Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 404 Production Line

Chapter 404 Production Line

Without hesitation, Wang Xuexin immediately sent another offer to Sun Erwei:
Rifle production lines are $75 each.

Each bullet production line is $32.

$45 for a brand new rifle with [-] rounds of ammunition.

Used rifles with 31 rounds of ammunition for $[-] each.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were so shocked by this offer that they couldn't speak. Good guy, this foreign devil not only sold the bullets and rifles separately, but also made them several times more expensive.

A price difference of tens of dollars doesn't seem like much, but if you count [-] pieces, the total price difference is millions of dollars, which is so fucking black!

What they didn't know was that Sun Erwei looked at the quotation on the other end and threw the telegram fiercely, cursing angrily: "Fuck it, how did he know these prices?"

It turned out that Wang Xuexin's quotation was basically in line with the military's quotation, and the guns and ammunition were even in single digits.

Wang Xuexin is secretly proud, he wants to know the price is not easy?

As soon as the system is opened, you will know everything. Speaking of which, it is quite convenient to use this thing for business. The point is that checking the price is free.

In this way, there is no need to go to great lengths to guess or do any intelligence.

A slightly frustrated Sun Erwei calculated the total price and replied: "The current total price is about 190 million. I think you can buy more production lines or more equipment."

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin replied without thinking, "I can buy four more production lines."

Sun Erwei laughed happily at the other end: "I caught you!"

In Sun Erwei's mind, the Springfield rifle is a kind of rifle that is about to be eliminated. This rifle will be discontinued. Of course, the production line is worthless, because no one is willing to produce such backward things, not to mention there are so many existing guns on the market.

So, if you don't sell it now, when will you wait?

On Wang Xuexin's side, Zhao Gang felt a little strange seeing him ordering five rifle production lines in one go, and asked, "Xiao Dongbei, to buy so many rifle production lines... Are there enough bullets? Is there enough steel?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Political commissar, if we don't have enough bullets, we can still buy more. The production of guns must keep up first. There are still so many people in our army without guns!"

Li Yunlong agreed with this: "If we don't have enough bullets, we can share them. If there is not enough steel, we can scrape the rails. It is better to have a gun than no gun... If it doesn't work, we can use a bayonet!"

That's what it says.

Although both guns and bullets are important, the Eighth Route Army has long been used to the days of ten bullets per capita.

At this time, Wang Xuexin bought 1000 million rounds of ammunition from Sun Erwei in one breath. Even if each of the 40 people in the Eighth Route Army had a Springfield rifle in their hands, the average per capita would be 25 rounds of ammunition.

With the Eighth Route Army's method of fighting while paying and saving ammunition, there is also a bullet production line in may be able to support it.

In fact, Wang Xuexin has another consideration for buying in this way:

Sun Erwei didn't understand the situation at all. He thought that the Springfield rifle was going to be phased out, so the production line was worthless, so he wanted to sell it cheap now.

Who knows that a few months later, when the devils attacked Pearl Harbor and pulled Ying Jiang into the war, Ying Jiang suddenly discovered that the output of the M1 Garand rifle could not keep up, and the troops had to equip a large number of Springfields, so the production line had to be restarted and kept on. It will continue until the end of World War will not be the price if you want to buy a production line at that time.

Soon, Sun Erwei replied: "No problem, there is one hundred thousand dollars left! Will all be replaced by bullets?"

"No, Sun Erwei." Wang Xuexin replied: "Save it for me, but I hope you can open an account in a third country, which will facilitate our future transactions!"

Sun Erwei on the other side laughed loudly: "These dirt roads are just lucky enough to find a useful combustion agent, and they actually think that there will be business in the future."

But of course Sun Erwei would not say that, he replied: "No problem, I can open an account in a Swiss bank for you and deposit the money in it!"

This is not difficult for Sun Erwei, he only needs to contact the Swiss intelligence personnel to do it... The Swiss bank does not ask the source of the money, and does not allow others to check the account, it can be said that it is for all kinds of ill-gotten gains Provide convenience and black-box transactions.

Even Li Yunlong couldn't understand it now.

"Little Northeast!" Li Yunlong said: "This one hundred thousand dollars can buy millions of rounds of ammunition, right? We are short of ammunition here, and you still save... What kind of bank? Is it reliable?"

"Regiment commander!" Wang Xuexin replied: "That's what I was thinking about. We overseas compatriots donated money and materials in various ways to support our war of resistance. Mao didn't see it, did he?"

Zhao Gang said "Oh" and nodded again and again: "Let's open an account in a Swiss bank, and then contact overseas comrades to carry out some necessary publicity, so that at least part of the funds can be raised!"

"That's right, that's what I think!" Wang Xuexin replied: "If there is money in this account, we can immediately buy equipment and bullets from Sun Erwei, wouldn't that be much more convenient?"

Li Yunlong rubbed his head and said: "This means that the money donated to us will no longer be corrupted by the gang of prodigal sons of the stubborn army?"

As he said that, he smiled and nodded at Wang Xuexin: "I can't tell, Xiaobei! Still have this knowledge?"

Zhao Gang said with a smile: "If everyone is like you, the leader, who only thinks about fighting and eating meat all day long, how can there be such a big deal!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Yunlong nodded, but turned around and said, "But I said Lao Zhao, this is also the soldier I brought out by Li Yunlong, right? You can go to other troops to search, if you can find a second little soldier Come from the northeast... I, Li Yunlong, have your surname!"

"A full stomach!" Zhao Gang shook his head.

However, Zhao Gang didn't care about Li Yunlong, and immediately reported the good news to the headquarters.

This time it was the chief who answered the call in person... The reason was that he couldn't wait to know the result, and couldn't wait for the chief of staff to change hands.

But even though the chief had seen strong winds and waves, he was still too shocked to speak when he heard Zhao Gang's report.

"What? What did you say?" The chief asked incredulously, "Say it again!"

"Boss!" Zhao Gang replied happily: "The transaction is completed. Comrade Wang Xuexin exchanged 500 million US dollars for five rifle production lines, one bullet production line, and another 1000 rifles and [-] million rounds of ammunition!"

This time the chief confirmed that he heard correctly. He nodded after a while and said, "Okay, very good! By the way, what is a rifle?"

"Citigroup is official!" Zhao Gang replied.

Because the Spring Field rifle is an imitation of the Mauser rifle (in fact, it was a copycat, and the defendant had to pay a huge amount of patent fees, but escaped because of Germany's defeat in World War I), Huaxia also called Yingjiang "Citigroup" , So the Springfield rifle was called "Citigroup's official".

(Note: Citi is called Citi because there are many stars, stripes and red, blue and white colors on the eagle sauce flag, which looks more fancy)
Knowing that this is a good gun, the chief ordered excitedly: "Continue to follow up on this transaction, and make every effort to prepare! Make sure that the equipment and equipment arrive safely!"

(End of this chapter)

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