436 Assembly
There is only one chapter tonight, and I will add it tomorrow.


This day is the day when the first batch of production lines and laboratory equipment arrived in Xi'an.

The Eighth Route Army made preparations as if they were facing an enemy. As soon as Yingjiang's plane landed in Xi'an, the headquarters received the news, but they didn't dare to send a car to transport it until it was dark.

The reason why they had to be transported at night was because some parts were bulky and heavy, so they were not suitable for transport by horse-drawn cart or mule cart, and transport by car was easy to be bombed by devil planes, so it was much safer to transport them at night.

The production line is no small thing. It is shipped to Xi'an and handed over to the Eighth Route Army. It is considered a delivery. Afterwards, it is nothing to do with Yingjiang, so the headquarters can only be careful.

In addition, there are five divisions deployed along the highway for defense, fearing that they will be attacked by bandits or recalcitrant troops pretending to be bandits.

Wang Xuexin and the independent group were not dispatched. Their task was to prepare for the reception and assembly work on Qiling Mountain.

Su Xin was very nervous. She checked the size of the machine and the size of the cave on the list over and over again, worrying that the machine would not be able to move in when it arrived.

This made Wang Xuexin a little impatient.

"I'm talking about student Xiao Su!" Wang Xuexin said, "This is a factory building, so it doesn't matter if the size is a little bit off, right? Why don't we temporarily dig a bigger one?"

"That's impossible!" Su Xin replied while measuring: "The first batch is the bullet production line and the rifle production line. Do you know what will happen if there is a problem with the size or if there is a delay for other reasons?"

"What consequences?" Wang Xuexin was puzzled, he couldn't think of any consequences.

Su Xin raised the list in Yang's hand and replied: "Student Wang, do you really not know or fake? This bullet machine can produce 100 rounds of bullets a day, and the rifle production line averages [-] rifles per day. Can this be delayed? "

Wang Xuexin understood with an "oh".

What Su Xin said is true, these are the things that the Eighth Route Army is in short supply, and they really can't afford it.

But after thinking about it, Wang Xuexin felt a little helpless, because even if all five production lines were in place, and the production continued around the clock, based on the production of 1.5 rifles a month, it would take at least two years to equip the entire army.

More than two years, it will be 44 years by then, the devils are about to surrender!
"Chris!" Wang Xuexin yelled out of the cave, where a technician from Eagle Sauce was breathing: "Do you think there is anything else that needs to be added?"

"No more, Wang!" Chris waved his hand to drive away the bugs flying around his head, and replied: "If there is anything else, just get rid of these bugs!"

Wang Xuexin laughed.

Among the technicians Skinner brought in, two were in charge of the rifle production line, and two were in charge of the bullet production line.

Chris is the head of these technicians, a second lieutenant in the military rank, and one of the technicians who can speak Chinese.

It is said that Chris's mother is a Chinese, which can be seen from his appearance, black eyes, black hair, but has a high nose bridge, a very handsome mixed race.

"I'm sorry!" Wang Xuexin stepped forward and handed Chris a cigarette, and said, "I kept you waiting here so late!"

"This is our job!" Chris took the cigarette and replied, "Compared to you, we are much better."

This is true.

Chris asked Wang Xuexin before: "Wang, I'm curious, what is your salary?"

"Salary?" Wang Xuexin laughed: "We don't have a salary!"

"Are you kidding?" Chris laughed: "Without salary, who would want to do such a life-threatening job?"

"Do we have a choice?" Wang Xuexin asked.

Only then did Chris realize that Wang Xuexin was serious, he hesitated for a while, then nodded, and said, "I'm sorry, Wang, I don't know this."

"It's okay!" Wang Xuexin replied: "What about you? How much is your salary?"

"Uh!" Chris was a little embarrassed, but he still said the truth: "I am a second lieutenant, and the basic salary is 150 US dollars, plus the technical arms and overseas subsidies, I can receive 230 US dollars per month!"

This is not a small amount. In this era, the US dollar has a high gold content. More than 1000 can buy a family car. The monthly income of Yingjiang white-collar workers is only 300 US dollars, so in comparison, Yingjiang soldiers are all rich.

Chris exhaled smoke and sighed: "I really don't know how you persisted!"

Wang Xuexin smiled wryly, but he didn't know either.

Wang Xuexin doesn't even understand how he got to where he is today. Sometimes he looks back at the road he has traveled. In the past year, he has gone through life and death several times, and he can persist until now.

Perhaps, this is the power of survival.

Because of survival, other hardships and difficulties seem insignificant.

At this time, I heard the call of the sentinel: "Here they come, they come!"

Sure enough, I saw cars slowly approaching from a distance along the road, the headlights of the cars were bright, shining rays of light in the dark... At this time, the devil's bombers and fighters were not capable of fighting at night, so at night You can safely drive with the lights on.

(Note: Devil night bomber Ki-45, put into production in October 41)
When the car drove along the not-so-spacious mountain road to the entrance of the cave, the surrounding area soon became lively, and soldiers rushed forward one by one to carry equipment from the rear compartment.

Zhang Wanhe jumped out of the car with several people, shouting under the headlights to tell the soldiers to be careful.

Li Yunlong came up to meet him, and shouted from afar: "Hey, Lao Zhang, you've worked so hard! Why are you escorting him yourself? Can't we leave this matter to us?"

"Isn't it worrying?" Zhang Wanhe replied, "It's a gun-making thing. It's the first time!"

"That's it, that's it!" Li Yunlong nodded repeatedly.

"Where's Little Northeast?" Zhang Wanhe asked.

Wang Xuexin hurried forward, stood up and said, "Report to the factory manager, here we are!"

Zhang Wanhe nodded, patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder and said, "In the future, I will leave these things to you, but you have to watch them carefully!"

Li Yunlong raised his head and replied: "Don't worry, Lao Zhang! Are you still worried about my work, Li Yunlong?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wanhe turned back without even thinking about it: "It's you, Li Yunlong. The troops will take care of it?"

"Don't, don't..." Li Yunlong hurriedly replied: "Our friendship for so many years, you are not interesting!"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Then, the equipment was moved into the cave under the light of flashlights, numbered and put in, and assembled overnight under the guidance of technicians like Chris.

This is destined to be a sleepless night.

Those with or without tasks were all too excited to sleep, waiting for the production line to be installed and put into trial operation.

(End of this chapter)

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