Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 441 Preparation

Chapter 441 Preparation
The three-three system of tanks is the 3-row 10-vehicle system that our army has long used in modern times.


The disadvantage of the 3-row 10-car system is that this system is not as flexible as the 3-row 14-car system, because this system is not dismantled, and the offensive power will be slightly weaker... A tank will always appear after the first two tanks Problems with tank firing angles and line of sight being blocked.

Its advantage is that it can quickly form an army and quickly form combat effectiveness.

The reason is similar to the three-three system of infantry... The three-three system of infantry is to prevent recruits from not knowing where to go when they go to the battlefield. It allows two recruits to follow a veteran, so they can fight effectively without experience It doesn't look like it's running around like a headless chicken.

The same is true for the three-three system of tanks.

A platoon of three tanks is a group, which allows the better commander in training to be the platoon leader to go ahead, and then rigidly stipulates that the leader is the main attack unit, and the rear is an auxiliary attack unit plus a reserve unit.

This organization is clear at a glance, everyone knows their location and what they want to do, even if there is no radio and cannot communicate with each other, they can achieve a considerable degree of tacit understanding.

Starting from reality, Wang Xuexin believes that the Eighth Route Army's tank troops are starting from scratch at this time, and coupled with the poor communication equipment and perception capabilities of the bear tanks, they must choose this kind of three-three system with preset positions and tasks.

According to this organization, Wang Xuexin organized the T26 into five tank companies, the T5 into one tank company, and the two 34-type, one 97-type and two armored vehicles captured from the devils were incorporated into the battalion headquarters.

However, to Wang Xuexin's surprise, everything he did was almost rejected...

On this day, Chen Fujun rushed to the three stores with his troops.

As soon as he saw Wang Xuexin, he excitedly ran forward to salute him upright, and called out: "Battle Commander! The guard company Chen Fujun came to report!"

Wang Xuexin returned the salute and said, "Old Chen, you've worked hard all the way. You won't blame me for transferring you to the independent group, right?"

"What!" Chen Fujun replied happily: "It's too late to be happy, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Those guys under me are all screaming with joy, and I heard that they are going to the Independence Group and Xiaobei... one by one. I was so happy that I didn't sleep all night, I wish I could come here overnight!"

As he said that, he turned his head and shouted at a group of cadres behind him: "Comrades, am I right?"

The soldier laughed out loud.

They are all guards of the headquarters. Wang Xuexin has been walking back and forth in the headquarters a lot. Everyone recognizes him. Many people even regard Wang Xuexin as an idol. They have long hoped that one day they will be able to fight with Wang Xuexin. Unexpectedly, they really did Get what you want.

It is said that there was some trouble at the headquarters because of this matter.

Because the other soldiers in the guard battalion heard about this and refused to obey, they all went to the chief to find an explanation:

"Chief, why can we go up in a row, but we can't do it in a row?"

"I don't accept it, no matter how you say it, I have to recruit some people from each company!"

"Or let's have a big martial arts competition, whoever wins will win!"


The chief was so entangled by them that he couldn't help it, so he could only turn his face away and point his fingers in the air:
"What? You don't want to be a guard anymore?"

"If you don't want to do it, you all go to the battlefield to fight devils!"

"If you all go up, who will protect the headquarters, who will protect Dahuai Village? What if the devil makes another surprise attack?"

"What kind of tricks are you doing? There is no organization or discipline at all!"

"Could it be that I, the chief, have treated you badly?"

Having said that, several company commanders and battalion commanders dared not speak.

Chen Fujun exchanged some pleasantries with Wang Xuexin, then leaned closer and said in a low voice, "Commander, I heard that our arsenal's rifle production line has been installed? Can you replace the finished rifle with our company first?"

"Why?" Wang Xuexin asked back: "The things in your hands are not in your hands?"

"Hey, it's hand riding." Chen Fujun replied: "But it's not like you don't know that we have had these [-] caps for many years. Either there is something wrong here, or the rifling is worn smoother than a whetstone. Sure! If you can replace it with a new gun..."

Wang Xuexin felt that Chen Fujun didn't understand the situation, so he asked: "Old Chen, didn't the chief tell you what mission you have this time?"

"Why didn't you say anything!" Chen Fujun replied, "Isn't it just following your command to fight devils?"

So Wang Xuexin understood that the chief didn't talk about the tank battalion in order to keep it secret.

"That's the case!" Wang Xuexin said, "What about us... If we want to train with tanks, we have to use the devil's [-] guns, and other guns are not easy to use!"

Chen Fujun said "Oh" after hearing this: "So that's the case, okay! Then Sanba Dagai! You mean... the tanks captured from the devils belong to our battalion?"

Sun Fujun thought that the tanks Wang Xuexin mentioned were the Type 97 and Type 95 captured from the devils.

Wang Xuexin smiled, and asked without answering: "What kind of tank do you think we are using?"

Chen Fujun was taken aback, and said, "Isn't it a devil tank?"

Wang Xuexin shook his head: "Have you heard of T26?"

"How can I never have heard of it!" Chen Fujun laughed: "Nine and a half tons made of wool, I have seen it once!"

Nine and a half tons of wool is what China calls T26. The reason is that the old T26 weighed 9.5 tons. Later, the T26 weighed 10.5 tons after strengthening the armor, but it is still called nine and a half tons after getting used to it.

Then Chen Fujun seemed to realize something, his face changed, and he said, "Battle Commander, what do you mean...we want to use wool to make nine and a half tons?"

Wang Xuexin nodded with a smile, and replied: "Otherwise, how could I not have enough soldiers? For a few devil tanks, is it worth bringing a company?"

"Give it to the bear?"

Wang Xuexin nodded again.

Chen Fujun almost fainted from joy, he danced and danced for a long time, before he calmed down a bit, he hurriedly asked with a grin, "Battalion Commander, how many vehicles are there?"

Wang Xuexin stretched out his finger and made a "six".

"Good guy!" Chen Fujun's eyes lit up immediately: "Six cars! This is a big profit!"

Wang Xuexin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and corrected him: "Six cars? It's sixty cars!"

"Six...sixty?" Chen Fujun stared at Wang Xuexin in disbelief with his eyes wide open: "Battle... Battalion Commander, don't joke with me, there are really six...sixty vehicles?"

"No kidding!" Wang Xuexin said, "Ten of them are more advanced tanks, but the tanks haven't arrived yet, let's practice first! Maoxiong Advisory Group is almost here!"

Chen Fujun immediately opened his mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time.

Just as he was talking, Li Yunlong ran out from the regiment headquarters in small steps. When he saw Wang Xuexin, he waved his hands and called from afar: "Xiao Dongbei, the guests are here! Let's go to the entrance of the village to meet them!"

Wang Xuexin immediately realized that what Li Yunlong was talking about was Maoxiong Advisory Group.

(End of this chapter)

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