Chapter 293

Next, the chief made arrangements according to Wang Xuexin's suggestion.

Propaganda is the responsibility of the Chief of Staff.

This will take a certain amount of time, because it is necessary to contact intelligence personnel and patriots from all over the country to prepare, and to launch a public opinion offensive at the same time after receiving the news can achieve better results.

Therefore, it is necessary to contact each city layer by layer.

The chief is responsible for combat issues.

The first step he took was to disperse normal students like Xie Baolin to various units to conduct comprehensive teaching and training for the army.

The chief believes that nothing is more important than standardizing combat formations and tactics at this time, especially before a major war comes.

After the meeting, Li Yunlong complained in a low voice: "I thought I could make a profit, but I didn't expect the cooked duck to fly like this!"

Then he put on the appearance of a creditor and said to Wang Xuexin coquettishly: "I said Xiaobei, this is your idea, saying that you will go out one company and come back one can figure it out, but you didn't come back One battalion, don't you fucking come back!"

"Captain! You can't blame me for this..."

"Don't talk about these messy things!" Li Yunlong interrupted Wang Xuexin: "You said the words, so people have to bring them back to me, and I don't care about the rest!"

Wang Xuexin:  …

If you don't dare to ask the chief to ask for it, you can vent your anger on others!
When the monk left, he asked a lot: "Commander, others are robbing Xiaodongbei, why don't you let him return to the army? What if he really doesn't come back?"

Li Yunlong "fucked": "He dares! He is also a soldier of the Independent Regiment. If his elbows go out and he can't come back, I will never end with him!"

So the monk understood that Li Yunlong was the king of Hades who opened a casino, winning or losing is a ghost.

After sending Li Yunlong away, Wang Xuexin went back to his dormitory.

The dormitory is the comfortable hut arranged by Zhang Wanhe in the village before, because Wang Xuexin would come back to live in it from time to time, so he kept it all the time.

Lying on the warm kang head, Wang Xuexin began to worry.

Of course he wasn't thinking about the problem of a battalion that Li Yunlong said.

It's just a battalion, what a big deal!

With Wang Xuexin's current reputation, he only needs to call out that the Seventh Company is short of soldiers, and the recruits are not crowded here one by one?
This bullshit made even Wang Xuexin blush a little.

But this is really a trivial thing.

What made Wang Xuexin difficult at this time was how to fight a beautiful battle.

Fighting a good battle can occupy the commanding heights of public opinion.

Occupying the commanding heights of public opinion can mobilize the masses and force the recalcitrant army to fail to sign the understanding.

If the stubborn army can't sign the understanding, Yingjiang's so-called mediation will go bankrupt.

So the embargo continued, and the devils still had only one way... to attack Pearl Harbor.

To sum up, it is Wang Xuexin who wants to use this to flap the butterfly's wings and pull the devil back to the "right path".

However, fighting a good fight is not so easy.

As the chief said: "This battle may not be big, but it must be fought well! It is best to win the next battle cleanly with a large casualty ratio and a large advantage, so as to achieve better publicity effects!"

The Chief is right.

The purpose of this battle is propaganda, and the target of propaganda is the vast majority of ordinary people who know nothing about war.

The so-called "experts look at the way and laymen watch the excitement", the common people are not concerned about the comprehensive comparison of the forces of the enemy and ourselves, nor the overall situation, let alone strategies and tactics.

Their focus is very simple, that is, whether the casualties of the enemy and the enemy are more or less than before and the land occupied.

Therefore, a small-to-medium-scale victory with a large casualty ratio can actually have a better publicity effect.

Because the people will take it for granted: "If other battles can be fought like this, with such a casualty ratio, won't it be just around the corner to drive the devils out of our country?"

But the chief of staff poured cold water on everyone at this time: "Since our army broke through the blockade and carried out a major traffic attack last time, the devils have increased the strength and firepower of the blockade and changed their tactics. They put the regular division The regiment and artillery units are deployed behind the blockade line, and once a certain artillery building is attacked, they will immediately get reinforcements from the infantry artillery! It is not easy to win a battle with a large casualty ratio!"

Wang Xuexin has also heard about this.

This is mainly because the devils found that the gun towers on the blockade were becoming less and less useful.

Before, a gun tower was like a stronghold, and the poorly equipped Eighth Route Army was stunned.

But now, the Eighth Route Army has ghost cannons and bazookas in their hands, and the gun towers have become like "coffins".

The number of ghost cannons is still relatively small, with an average of more than one or two months before one can be released.

But the number of rocket launchers is too large, and each regiment of troops distributed on the front line has more than a dozen of them.

Then in the dark night, the bazooka shooter approached the gun tower quietly, and with a "chirp", knocked a hole in the gun tower with a rocket, and other soldiers threw grenades into the hole one after another.

The devils and puppet soldiers hiding in the gun towers have nothing to do.

Strengthen your vigilance, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, and there is no way to prevent the enemy from approaching the gun tower.

Go out and will be the target of the enemy in no time.

The gun tower is used to protect the devils. If the gun tower becomes an object of protection that requires the devil to sacrifice his life, then there is no meaning for its existence.

The devil's countermeasure is to greatly reduce the number of soldiers in the gun towers, and only a dozen puppet troops are arranged in each gun tower.

The main force of the devils was placed behind the gun tower and the artillery was strengthened.

The tactic worked.

The front of the gun tower actually became a warning point. Once the Eighth Route Army opened fire, the position was exposed... There was a long trail when the bazooka was fired, and the shooter's position could be clearly identified even in the dark.

And because the rocket launcher has a short range, it is often close to the gun tower when it is launched.

The devils behind the gun tower immediately contacted the artillery by telephone, and guided the artillery to bomb the target position. Those who were closer could use grenades and mortars to fight back.

This prevented the Eighth Route Army from progressing along the blockade.

Although the bazooka is a sharp weapon against gun towers, it also has the disadvantages of insufficient range and poor accuracy. It is easy to be suppressed by the enemy's long-range artillery or even by grenades.

Under such circumstances, how can they fight a big victory that can be used for propaganda against the devils whose quality is higher than that of the Eighth Route Army?

After a heated discussion at the meeting, there was no result in the end, so Wang Xuexin could only bring this question.

Not enough range?

Suppress enemy artillery?

Is it stunning enough to attract attention?
Then Wang Xuexin thought of a solution.

He quickly got up from the kang and decided to talk to Zhang Wanhe.

(End of this chapter)

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