Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 407 The First Batch of Materials

Chapter 407 The First Batch of Materials
The preparation of the three stores is mainly divided into two steps:

The first is vigilance work.

Although the three stores have convenient transportation and abundant supplies, the disadvantage is that there are too many people, especially since this is a market, it is easy to sneak in the enemy's spies and leak the news.

Therefore, after discussing with Li Yunlong and others, Zhang Wanhe felt that the No. [-] branch factory must be located outside the village, so as to prevent the villagers from having access to secrets as much as possible.

If the villagers didn't know the secrets of the Sixth Branch Factory, then the enemy spies would naturally not be able to find out any valuable information.

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the villagers' awareness of anti-secret agents and anti-reconnaissance.

These are left to the guerrillas and village chiefs. If the masses are mobilized, the enemy's spies will not only be unable to obtain information when interrogating, but will also expose themselves immediately.

Finally, it is necessary to station the independent regiment outside the arsenal, so that it can play a role of secrecy and protection.

The second is to build a factory.

The No. [-] branch factory must be built in a cave, because only in this way can it be possible to avoid the bombing of the devils' planes... It was hard to get a few production lines, and it would be a big loss if the devils bombed them all at once.

In this regard, because of the experience of Lujiagou, and there are many natural caves in the nearby mountains, it is not a big problem.

The problem is that all the work has to be done by independent groups.

This is for the sake of confidentiality. If the recruitment of villagers is completed, it is very likely that the internal structure of the arsenal will be leaked.

At this time, there were only more than [-] people in the independent regiment... Some of the wounded were recuperating and unable to participate in labor, so the manpower was slightly insufficient.

However, this problem was quickly resolved. Zhang Wanhe made a phone call to the headquarters, and with a wave of his hand, the chief sent an engineer battalion.

At this time, the sixth branch is the most important, and everything else can be put aside first.

So the next day I worked in full swing.

The villagers thought that the Independence Regiment was building houses and building tiles in the mountains for their own camp. No one knew that the troops opened up and widened the caves in the mountains one by one, and even dug out an artificial cave to build a production workshop.

Then the generator modified with the car engine was transported from Dahuai Village.

However, the generators in Dahuai Village are not enough... Dahuai Village also has to guarantee the basic operation of the arsenal.

So I had to ask Li Yunlong for a few cars to dismantle and refit the engines.

This made Li Yunlong feel distressed, and he was about to have an attack with his teeth gritted.

Zhang Wanhe just said coldly: "Do you want a gun or a car? This car is still a waste of food, and you dare to drive it randomly? If you don't dismantle a few of them, what if the production line can't turn around? "

Having said that, Li Yunlong lost his temper.

In fact, cars are really not suitable for the Eighth Route Army.

It's not that there are no roads. Roads can be repaired. The point is that the targets of cars are hard to hide.

For example, if you use a car to transport salt to Dingbian, it will indeed be transported in large quantities and quickly.

The problem is that there are ghost planes in the sky. Once they are discovered, they can only wait for death on the road in a dilemma. Unlike mules, horses and the like, they can disperse and hide when they are driven into the wild.

This is also the reason why the Eighth Route Army hates the Devil plane so much... The plane has nothing to do with it, it can only swallow this anger.

So Li Yunlong also said to Wang Xuexin: "Little Northeast, next time we will buy something that can fly a plane, and kill the devil's plane, and see who dares to say that our car is useless!"

"Team leader!" Wang Xuexin replied: "We have to take our time, this horoscope has not been written yet!"

During this period of time, Wang Xuexin was the most free.

Because he only has one task: "Keep communicating with Sun Erwei, and try to get as much information as possible!"

This requires more information.

For example, how much electricity is needed for the production line, the size of the production workshop, and the requirements for workers, etc.

Sun Erwei couldn't make it clear in the telegram for a while, so he simply called back: "Wang, I will bring you a production manual in a few days!"

"In a few days?" Wang Xuexin thought that Sun Erwei didn't come so soon, didn't the things be transported from Yingjiang to Huaxia?It will take a month to transport the goods across the ocean, right?

But what a coincidence.

Ying Jiang passed the "Lend-Lease Act" a few months ago, so he shipped a batch of Springfield rifles and ammunition to San Ge, planning to transport them to China in batches by road as supplies to support the recalcitrant army.

(Note: The Lend-Lease Act was passed in March 1941)

But now, Ying Jiang is eager to get the formula of viscous gasoline in Wang Xuexin's hands, so he plans to transport part of it, 1000 rifles and [-] million rounds of ammunition, to the Eighth Route Army...transferred to the transport plane, and It also asked the recalcitrant army airport to cooperate.

It is said that this was strongly protested by the recalcitrant army.

But of course this won't work, Eagle Sauce doesn't even bother to respond... As I said before, this is a deal, not aid, if the recalcitrant army has the ability, they can also come up with something to make a deal!

Then the first batch of equipment, 500 rifles and [-] million rounds of ammunition, were shipped to Xi'an a few days later, and Sun Erwei also arrived in Xi'an on the same day.

Sun Erwei even hoped to borrow the stubborn army's car to transport these rifles and ammunition.

However, considering the possibility of being bombed by the devils, he finally gave up this idea... At this time, the devils have already occupied Yuncheng and Zhongtiao Mountain. The straight-line distance from Xi'an to Yuncheng is only 200 kilometers, and it can be reached in half an hour with a 98 light explosion.

As I said before, if a car encounters a bomber on the road, it basically has to wait for death.

Finally, Sun Erwei contacted Wang Xuexin, and Wang Xuexin immediately reported the situation to the chief.

Then it's not a problem.

Just kidding, this is the rifle and ammunition that the Eighth Route Army is in short supply, how could it cause an accident, of course, the sooner you get it, the better.

It was a big scene. Several regiments of the Eighth Route Army headed for Xi'an. There were mule carts and horse carts, and there were many soldiers pushing wheelbarrows.

Those piles of guns and ammunition were loaded into boxes of various means of transport and transported to the base area as if they were moved by ants.

The stubborn soldiers looked at each of them with fire in their eyes, but they couldn't stop them. They could only watch helplessly as the Eighth Route Army transported the equipment away in front of them.

When it was over, the chief sent [-] rifles and [-] rounds of ammunition to the three stores.

This was discussed by the chief and the chief of staff, because as I said before, the independent regiment at this time was regarded as a model unit, and any new equipment was used by the independent regiment, and the other troops were taught after using the experience.

This made Li Yunlong very happy, he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and kept boasting: "It's still the chief, this is enough for everyone!"

After thinking about it, he slapped his thigh again with regret: "Damn it! If I recruit a few more soldiers, wouldn't I be able to earn more guns?"

(End of this chapter)

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