Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 437 Tank Battalion

Chapter 437 Tank Battalion

Wang Xuexin did not participate too much in the assembly of the production line.

If there were no eagle sauce technicians, it would be useful for Wang Xuexin to use the system's detection function to wake up at the right time, but now that there are eagle sauce technicians like Chris, Wang Xuexin seems a bit redundant.

More importantly, at this time Wang Xuexin had already started to form a tank battalion.

This is an order issued by the Chief after discussing with the Chief of Staff.

The chief of staff reported the transaction to the chief as soon as he returned to headquarters that evening.

The chief couldn't help being surprised when he heard this: "Sixty tanks, including ten T34s, Mao Xiong is really willing to change?"

It's no wonder the Chief Executive reacted in this way.

If it is said that the bazooka can be exchanged for food from the Jinsui Army and the Recalcitrant Army before.

The Jinsui Army and the Recalcitrant Army are seriously short of anti-tank equipment. The rocket launcher can be said to be their life-saving straw, and they have to change it if they don't.

But Mao Xiong... They have planes, cannons, tanks, and anti-tank guns. How could they trade such a big price for this small bazooka!
But the chief of staff nodded affirmatively: "Chief, it's absolutely true, and Mao Xiong can't wait to complete the deal as soon as possible."

The chief nodded excitedly: "Not bad, so we will have our own tank unit! I didn't expect that a small rocket launcher can play a big role!"

"Look!" said the chief of staff, "This is not only the role of the rocket launcher, but also the role of Xiaobei. We thought it would be good if we could replace five or ten tanks. Unexpectedly, Xiaobei pulled out a list..."

The chief nodded when he heard the detailed transaction process from the chief of staff, and secretly thought that it was not easy for Xiaodongbei. He made good use of Mao Xiong's psychology and the current international situation in the transaction, so as to maximize the benefits.

Then the chief of staff said: "Mao Xiong said that in order to form the tank battalion as soon as possible, they decided to evacuate the consultants first, and they may arrive within two days."

The chief can understand why Mao Xiong is in such a hurry.

As Wang Xuexin said, Mao Xiong's deal with the Eighth Route Army has its strategic benefits.

This interest is hoping to influence the devil's decision...that is, when the devil is hesitant to consider whether to pinch the bear, arm the Eighth Route Army as much as possible to set the devil's backyard on fire and influence his decision-making.

Then, Mao Xiong will hope that the Eighth Route Army can form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the devils have already decided to attack Mao Xiong and even dispatched troops, and it will be too late for the Eighth Route Army to take any action.

Therefore, it is Mao Xiong who is anxious.

The general counsel contacted Mao Xiong's army overnight, and Mao Xiong's army held an emergency meeting overnight... Mao Xiong was able to hold an emergency meeting for this when Hans beat him to pieces. degree of importance.

The military quickly gave the General Counsel an affirmative answer.

It should be said that this is not surprising.

Ten T34s and fifty T26s are nothing to Mao Xiong. If Mao Xiong is mobilized across the country, he can produce thousands of T34s a month.

The reason why the output is low now is that Maoxiong was worried that the industry would be seized by Hans and become the base of the enemy, so he relocated it to Siberia. The relocation process had an impact on the output.

So ten T34s are nothing to Mao Xiong. Their tractor factory is even producing T34s and driving them directly to the battlefield.

As for the T26, it is a thing that will be eliminated and used to make up the numbers.

If a grand strategy can be achieved with these insignificant equipment, and a desperately needed individual anti-tank equipment is exchanged, no matter who it is, this deal is a good deal.

The only thing they worry about is:
"If this individual equipment can penetrate 100MM armor, does that mean it can also easily penetrate our T34?"

"Yes, we need 34 rubles to produce a T27, and it is said that such a thing can be broken down with only a few dozen rubles. Does that mean that we will also be restrained?"

"That's why we want to buy this technology, and at the same time try not to let the enemy get it!"

The reason Mao Xiong said "as much as possible" is because they know that once equipment is used on the battlefield, especially equipment that is mass-produced and put into the battlefield like rocket launchers, it will inevitably fall into the hands of the enemy.

For an industrial country like Hans, which is at the forefront of technology, it is easy to reverse engineer it to imitate it once it is seized.

The military thought about it for a while, and felt that even if this was the case, Mao Xiong would still benefit in the end.

The reason is that Mao Xiong's tank troops are already at an absolute disadvantage, but the infantry has an absolute advantage.

Tanks are already at a disadvantage, and of course they don't care about having more equipment that can destroy tanks.

The superiority of infantry forces means that Mao Xiong can put this equipment into the battlefield more, faster and wider to suppress enemy tanks.

Therefore, no matter what the result is, it is a bad deal.

Even so, they made a request: "The Eighth Route Army cannot sell this technology to others, and it is also responsible for keeping this technology secret!"

This request was quickly passed on to the general counsel, then to Lemon Lokoff, who stayed in the three stores, and then to Wang Xuexin.

Wang Xuexin agreed without thinking.

The "hollow charge" technology does not need to be sold to others.

Ying Jiang has this technology... It's not sold by Wang Xuexin, right?
This is someone else's patent, and Wang Xuexin is just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

As for secrecy, it goes without saying that the Eighth Route Army itself must keep this transaction a secret out of its own needs.

The general counsel's first thought was that the Huaxia Advisory Group for training the Recalcitrant Armored Division would be the most suitable... They have translators, experience in dealing with Chinese people, and they are close to the Eighth Route Army, so they can arrive the next day if they transfer one of them. Xi'an.

But after thinking about it, the general counsel felt that it was not appropriate to do so.

Because this transaction is confidential to the stubborn army.

If a platoon is drawn from the advisory group to the Eighth Route Army and it is also an armored advisory group, then the recalcitrant army can guess that this transaction is a "tank".

If the stubborn army knows, it means the devils know.

If the devil knows, it is likely to affect the entire strategy.

Therefore, the general counsel finally decided to airlift a platoon from China to the Eighth Route Army's advisory group.

Since Mao Xiongna's advisory group will arrive in the next two days, the Eighth Route Army must form a tank battalion and make preparations.

The chief of staff had a hard time choosing a candidate.

Let alone the Eighth Route Army, there are not many stubborn troops, and even rarer ones know how to form tank troops. Who can take on this great task?

The chief made a decision without saying a word: "Let Xiao Dongbei go! He also commanded a tank to win a battle in Yucun before, so he has experience anyway. Let him try it, and change it if it doesn't work!"

What the chief didn't expect was that Xiao Dongbei was so good at this aspect, even better than Mao Xiong's instructor!

(End of this chapter)

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