Chapter 440 Merging
This is good news but not good news for Wang Xuexin.

The good news is that the headquarters has brought in a guard company... This guard company is all veterans who can fight, especially Chen Fujun has two hands under his hands. He may not be as good as a monk in boxing skills, but he is better than a monk in shooting guns It's much more powerful, especially the pair of box cannons on the waist, which can shoot right and left.

It's not good news, but it's because the transferred troops only have one company, and two companies are still missing!
For this matter, Wang Xuexin went to find Li Yunlong.

But Li Yunlong raised his head high when he heard it: "I said Xiaobei, are you a tank battalion or an infantry battalion? Pick so many people! You can transfer people to drive tanks, and you need so many infantry... ...Wouldn't it be enough for us to go up and follow the tank's ass with any unit?"

Zhao Gang also felt strange when he heard it, so he asked: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, tell me what's going on and why so many infantry are needed!"

"Regimental Commander, Political Commissar!" Wang Xuexin replied helplessly: "The infantry at the heel of the tank can't just be transferred up at random. If there is no training in normal times, the infantry will not know how to follow, when to charge and when to go. Hiding behind the tanks is completely pointless, wouldn't it be messed up once fighting?"

Li Yunlong nodded his head with an "oh".

He somewhat understood the meaning of Wang Xuexin's words.

There is a saying, "I have seen pigs walk without eating pork." The Eighth Route Army would not have done this before without tanks, but it did have a trick after seeing the devil's infantry attacking with tanks.

If you don't learn this rule, tanks will fight tanks, and infantry will fight infantry. This is not feasible.

Zhao Gang also agreed. After thinking for a while, he said, "So, these infantry are very important. They are related to whether the tank can play a role. Am I right?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Regiment commander, political commissar! Think about it, how do we fight the devil tanks? Use [-] small guns or incendiary bombs to drive back the devil infantry first, right? Otherwise, we will not be able to get close to the tanks Body, the devil's infantry is covering the tank, and the tank is covering the infantry. The firepower is close to the size and complements each other. Only in this way can we form a line of defense. Otherwise, it will be a tank... If we get close to the dead end of the firepower and throw a pack of explosives, we will be done. , How can it take so much effort! Now, in turn, our entire tank battalion has to be organized like this!"

Li Yunlong thought it made sense, but after thinking about it, he said in a difficult way: "Little Northeast, it's not that I don't give you this soldier. Think about it... Our regiment formed five battalions, and 250 people were taken away to drive tanks. Now that two companies have to be withdrawn, wouldn’t that mean one battalion is missing? The troops that have just been formed, playing like this will hurt morale!”

Li Yunlong is right.

What is taboo about the army is that it changes from day to day. The troops that have just been formed have been trained well, and a few soldiers will be drawn later... The training plan of the whole army will be disrupted, not to mention, there will be more soldiers in various places. A slack mentality arose in the commander's mind: Anyway, he will be drawn in the future, so what's the use of training?
After being silent for a while, Zhao Gang suggested:
"Otherwise, I think we need more infantry who master this kind of infantry-tank coordinated combat skills."

"Otherwise, emergencies are likely to occur on the battlefield."

"For example, the infantry of the tank battalion is insufficient and no one can replenish it, or the infantry temporarily joins forces with the tank unit but cannot cooperate."

"So, why not just merge the Fifth Battalion with the Tank Battalion?"

"Train more infantry that can cooperate with infantry and tanks! Idle is idle, so be prepared!"

Li Yunlong immediately nodded in agreement: "Good idea! It depends on whether Xiao Dongbei agrees or not!"

Of course Li Yunlong doesn't care, they are all from the independent regiment, it's just that the two battalions merged.

But Wang Xuexin's head got dizzy when he heard it. Does this mean that the entire Fifth Battalion has contributed?

There are four companies in the fifth battalion, and with the company of Chen Fujun, there are five companies!

But after thinking about it, I think what Zhao Gang said is really right.

The casualties of infantry in this era are completely out of proportion to the casualties of tanks, especially the T34 tank... This tank is basically invincible in China at this time.

Therefore, it can be predicted that on the battlefield, the devils will definitely use artillery to suppress and try to separate and follow the infantry.

As a result, there may be a large number of casualties following the infantry.

It is definitely necessary to train some follow-up infantry that can coordinate with tanks.

In addition, whether he is the fifth battalion or the tank battalion, they are all his own soldiers anyway. Now that there are more tanks, what is there not to like?
Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin nodded and said: "No problem, let's do it like this!"

As a result, the following infantry companies changed from the originally planned three companies to five companies, and Wang Xuexin, the commander of the fifth battalion, completely became the commander of the tank battalion.

However, for reasons of confidentiality, after discussing with Zhao Gang, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang decided to continue to use the "fifth battalion" organization and cancel the tank battalion.

When Wang Xuexin went back and told Xie Baoqing about the matter, it was to make Xie Baoqing happy.

"Battalion Commander!" Xie Baoqing said, "This means... that our battalion needs to add [-] tanks? Oh boy, that's a big deal. Our battalion can outnumber others' regiments!"

"Why don't you think that our Fifth Battalion is gone and added to the Tank Battalion?" Wang Xuexin asked back.

"This is not the same!" Xie Baoqing replied: "Isn't our establishment still there? Tanks must be added to our Fifth Battalion!"

Wang Xuexin could only respond with a wry smile.

It seems to be just a compilation of a name, but it can really bring this kind of psychology to people.

At the same time, Wang Xuexin was a little lucky, but fortunately, he didn't think of this method before.

If he had known that the Fifth Battalion and the Tank Battalion could be merged, there would be no need to go to the headquarters to ask for people. Chen Fujun's company and an engineering company might not come.

Then Wang Xuexin considered the establishment of tanks.

The formation of tanks does not mean that a few tanks can be allocated in a random row, and there is a lot of learning involved in this.

For example, the modern very popular 3-row 14-car system.

To put it simply, a company has 3 rows, each row has 4 tanks, plus 2 tanks from the company headquarters, a total of 14 tanks.

This kind of organization should be said to be more scientific, because each row of 4 tanks can be divided into two groups, and each group of two tanks usually trains that these two groups cover each other, so it can be well coordinated and more flexible, because it can be used at any time Take apart to coordinate with other tank groups.

The problem is that this kind of collaboration requires advanced communication equipment and perception capabilities, otherwise it will be difficult to play.

Communication equipment?

This has always been Mao Xiong's weakness. They don't even have a radio station on T34, and they are more chaotic.


This is a joke for the bear tanks. Their tanks even need infantry to hit the outside with the butt of their guns to know where to go.

So be honest, and still play the three-three system!
(End of this chapter)

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