Chapter 406 Six Branch Factory

The next day, Zhang Wanhe took Su Xin and several veteran military workers to the three stores for a meeting.

The reason why Zhang Wanhe took people to Sanjiadian this time instead of asking Wang Xuexin to come to Dahuai Village was because Zhang Wanhe and others were going to Sanjiadian to see the terrain, and the other was worried that Wang Xuexin would go to Dahuai Village. Affect his connection with Sun Erwei.

In fact, the latter worry is completely superfluous.

Short wave communication is not the same as long wave communication.

Long wave is point-to-point transmission on the ground. This communication method will be blocked by obstacles, such as mountains and buildings. Therefore, the signal must be erected at a high place. It is best to erect a high antenna.

Short-wave communication relies on the ionosphere to directly transmit signals into the air, and has little to do with whether there are obstacles around, so even if Wang Xuexin takes the radio to Dahuai Village, it will not affect the communication with Sun Erwei.

But the headquarters made the decision based on the idea of ​​"not afraid of ten thousand, just in case".

The chief said this: "Since you can contact the three stores, there is no need to take the risk of moving the radio station around! What if something goes wrong on the road? It is not the same to send someone to a meeting here. ?”

So Zhang Wanhe and his party set off after preparing, but the chief and others couldn't make the trip because they still had to command the battle.

Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, and Wang Xuexin waited at the entrance of the village early when they heard that Zhang Wanhe would come.

Then from a distance, they saw a few horses riding and a mule cart, and Zhang Wanhe was the leader.

Before Zhang Wanhe got off his horse, Li Yunlong greeted him with a smile, and shouted, "I said Lao Zhang, and I also said that you came by car, and you still rode horses after waiting for a long time! You, the logistics minister, are too poor." , this won't work, I'll send you a car later!"

"You are beautiful!" Zhang Wanhe replied, "If you hadn't become rich recently, how could you be so generous?"

"That's right!" Li Yunlong replied, "That's what we call... rich and powerful, right?"

Zhao Gang went up to salute each other with Zhang Wanhe, then shook hands and said, "Welcome everyone, please come inside!"

Su Xin got off from the mule cart. She is a college student who can't ride a horse until now.

Zhang Wanhe gave Wang Xuexin a wink and said, "Silly boy, go help someone!"

Wang Xuexin let out an "oh", and with some embarrassment, he put his rifle behind his back and walked towards the mule cart, although he didn't understand what he needed to help.

Zhang Wanhe and Zhao Gang seemed to be secretly laughing behind them.

When Wang Xuexin saw the mule cart, he was stunned. The cart was full of large boxes and small bags, which seemed to be the luggage of several people.

"What's the matter, classmate Xiao Su?" Wang Xuexin asked, "Are you moving?"

While fixing the washbasin that was about to fall, Su Xin replied, "Didn't the factory manager tell you? Isn't the whole branch factory here? The factory manager asked me and Uncle Wu (hardware) to come here to help!"

"The machine hasn't arrived yet!" Wang Xuexin said, "Why are you in a hurry?"

Hardware jumped off the horse from the other side and explained: "It's like this. The superiors attach great importance to these production lines, so they asked people to wait for the equipment instead of waiting for the equipment, so they sent us here first!"

Wang Xuexin nodded to express his understanding.

This should really be taken seriously. After all, it is the Citi rifle production line, and there are five production lines at once... The Eighth Route Army has dreamed of making its own guns since its founding. It is because the output is too low to build by hand, so it is difficult to work.

But now, five production lines have come in at one go, with a monthly output of nearly [-] rifles. This will undoubtedly become the backbone of the Eighth Route Army's equipment in the future.

Su Xin stuffed a bundle into Wang Xuexin's arms and said, "Why, Xiao Wang, you don't welcome us?"

"How can it be!" Wang Xuexin replied, "We must welcome you!"

Seeing that the hardware side was far away, Wang Xuexin added in a low voice: "Student Xiao Su, why don't you live in my place, and I will sleep in a room alone. If there is a place, what do you think?"

"You..." Su Xin didn't expect Wang Xuexin to say such a word so suddenly, she blinked her eyes and looked at Wang Xuexin for a long time without reacting.

Wang Xuexin looked at her and couldn't help but smiled complacently. Seeing that you were so fierce when you came here, I won't be called Xiaodongbei unless I give you a warning.

The conference room is located in the regiment headquarters.

Sanjiadian is a relatively wealthy village from the market.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, refugees from all walks of life who could not survive crowded here... Refugees worked in the three stores to do some work, such as transporting goods, and they could survive even if they couldn't go to the street to beg for food, so it is called the village capital. Can catch up with the size of the town.

Dense population means more crowded housing.

For example, the regiment headquarters has only two rooms of more than ten square meters. This is the warehouse used by the village chief to store goods, and it is specially set aside for the use of the independent regiment.

After several people sat down in the meeting room, Zhang Wanhe said with a smile:

"I heard that this time, we can have five rifle production lines, and it's official in Citigroup! But the big guys are so happy..."

Wujin added: "The factory director stayed up all night last night and made work plans all night. I woke up in the early morning and saw that the factory director's room was still lit with oil lamps at dawn!"

Everyone laughed.

In fact, it's not just Zhang Wanhe who is happy, everyone is similar.

If there is any difference, it is that Li Yunlong is always laughing and laughing in his dreams.Hearing what the guard said... the voice was so scary that it almost scared him out of his wits.

But of course, everyone is afraid to spread it secretly, and no one dares to speak in front of Li Yunlong.

Wang Xuexin thinks this is normal, it's just a spring field rifle, something that foreign devils have eliminated, if they know that modern China has missiles, stealth aircraft, aircraft carriers, and even landed on the moon and Mars, then it should be regarded as a myth!

"The thing is like this!" Zhang Wanhe continued: "For safety reasons, the superiors think that the arsenal should be divided into two places. That is to set up a sixth branch factory in three stores."

As he spoke, he turned his gaze to Su Xin next to him, and continued: "Comrade Su Xin has always been the director of the third branch factory. She is serious and responsible in her work, and has strong professional knowledge and management capabilities. She is in charge, and I think she is suitable to be the director of the sixth branch factory, what do you guys think?"

After speaking, Zhang Wanhe raised his head towards Su Xin: "Director Su!"

Su Xin got up quickly, and gave everyone a non-standard military salute with a little nervousness: "Hello, leaders!"

"I have no objection!" Li Yunlong replied: "The person recommended by your old Zhang can't be wrong!"

Li Yunlong is in a good mood and can talk about everything, otherwise he wouldn't trust such a factory to a girl.

Wang Xuexin began to complain in his heart. Has the mother become the director of the factory?
I am still a company commander!
Will the identity gap widen in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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