Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 403 Springfield Rifle

Chapter 403 Springfield Rifle
The Eighth Route Army actually had a radio station.

The sources of radio stations are partly captured from the battlefield, partly purchased from puppet and recalcitrant troops, and partly self-made.

It’s really not easy to make this part by hand. The military workers use copper coins to make capacitor chips, dissolve and cast variable capacitor shafts, hand-cut knobs with ox horns, and make dials with duli wood...

However, the power of these stations is small and the transmission distance is insufficient, and the signal is not stable. If you want to contact Shanghai, which is more than 1000 kilometers away, you really need an American station.

Because it is in the daytime, it can only send communication... Although the short-wave transmission distance is long, thousands or even tens of thousands of kilometers, but because it relies on the ionosphere of the sky for transmission, there are shortcomings such as delays in sending and receiving, signal weakening and distortion.

Especially during the day, the ionosphere is disturbed by solar radiation, making it difficult to receive accurate voice signals.

So what Wang Xuexin got was the telegram translated by the radio soldiers.

The telegram was very brief: "Wang, I convinced them and they agreed to the deal, but they are only willing to pay $100 million! I think you should think carefully, after all, this is not a great technology!"

There was a burst of cheers in the headquarters in an instant, 100 million US dollars is not a lot, it is better than nothing!
And they also agree with Sun Erwei's statement that this is really not a great technology.

However, just when everyone thought that Wang Xuexin would agree, Wang Xuexin just said to the correspondent: "Call back: Goodbye, Sun Erwei, there will be no deal!"

Everyone couldn't help being shocked, and all focused their eyes on Wang Xuexin, and couldn't believe that Wang Xuexin refused.

Zhao Gang hurried forward to stop the correspondent, but in fact the correspondent didn't intend to send it, he thought Xiao Dongbei was crazy.

Zhao Gang turned his head and asked Wang Xuexin: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, should we reconsider? This is 100 million US dollars!"

Zhao Gang may have a firm political stance and may have ink in his stomach, but he is not good at negotiating prices in business.

In particular, Zhao Gang has not really realized the value of this viscous gasoline.

Not to mention that Mao Xiong is also one of the potential competitors, so Eagle Sauce has no bargaining chips at all.

"Political commissar!" Wang Xuexin said: "Don't worry, 500 million, not a penny less!"

It doesn't work if you sell too much, because as long as Yingjiang estimates that about 500 million can be developed, you won't want to buy it if you call it Gaoli.

Zhao Gang was still a little hesitant, Li Yunlong raised his head from the side, and persuaded: "Old Zhao, let's not interfere in this matter, Xiao Dongbei can handle it!"

Zhao Gang hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth, nodded and ordered: "Send!"

So the telegram was sent out word for word.

Sure enough, Sun Erwei became anxious: "Wait, Wang, we can discuss it! How about 200 million? I can only do this!"

Wang Xuexin ignored it and didn't answer a word.

"300 million!" Sun Erwei added: "No more! If this price is still unacceptable, there is nothing I can do!"

Wang Xuexin still ignored it.

The waiting time was longer this time, a full 8 minutes.

At this time, everyone thought that the deal had fallen through.

However, at this moment, the telegram sent a sentence: "Okay, you won, 500 million! How do you want to pay?"

The headquarters cheered again, and even several correspondents embraced excitedly.

Li Yunlong cursed inwardly, damn it, this thing can really sell for 500 million US dollars!

Zhao Gang felt lucky for a while... Fortunately, he didn't sell 100 million yuan, otherwise he would have lost 400 million yuan!
Thinking of this, Zhao Gang couldn't help but wipe off his sweat. He never thought that the deal would be sold for 500 million in the end.

However, Wang Xuexin was still not satisfied.

"I said, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin called back: "Don't bargain with me, if you do this, you will have to pay the price! Now, I need you to bear the shipping cost, agree? I think Mao Xiong is willing to do this !"

When Sun Erwei thought about it, he felt the same.

Mao Xiong's land borders China. It is not difficult to transport supplies from Mao Xiong to China. Free shipping is not a big deal for Mao Xiong.

So from the perspective of the Eighth Route Army, if you want to add a lot of shipping costs, selling eagle sauce is not as good as selling Maoxiong.

So, after a while, Wang Xuexin received a call back: "I have to know what supplies are being delivered first!"

Wang Xuexin had already thought about the answer: "Springfield rifle production line, bullet production line, plus [-] Springfield rifles, each rifle is equipped with [-] rounds of ammunition, you give me a quotation!"

Usually rifles are sold with [-] rounds of ammunition. Wang Xuexin bought less because the Eighth Route Army was saving ammunition.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang nodded again and again.

What the Eighth Route Army lacks most now is actually a rifle.

In the final analysis, this is still the fault of the recalcitrant army... The condition for the recalcitrant army to agree to cooperate in the war of resistance is that the Eighth Route Army is within its unified organization.

Since the Eighth Route Army is within the ranks of the stubborn army, all contact with the Eighth Route Army from the outside world must go through the stubborn army.

For example, Sun Erwei's visit to the Eighth Route Army requires the consent of the stubborn army, and Mao Xiong and Yingjiang's aid must first go to the stubborn army, and then distributed to the Eighth Route Army.

The same applies to donations from overseas Chinese, whether they are donated to the stubborn army or the Eighth Route Army, they are all donated to the stubborn army.

But the recalcitrant army withheld everything. Before, they paid some salaries and some equipment, but now they don’t even pay military salaries, and they plunder and blockade them... This is too ugly.

Later, it was said that the recalcitrant army also protested to Sun Erwei, saying that according to the agreement, Yingjiang could not directly provide assistance to the Eighth Route Army.

Sun Erwei replied like this: "First of all, you did not pay the Eighth Route Army according to the agreement and distribute the equipment. Of course, you have no right to accuse others of not complying with the agreement! Secondly, this is not aid, but a transaction. Understand? The Eighth Route Army has what we need things, and you don't! You have no right to interfere with our transactions!"

These words made the stubborn army have nothing to say and could only give up.

Sun Erwei's eyes lit up when he received Wang Xuexin's telegram.

Springfield rifle?

For them, this thing has been eliminated. It was originally used to assist other countries to enhance their international reputation and influence, but now it can be used to pay off debts?
Why not?
What's more, if the prices of these things are raised, wouldn't that be a win-win situation?

So Sun Erwei asked: "Is it okay to use a second-hand rifle?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied: "But at least [-]% of the gun must be new and in good condition, and the price will be discounted according to the degree of newness!"

Sun Erwei quickly made an offer:
Rifle production lines are $100 each.

Each bullet production line is $70.

Brand new rifles at eighty dollars each.

Used rifles were fifty dollars each.

One hundred dollars per thousand rounds of bullets...

"I'll go!" Wang Xuexin scolded, "Do you think I'm a pig?"

(End of this chapter)

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