Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 294 Rocket Artillery

Chapter 294 Rocket Artillery

Wang Xuexin found Zhang Wanhe at the shooting range.

There was heavy snow like goose feathers in the sky again, and the whole world was covered with a layer of white as if it had changed.

If it weren't for the thin cotton coat, Wang Xuexin would prefer this weather, because it can cover up the bloodstains left by the devils, making it look more peaceful, quiet and safe.

The shooting range is in the north of the village, and it is a shooting range set up by the guard battalion for training.

When Wang Xuexin arrived stepping on the snow one by one, Zhang Wanhe was leading several soldiers to test the bullets produced by the production line in the snow.

With the sound of gunshots, the snow fell from the trees, and a small red flag protruded from under the target 200 meters away, waving the target.

When Zhang Wanhe saw Wang Xuexin coming, he got up and stomped his feet while waving excitedly: "Little Northeast, come here, try a few shots to open our eyes!"

Seeing Wang Xuexin coming up, the soldiers who tested the guns got up one after another and said:
"Comrade Wang Xuexin, how many shots should you shoot?"

"I heard that you are a famous sharpshooter, take a few shots and let us learn!"


Because Wang Xuexin was pretending to be serious, and because he was shooting the original bullets and the soldiers were shooting the iron warhead bullets just produced by the production line, he tactfully refused.

Shooting this thing takes a feel.

For example, Wang Xuexin knows his rifle very well, and he also knows the original bullets very well. The moment he raises the rifle and pulls the trigger at the target, Wang Xuexin probably knows whether he can hit or miss by a few points.

But now, let him shoot the gun with almost smooth rifling in the hands of the soldiers, and the bullet is still made of iron with a black powder charge... Even if Wang Xuexin is a god, he can't shoot it!
It's fine if you can't hit it right, and you will lose some face.

Wang Xuexin was worried that after firing a few bullets, it would affect his mentality and feeling, and it would not be accurate to shoot his own gun.

This is no joke, it could cost itself a life on the battlefield.

Seeing Wang Xuexin's preoccupied appearance, Zhang Wanhe knew something was up.

So he ordered the soldiers to continue shooting, and invited Wang Xuexin to the office.

On the way, Zhang Wanhe said excitedly: "The bullets produced by the bullet machine can work, and the range has been increased by about 80 meters. Now we can hit targets more than 200 meters away! I think we can move the bullet machine back in two days. Lest you have long nights and dreams!"

"Success!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Director Su and the others have almost learned it, so it's good to move here!"

As soon as he entered the office, Wang Xuexin poured a thermos bottle and handed it to Zhang Wanhe, who was about to freeze, and said, "Director, our arsenal factory has moved to the mountain, and you should have the entire kang!"

"No hurry!" Zhang Wanhe replied, "I've been busy with so many things these days, not to mention I have this thing?"

As he spoke, Zhang Wanhe raised the thermos bottle in his hand, and said, "My old bones can hold up well, and this one will do the trick!"

As he said that, he couldn't help shivering, and he hugged the thermos bottle tightly while taking a breath.

Wang Xuexin looked at it and shook his head secretly. A head of the logistics department didn't even have time to install a kang, which was incredible.

After a while, Zhang Wanhe regained his strength and asked, "Comrade Wang Xuexin! What do you need from me?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Director, I was thinking, can we make the rocket bigger so that it can hit farther!"

"You are thinking about it with me!" Zhang Wanhe nodded with a smile: "We had a meeting to discuss this issue before. Let's think, since the rocket propellant is simple and cheap, why can't we fix it?" How about using it as a shell? The output of our ghost cannon is too small, and the range is not ideal, so we need to find something to make up for it!"

Wang Xuexin nodded again and again, unexpectedly Zhang Wan and the others thought of the previous one.

However, Zhang Wanhe changed the subject and said: "But the truth is, the rocket is not accurate after more than 100 meters! Even if it has a long range, what can it do?"

