one after another, and the fragments from the bursts hurt his face.

At that moment, Wang Xuexin and the soldiers almost lost the ability to resist. One soldier stood up reluctantly and wanted to fight back with his gun, but was immediately beaten with holes all over his body.

This is helplessness that cannot be changed. It is difficult for a rifle to compete with a submachine gun at close range.

Wang Xuexin didn't think too much, he ignited two grenades one after another and threw them out...

Since the grenade has such power indoors, it should be shared with everyone.

There were two muffled "boom booms", and the bullets were indeed reduced a lot.

Then Wang Xuexin took out the box cannon on his waist, jumped up and shot out a shuttle with a "bah bang".

The horizontal grip was used, and several devils who hadn't reacted were knocked to the ground on the spot.

"Retreat!" Wang Xuexin gave an order, leading the soldiers to retreat deep into the cave.

The enemy's firepower is too strong, Wang Xuexin hopes to use the corner of the cave to resist the firepower.

But this is obviously not a long-term solution.

Because it is not difficult to imagine, the devils will attack with a wave of grenades and submachine guns next.

The cave is only more than [-] meters deep, and there is no other exit. If you keep retreating like this, you will be cornered in a short time.

The actual situation was more serious than Wang Xuexin thought, because the cave only had two corners. When Wang Xuexin and others retreated to the second corner, they found that it was already full of people, including Su Xin.

When they saw Wang Xuexin and others retreating here, they seemed to realize something, and they all looked at the blood-soaked soldiers with horror on their faces.

So Wang Xuexin knew that there was no way for them to retreat.

 Regarding the question of whether the submachine gun can penetrate the wooden table in this chapter, you can look at it this way: it has become a joke that the devil's Nanfang [-] pistol cannot penetrate the door panel.

  If other pistol bullets can't pierce the door panel, or even the wooden table, can the Southern Fourteen pistol still be a joke?
  If these are just guesses, then we will use the data to speak: the muzzle velocity of the Sanba Dagai bullet is 700 m/S, the Mp38 bullet is 380 m/S, and the Nanfang Fourteen pistol is 310 m/S.

  The above data are approximate data, there is no exact investigation.

  What the soldiers want to say is whether the power of the bullet and whether the range is online is related to the speed of the bullet. The bullet is higher than the speed of sound, and the flight is very stable, so the accuracy is high and the power is high. Once the bullet is lower than the speed of sound, it may roll irregularly and be affected. Increased air resistance.

  The speed of sound is 340 m/s. If we divide the initial velocity above by this speed, it becomes very clear: the power of Nanfang 38 is small and the accuracy is poor, because it is lower than the speed of sound as soon as it comes out of the chamber, and its power weakens sharply.This is not the case with Mp[-], its power within the range is not weak at all, it is impossible to hit the wooden table at close range
(End of this chapter)

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