Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 434 Benefits

Chapter 434 Benefits
Lemon Lokoff was a little surprised when he saw the list, because it was beyond what he could imagine, especially the ten T34 tanks.

You must know that this kind of tank is Maoxiong's secret weapon, and it is also Maoxiong's main equipment against Hans... At the beginning of the war, Maoxiong already had 1225 T34s, of which 967 had been equipped with troops.

Then Hans fought Mao Xiong, only to find that he didn't have any tank that could threaten T34.

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is not far from it.

The reason is that the T34 can penetrate Hans's No. 500 and No. 100 tanks at a distance of 34 meters. Conversely, Hans' No. [-] and No. [-] tanks have to approach [-] meters to destroy the T[-].

This is the famous "T34 crisis" in history.

This prompted Hans to speed up the development of new tanks, and it was not until the Panther and Tiger equipped troops that this situation was reversed.

As a soldier, Lemon Lokoff certainly knows the situation in the country, so he also knows that the T34 is a scarce equipment in the country... The whole country is urgently producing this tank to stop Hans' steel torrent.

Therefore, Lemon Lokov believed that the Eighth Route Army's request for the T26 was not excessive at all. The technology provided by the Eighth Route Army was worth the price, and it would be no problem to ask for another fifty T26s.

But T34...

However, Lemon Lokoff did not express any opinions. He believed that this was a matter for the general counsel to consider, and he only needed to send the list to the general counsel for him to make a decision.

The General Counsel was also stunned when he received the telegram. His first impression was that the person to be equipped by the Eighth Route Army was an expert.

As the military adviser who trains the stubborn army's hair-armors, the general counsel knows that the T26 at this time is a little behind even in the Chinese battlefield.

The reason was the Battle of Nomonhan.

During the Battle of Nomonhan, the main armor of Maoxiong was T26.

At that time, the T26 could easily crush all the devil's tanks.

But now, two years later...

The Devils learned the lesson of the failure of the Battle of Nomonhan. They improved the Type 26 for the T97 tank. The main improvement was to thicken the armor and replace the main gun, so that it can easily penetrate 500MM armor at a distance of 75 meters, while the T26 The frontal armor is only 50MM.

On the other hand, the T26 inherited all the shortcomings of the bear tank: poor observation ability and shooting accuracy, and very unfriendly ergonomics.

This makes the T26 basically only able to hit the target at a distance of 300 meters.

500 meters versus 300 meters.

Moreover, the Huaxia tank soldiers are still trained from scratch, while the Devil tank soldiers are well-trained and experienced.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army does not have air supremacy, so if you think about it, you know what the result will be if you only equip T26.

But if the Eighth Route Army has a few T34s, it can crush the Devil's Type 97, so the T26 can become an "invincible" armored force and display terrifying combat effectiveness.

However, the general counsel was less than willing to give T34.

Apart from other things, the T34 at this time is Maoxiong's most advanced tank. If it is given to the Eighth Route Army but accidentally captured by the devils, then the performance and shortcomings of the T34 will be exposed to Hans.

Thinking of this, General Gu replied: "We can give more T26s to replace T34s, for example, add fifty T26s."

When Lemon Lokov received the telegram, he took it seriously. After all, the T26 tank is on the verge of being eliminated. At this time, it is only in a state of being used on the battlefield, and it is a good choice for exchanging technology.

Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang and the Chief of Staff widened their eyes when they heard this.

Fifty additional T26s, isn't that 100?
My God, is this the number of all the tanks that Maozi aided the recalcitrant army?We won it in one go?

Thinking of this, the few of them were delighted, and they were about to nod in response but were stopped by Wang Xuexin.

"No!" Wang Xuexin replied firmly: "There must be ten T34s!"

"Little Northeast, you..." The chief of staff was not too willing to translate, he glanced at Lemon Lokoff, and said in a low voice, "We are almost done, if we see it, we will accept it!"

"No!" Wang Xuexin still insisted: "Chief of Staff, the ten T34s must be given, otherwise it is meaningless!"

Seeing Wang Xuexin's insistence, Li Yunlong persuaded: "Chief of Staff, let's listen to Xiao Dongbei, we can't be wrong! This guy hasn't missed it until now, and he understands it better than anyone else!"

The Chief of Staff hesitated for a moment, then nodded and translated the words to Lemon Lokoff.

Wang Xuexin added: "Comrade Lemon Lokoff, can I have a few words with the general counsel?"

"Of course!" Lemon Lokoff nodded.

Wang Xuexin said: "General Counsel, I am Wang Xuexin, Commander of the Fifth Battalion of the Eighth Route Army. I hope that when considering this transaction, the General Counsel will not only see the value of the bazooka itself, but also see the strategy of the Eighth Route Army after it is equipped with this batch of equipment. Value... If we can use this batch of purchased equipment to cause a lot of trouble for the devils in Shanxi. Then, what does the general counsel think will affect the layout of the devils in the northeast?"

The general counsel was stunned the moment he received the telegram.

He couldn't imagine that this was actually what an Eighth Route Army battalion commander said.

A battalion commander actually has such a strategic vision?
The battalion commander was right.

Although the general counsel came to China not long ago... the general counsel made his trip in December last year, and it has only been seven months since then.

But the General Counsel knew that the morale of the recalcitrant army was low and corruption was serious, and everyone from top to bottom held expectations for a truce and even concealed the psychology of surrender.

Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to rely on the stubborn army to contain the devils. Arming the Eighth Route Army may be a good choice.

On the other hand, because of the agreement of the Cooperative Anti-Japanese War, Mao Xiong could not directly provide equipment to the Eighth Route Army, so...then why not take this opportunity of this transaction to give more assistance to the Eighth Route Army?This may be a strategic surprise.

If you can make the devil's backyard catch fire and give up attacking the bear... let alone ten T34s, a hundred or a thousand T34s are worth it.

What's more, the bazooka is an urgently needed equipment for Mao Xiong.

The combination of these two "urgent needs" is not worth ten T34s?
The general counsel immediately felt that he had made a profit, and he was still making a lot of money.

So the general counsel didn't think much, and immediately called back: "I agree to this deal, but it may take a few days to communicate with the military. Please be sure to prepare the blueprints and technical descriptions of the bazooka. Once the military agrees, I hope that the deal can be completed in the shortest possible time. The transaction will be completed within the specified time!"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied: "We also hope to complete the transaction as soon as possible!"

When Lemon Lokoff put down his earphones, he looked at Wang Xuexin with incredulous eyes. He didn't expect that this almost impossible deal would be reached with the cooperation of the battalion commander in a few words.

The chief of staff and others were already overjoyed at this time.

Li Yunlong patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder and shook it heavily, and said: "There is a way, now we are changing the shotgun to the gun! Damn, we made sixty tanks in one go! By the way, what is the T34? Why five You are not willing to exchange ten cars for ten cars?"

Wang Xuexin was stunned for a long time but did not react.

The business is done, this guy still doesn't know what T34 is?

(End of this chapter)

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