So Wang Xuexin understood that the rocket launcher was not something that no one could think of, but that many people thought of it but were rejected as soon as it matched its accuracy.

The same is true for Zhang Wanhe and others.

Wang Xuexin replied: "Director, although this rocket launcher may not be accurate, we can use quantity to make up for this defect!"

Zhang Wanhe was taken aback: "Quantity? What do you mean?"

Wang Xuexin didn't explain much. He took the paper and pen on the desk, and while drawing the dense tubes on the upper and lower layers, he explained: "Director, think about it, if we shoot sixteen rockets to hit One target, how about we hit sixteen in one go?"

It was better to use probability to explain this thing, but Wang Xuexin guessed that Zhang Wanhe could not understand, so he used this method to explain it.

After a while, Wang Xuexin finished drawing the row of pipes, and handed it to Zhang Wanhe.

Zhang Wanhe looked at the picture and didn't have much reaction. He just said "hmm", and then replied earnestly: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, I can understand what you mean. If you shoot sixteen rockets together, can you do it?" Was it accurate? But we are the Eighth Route Army, we don’t have so many resources, and it’s not worthwhile to use so many shells to hit one target!”

"So our artillery is not used to hit one target!" Wang Xuexin said: "For example, if the enemy gathers in a pile, or finds an artillery position of the enemy...then our sixteen shells fly out together to cover the enemy. One area hits one enemy! Then the hit rate will be different!"

As a result, Zhang Wanhe showed a cautious look on his face.

Zhang Wanhe is a veteran military engineer, and he was also a veteran military engineer who had worked in the Taiyuan Arsenal. He knew exactly what Wang Xuexin meant by this.

Artillery may be able to shoot accurately at a target, but it doesn't make much sense when faced with targets congregated in an area.

Because at that time, as long as you shoot a cannon at a general area, you can hit the target with a high probability.

At this time, more quantity is required than accuracy, which is the so-called artillery coverage.

The cannon that Xiaodongbei mentioned is made of rockets. It does not play precision shooting but plays artillery coverage.

In this way, the problem of poor rocket accuracy almost disappears, because at this time, everyone does not require accuracy but quantity.

And in numbers...

One such multiple rocket launcher is equivalent to a salvo of sixteen artillery pieces!
The more Zhang Wanhe thought about it, the more surprised he became.

I thought, this is so fucking interesting.

How many people control the sixteen cannons?
How much logistics transportation?
How much time and resources will it take to produce artillery and shells?
Also have to train artillery or something.

But Xiaodongdong’s whole thing, all the fucking things are gone, just install the rocket and press a button to power on...

This might seem like a waste of money, but it's actually the cheapest way to play.

"But..." Then Zhang Wanhe frowned and said, "I'm afraid this thing is not light, right? Can it maneuver quickly to avoid the enemy's artillery fire?"

Wang Xuexin replied in seconds: "Can't we fix it on the car?"

 About the bazooka in this chapter.

  After reading the comments, it is said that it needs an industrial base, air supremacy, roads and so on.

  Let me talk about the conclusion first. The rocket launcher is a weapon equipped on a large scale by the Volunteer Army. Does the Volunteer Army have these things?
  First of all, let’s talk about the industrial foundation. The industrial foundation refers to the production of cars, which are technically difficult things. If you just use the seized cars to do some simple maintenance, you don’t need an industrial foundation, right?
  Then talk about the combat method of the rocket launcher...

  This thing is usually hidden in a cave. When it is time to launch, it will be driven out to the preset position and quickly launched in a few minutes. After causing a lot of casualties to the enemy, it will hide back...

  Does this require air supremacy?
  Its speed is so fast that the plane has no time to react.

  As for roads and positions, there was a lot of time before the war to slowly repair them.

  And no one is going to put rockets on the road during the day and wait for enemy planes to blow them up

(End of this chapter)

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