Chapter 435

Wang Xuexin actually had some "unkindness" in this transaction.

One is that the technology he obtained through cooperation with Ying Jiang was sold to Mao Xiong... This should give Ying Jiang some benefits, such as copyright fees and the like.

But who cares about these in wartime?

Eagle Sauce’s Springfield Rifle copied Hans’ Mauser Rifle and lost the lawsuit. Didn’t the copyright fee also be lost because of the war?
Another dishonesty is that he took advantage of Mao Xiong's fear of being flanked by devils.

In fact, the devil has maintained a cautious or hesitant attitude towards attacking the bear from the beginning to the end.

In the early days, I saw Mao Xiong collapsed thousands of miles and was beaten into a mess. With the mentality of taking advantage of others' danger, I wanted to get a share of the pie, so I prepared the "Guan Special Performance" with the mentality of attacking Mao Xiong.

Later, it was discovered that the battle between Hans and Mao Xiong had reached a stalemate, and the devils were attacking Siberia from the east, which was cold and had few resources, so they gave up the attack and turned their target to South Asia to grab oil.

(Note: In fact, Siberia is extremely rich in resources, including oil, but Mao Xiong did not develop a lot during this period, and the oil mainly relies on Baku in the Caucasus. So the devils don’t know, otherwise they might really grab this piece of fat)
In other words, even if Mao Xiong did not give those equipments, the devils did not "flank" in the end but turned around and attacked Pearl Harbor.

The problem is that Bear doesn't know this.

For Wang Xuexin, there is no use for nothing.

Not only did he get the equipment in a legitimate way, but when the devil gave up the "flank attack", Mao Xiong would feel that the deal was really "excellent value for money".

This is true.

Because Mao Xiong provided the Eighth Route Army with not only as much equipment as Wang Xuexin requested, they also thoughtfully sent fifty anti-aircraft machine guns and ten anti-aircraft guns to the Eighth Route Army for air defense.

Wang Xuexin went to find Skinner the next day.

In fact, Wang Xuexin can complete the deal with Mao Xiong bypassing Yingjiang.

Because Wang Xuexin has a system... Whatever technology Mao Xiong wants, Wang Xuexin only needs to buy it from the system.

The problem is that it is not cheap to buy technology in the system, and there are several million military merit coins at every turn, which can be exchanged into US dollars.

Wang Xuexin held the idea that if he could not spend it, he would not spend it. For example, the technology of hollow charge can be obtained from Skinner, so why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy it from the system?
Skinner in a suite in the north of the village.

This house was originally the house of a wealthy family in the village. It is a two-story earthen building with dozens of rooms. Because of the war, the whole family moved to Chongqing with the recalcitrant army... During the war, the rich would always try everything Ways to avoid evil.

Where is the safest place at this time?It must be Chongqing, and moving to Chongqing is absolutely right, all the people outside are fighting to defend Chongqing.

Therefore, Su Xin was able to leave Chongqing and come to the front line to endure hardships. This ideological awareness is unconvincing.

Skinner and his subordinates were measuring the rocket launcher with measuring tools and drawing drawings. Seeing Wang Xuexin coming in, he said happily: "Wang, the tools I requested will arrive tomorrow, and they are in the same batch as your production line. Then we can prepare them." Let's get to work!"

Wang Xuexin glanced at the blueprints and found that one of them was a modified plan for the rocket warhead, and said, "You seem to be almost ready!"

"Yes!" Skinner took the blueprint and unfolded it in front of Wang Xuexin, and said excitedly: "Look, we modified the warhead to an obtuse angle, but I don't know if this modification can avoid the low angle of fire you mentioned. problem. We will produce a dozen warheads for testing and then make further modifications.”

After a pause, Skinner asked again: "Do you have any suggestions for our rocket launcher?"

"This..." Wang Xuexin replied: "I think we need to use it on the battlefield to know."

Skinner nodded in agreement.

Although both are rocket launchers, there is a big difference in the launch principle and even the appearance, and it really needs to be used in actual combat to know.

But... Wang Xuexin actually knows the shortcomings of Yingjiang's bazooka.

One of the most serious drawbacks is that its rockets will self-destruct inside the bazooka.

In addition, there is still room for improvement in the tail. After changing to a circular tail, it can increase the stability of the flight and improve the accuracy.

In addition, the battery is often damp and unable to catch fire in the high-salt and high-humidity environment of the Pacific battlefield.


These shortcomings are fatal on the battlefield.

But of course Wang Xuexin couldn't just say everything accurately without even trying.

And if you say it in one breath, the "cooperation" will not be able to continue.

More importantly...if this is the case, Skinner and his team will return home because they have completed their mission.

"Captain!" Wang Xuexin said, "I hope you understand that China is in a state of war, and the devils have discovered that the armor of the tank is insufficient and have the awareness of strengthening the armor. For example, before they hung sandbags on the tank or welded shell casings. And you don't have the pressure of war..."

"I know, Wang!" Skinner nodded and said, "You mean, your requirements for hollow charge technology are more urgent!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin said: "If you give us the hollow charge technology after everything is over, it may be meaningless to us, because we have already paid too much on the battlefield, and even the battle situation is uncertain." There has been a change, even with hollow charge technology, there is no way to recover. At that time, our cooperation will be meaningless!"

Skinner is a soldier, of course he understands the meaning of Wang Xuexin's words.

He thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, king! We can hand over the hollow charge technology to you first, but... if you want to make this kind of warhead, it may be a little troublesome. I mean, you need another Buy some equipment!"

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin agreed without thinking.

The problem with the equipment is not serious, there are several million dollars waiting in Wang Xuexin's account.

Moreover, because this is a "cooperative" project, Yingjiang dare not sell it to Guili... If you sell it to Guili, Wang Xuexin will pretend that he can't find the shortcomings of the bazooka, and the cooperation will come to a standstill.

What's more, what Wang Xuexin has mastered is not just these things. Yingjiang needs Wang Xuexin's encyclopedia for many equipment problems and even tactical problems.

Skinner left for a while, and when he came back, he handed a thick stack of documents to Wang Xuexin and said, "This is the production manual for hollow-charge warheads. It's in English. Is there any problem?"

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin flipped through the materials, thinking that Su Xin had another job to do.

"You should make a copy!" said Skinner. "Because, when the experimental equipment arrives, we can make a few of them by manual, so you will know which equipment to buy and how to use it!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied with satisfaction: "Thank you, Skinny! Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" replied Skinner.

What Skinner didn't know was that after Wang Xuexin got this information, he was already able to hand over to Mao Xiong.

(End of this chapter)

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