Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 439 Formation

Chapter 439 Formation
Of course, it is impossible for the monk to give up the reconnaissance company to drive tanks.

But this guy really hesitated for a while, and then said to Wang Xuexin in a pleading tone: "Battlefield Commander, if this is the case, you can let me play a guest role, or give us a reconnaissance company and a tank so that I can pass by." Fun!"

Wang Xuexin almost laughed angrily at the monk's request.

Reconnaissance company commander to guest tank driver?Then who will command the reconnaissance company.

Assign a tank?Then the reconnaissance company can still do the work of overcoming the wall and attacking at night?

So don't even think about it, Wang Xuexin directly refused.

The reason why Wang Xuexin must find Gangzi is because Wang Xuexin hopes to unify the tank's machine guns.

The main reason is that Wang Xuexin is not willing to throw away the few tanks seized from the devils... Just kidding, there are two Type 97s and a Type 95.

The Type 95 bean tank is okay, but the Type 97 tank is better than Mao Xiong's T26. How can the Eighth Route Army lose it if it is in such a condition.

But if it is not lost, there will inevitably be a problem of mixing.

It is not a big problem to mix Type 97, Type 95 and T26. The reason is that the speed of T26 tanks is only 30 kilometers per hour, and the speed of Type 97 and Type 95 is higher than it.

For example, when the T26 formation encounters the Devil's Type 97, it can use the Type 97 to block first.

The bigger problem was their coordination with following infantry.

T26 is mixed with Type 97 and Type 95. What kind of machine gun is used?
If each uses a standard machine gun, is the bullet unusable?

What kind of rifles are used by the infantry, and are the bullets universal?

If T26 uses bear machine guns, Type 97 and Type 95 use devil machine guns, and infantry follower uses spring field rifles, will there be three types of bullets and three types of supplies in a tank battalion?
Once there is not enough bullets for the infantry but there are a lot of bullets left on the tank, wouldn't it be impossible to adjust in this mode?
Wang Xuexin thought about it and thought that the tank battalion could only use devil's machine guns and rifles.

If you use Mao Xiong's machine gun... the Eighth Route Army cannot produce this kind of ammunition and must rely on importing from Mao Xiong.

To use the Yingjiang machine gun, first of all, you must import the machine gun from Yingjiang, and secondly, the combat seizures of the tank battalion when fighting the devils are basically useless, and the seizure of the tank battalion on the battlefield is often the largest.

So after much deliberation, Wang Xuexin thought that all the machine guns on the tank should be replaced by devils' machine guns, and all the infantry would use [-] big guns.

On the one hand, the supply of the tank battalion can be simplified... The more complex the combat unit and the coordination unit, the more simple the supply is, otherwise it is easy to cause confusion and unnecessary troubles.

Tank battalions are complex coordinated units, so keep them simple.

This is also the reason why there is a hair weapon division in the stubborn army. He uses Mao Xiong's tanks, and the division uses hair weapons all in one.

The second is to maximize combat effectiveness.

The third is to be able to make full use of wartime seizures.

Even if there is no wartime seizure, the Eighth Route Army still has the ability to produce [-] large cap bullets, so the supply can be guaranteed. (Note: The bullet production line changed from Jinsui Army)

What Gangzi wants to solve is the problem of unifying machine guns, and the other is to train tank machine gunners.

The driver's problem is easy to solve, that is, to call in those who can drive cars in the army.

Being able to drive a car will naturally have the coordination of hands and feet, and the driver's habit of "seeing all directions and listening to all directions"... These enable them to learn to drive a tank faster.

The most troublesome thing is the gunner.

The Eighth Route Army didn't have many cannons, so there were not many soldiers who could fire them.

The Independent Regiment did have some gunners, but if they were all transferred to the Rocket Battalion, there would be no one left.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin decided to draw mainly from the squad and platoon leaders of the army, and then add some [-] small artillery shooters.

They were transferred from the squad and platoon leaders because Wang Xuexin knew that most of Mao Xiong’s tanks had gunners who also served as commanders, so they needed both gunnery and command skills... If you don’t have gunnery skills, you can have command skills. At worst, learn a bit How to use artillery.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin learned that not "most" but "all" of these bear tanks had the gunner as the commander.

(Note: Due to the small turret of the early T34, it can only accommodate four crew members, so the commander is also the gunner. Compared with the T26, it only has one more loader)

According to these principles, tank crews were selected from the list of independent regiments one by one.

There were 190 tank crews in the battalion, and Wang Xuexin selected 250.

These 250 people are not only for the survival of the fittest, but also for the replacement of the tank crew... In case any tank soldier is unable to fight due to injury or illness during the battle, the replacement crew is needed to ensure the combat effectiveness.

Then Wang Xuexin thought that at least three infantry companies and one engineer company were needed.

The infantry company serves as accompanying infantry, while the engineer company builds roads, bridges and even mines in front of the tank.

At this time, Wang Xuexin was in a dilemma again. If it was so full, the four companies would need at least 500 people, and if the tank crews were added, it would be 750 people.

There are only more than 700 people in the entire independent group, and nearly half of them will be drawn out in this way, so the independent group will be exhausted.

So Wang Xuexin called the headquarters and reported: "Chief of Staff, can you send some soldiers?"

The chief of staff was shocked when he heard that the tank battalion needed more than 700 people.

Although the chief of staff graduated from Maoxiong Frunze Military Academy, he studied earlier and developed Maoxiong tank tactics later, so he didn't know how to deal with the tank battalion.

(Note: Mao Xiong has always been obsessed with cavalry tactics, and did not form the first armored army until 1932, and the chief of staff graduated in 1930)
The chief of staff immediately reported the matter to the chief: "Boss, Xiaodongbei needs three infantry companies and one engineer company to form a tank battalion, and requires experienced veterans. Look..."

The chief frowned when he heard the words. At this time, the Eighth Route Army had just gone through the Hundred Regiments Battle and the flank defense battle, and the veterans lost a lot.

At the same time, because of the difficult period of the blockade, there were not many new recruits.

The strength of the troops was already stretched, but at this moment, veterans from four companies were suddenly required...for a while, I really didn't know where to transfer them.

In fact, it's not that I don't know where to transfer. Four troops with 10,000+ people can still transfer veterans from four companies.

The problem is that many regiment-level establishments now have less than 1000 or even a few hundred people.

At this time, if four companies are drawn from them, this establishment may be directly withdrawn.

After thinking for a while, the chief said: "The engineering company is easy to handle. Isn't there an engineering battalion in the three stores? The veterans of the three companies... transfer the guard company of Chen Fujun to them, and let them figure out the rest!"

(End of this chapter)

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