Chapter 273
Wang Xuexin was a little helpless. He had no objection and could not object to the workers charging with guns or even grenades.

Anyway, they are all dead, why not fight hard?
Wang Xuexin even considered a tactic, where everyone rushed out together to consume the enemy's ammunition, so that they might be able to catch the devils by surprise and have a chance of survival.

But the hope is very small, because the enemy is a well-trained agent, they are unlikely to lose their position in front of the wave of people, it is more likely that they will alternate fire to maintain a stable and continuous fire output, and add a few grenades ...

Therefore, this can only be said to be the last option.

And it seems that time has come.

Wang Xuexin fired a few bullets and knocked down the two devils who rushed up, and looked back at Su Xin while changing the magazine.

Su Xin understood Wang Xuexin's eyes, grabbed something and shouted in a trembling but firm voice: "Comrades, fight with the devil!"

"Yes, I fought with the devil!"


The workers also took up arms one after another.

After throwing out the grenade, Wang Xuexin turned around and saw that Su Xin was holding a landmine in his hand, and it was a jumping mine, so he almost lost his breath.

You should get something decent to fight with the devils, holding a jumping mine, wouldn't it blow you up with yourself?
Wait a minute……


steel balls!

Without thinking too much, Wang Xuexin snatched the jumping mine from Su Xin's hand, pulled the safety guard and threw it towards the other side of the corner.

With a "boom", there was a scream from the other side of the corner, and there were many "keke" sounds made by steel balls hitting the rock wall.

"Thunder jump!" Wang Xuexin yelled, "Explode with a jump mine!"

After shouting like this, the soldiers all understood, and each of them took the jump mine from the workers, opened the insurance and threw it out.

There is a problem with throwing grenades at each other in the cave:
The top of the cave is only about three meters high, and some places are lower, and there are rocks protruding.

This makes it impossible to throw a grenade as high as the open field in the wild and throw a parabola for tens of meters... There is only one result of doing this in the cave, and that is that the grenade hits the roof of the cave and bounces back to blow itself up.

Therefore, there is only one way to fire grenades in caves, and that is to lightly throw them from bottom to top, and the throwing distance is usually only a dozen meters or even closer.

This is also the reason why the devil has to approach the corner, at least a dozen meters before he can throw a grenade.

The danger for Wang Xuexin and others is that as long as a grenade is successfully thrown over, it is very likely that they will not be able to stop the devil's charge and they will be defeated like a mountain.

This is a matter of time, because there is always a thin secret, and there is no way to prevent it from being airtight.

But it's different if you use the jump mine as a grenade.

First of all, throw the mine body towards the enemy. When the mine jump is triggered, it will "jump" towards the enemy, so the throwing distance is several meters farther than the devil.

This is secondary. The key point is that the steel balls were blasted by the jumping mines, more than 300 steel balls fired from all angles.

These steel balls will continue to rebound when they hit the hard rock wall, and they still have considerable lethality after rebounding.

So every time a thunderbolt is thrown, hundreds of steel balls will make a "keke" collision sound, rushing along the cave towards the devil like a tide.

The devils who were exposed were hardly immune.

In fact, devils hiding behind obstacles will also be hit, because the steel ball bounces on the irregular rock wall, and it may bounce back from any angle to kill the target behind the obstacle.

As a result, the battle situation was reversed immediately after Jumping Thunder took the stage.

The soldiers threw the jumping mines one after another, hitting the devils on the other side of the corner screaming.

They didn't even have a chance to fight back...

Grenades out of reach.

The submachine gun hits in a straight line and cannot hit the enemy on the other side of the corner.

So only Dongzang XZ was beaten passively.

After blasting for a while, Wang Xuexin saw that the time was almost up, so he gave the soldiers a gesture of preparation.

The soldiers understood, raised their rifles and got ready, and then rushed out with a "thump" after throwing another mine.

Wang Xuexin rushed behind.

It's not that he uses the soldiers as a cover, but that the soldiers are full of rifles, and he has a box cannon, and he wants to fill the gap in firepower after the soldiers have fired a wave of bullets.

"Bang bang" after a burst of gunshots, as expected, two surviving devils stood up with submachine guns in their hands, one on the left and the other on the right.

Wang Xuexin had to admit that this team of devils cooperated very well.

Standing up one left and one right, due to the distance gap between them, it is almost impossible for Wang Xuexin to kill both of them at the same time.

And as long as one person survives, the submachine gun in his hand will be fired, which will obviously be a disaster for the soldiers who just rushed out of the corner without any concealment.

Without hesitation, Wang Xuexin raised his hand and shot down a devil on the right with a "ba" shot.

The devil's submachine gun on the left rang "da da da", but surprisingly, there were no bullets flying across.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that a soldier rushed up and blocked the devil's shooting angle with his chest to buy Wang Xuexin some time.

This is a kind of trust, a tacit understanding, and a life-and-death relationship.

The devil pushed away the soldier's body in a panic and wanted to continue shooting, but it was too late, Wang Xuexin's box cannon had already reached his head and he pulled the trigger without hesitation...

With a sound of "beep", the devil fell to the ground with his head raised.

The power of the box cannon is not enough to penetrate the two layers of the skull, so Wang Xuexin did not see the bloody arrow that flew out.

But this does not mean that the damage it causes is small, the bullet will stay and roll in the head, and there is nothing to see on the outside, but the inside has been stirred into a paste.

Wang Xuexin didn't stop, and while rushing forward, he raised his gun and shot towards the corner ahead. The devil who just came out and wanted to throw a grenade was knocked down on the spot.

Taking advantage of the timing when the grenade exploded on the spot, Wang Xuexin hid behind the machine and squatted down to collect his gun and prepared a jumping mine.

Immediately after the explosion, Wang Xuexin rushed out and threw the jumping mine to the other side of the corner...

Before the mine exploded, Wang Xuexin clearly heard the devil's desperate cry.

They may not have regretted setting foot on this land until this moment, regretting participating in this war.

But it's too late.

After the explosion of "Boom", the devils fell down in a large area, and the soldiers rushed up one after another to fill the guns at the wailing devils on the ground.

Kazuki Yamamoto is commanding troops outside the cave to attack several caves.

He is very confident in this fight.

This confidence comes not only from the quality of the secret service team, but also from the advantages in equipment.

He believed that no one could withstand the impact of a submachine gun and a grenade.

Therefore, all he has to do is to wait for the moment when the battle is won, and set up explosives to detonate the arsenal.


Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something thrown from the hole on the right, and Kazuki Yamamoto turned over and rolled down the slope like a conditioned reflex.

Then there was a "boom", and there were flying steel balls and screams everywhere!
(End of this chapter)

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