Chapter 443 Tactics
Androvich was quite active in his work. After he rushed to the three shops and stayed in his room, he only washed his face and asked to meet with Wang Xuexin, the head of the tank unit.

Wang Xuexin took the roster and the preparation plan directly.

Androvich frowned while flipping through the preparation plan, and said after a while: "Are you crazy? A battalion has compiled six tank companies. How should they fight on the battlefield?"

It turned out that Maoxiong’s tank battalion usually only had two tank companies at this stage, each company had 10 tanks, and there were only 1 tanks in total including one tank at the battalion headquarters.

As I said before, at this time, Mao Xiong was accustomed to dispersing tanks among the infantry to fight. Although there were many tank troops and a large establishment, the tanks were pitifully small and most of them were infantry.

Wang Xuexin understood that Mao Xiong did this by using tanks as auxiliary firepower for infantry.

"Captain!" Wang Xuexin asked back: "Your opinion is..."

"You have six tank companies!" Androvich asked Wang Xuexin with an incredulous expression: "Why don't you organize these tanks into three battalions? In this way, the independent regiment can be organized into a tank regiment!"

Wang Xuexin's jaw almost dropped when he heard that.

Doesn't this guy know that this kind of organization is being beaten terribly by Hans?He actually used the failed system to set the Eighth Route Army on him!

But of course, the failure of Mao Xiong also had strategic and tactical problems, as well as the problem of losing air supremacy, and there were also problems in coordination, communication and insufficient training.

Perhaps it was because there were too many problems, so Mao Xiong couldn't figure out which link was wrong for a while.

For example, they will think that the reason they lost the battle was because they did not have air control, so they ignore all other mistakes.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin replied: "Let's put it this way, Captain, if according to your organization, we now need to use tank troops to attack a certain city or an important place defended by the enemy, what do you think will happen?"

Androvich spread his arms and asked, "What could happen? Isn't there more troops to attack? I mean, if you only organize tanks into a tank battalion, it's sixty tanks plus five infantry Even, there are at most 500 people, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied, "It's actually three infantry companies."

"Three infantry companies?" Androvich looked at Wang Xuexin in surprise.

Wang Xuexin nodded and explained: "The No. 13 infantry company is used as infantry, and the reconnaissance company performs reconnaissance missions, and usually does not maneuver with the main force!"

Androvich laughed: "Do you think these troops are enough? Conversely, if I form a tank regiment according to my organization, then there will be a regiment of infantry fighting together!"

"Comrade Captain!" Wang Xuexin said: "You did have a regiment of infantry. The question is how do you make the infantry of this regiment move to the destination? The speed of the tank is 30 kilometers per hour, what about the infantry? The speed of 5 kilometers per hour, you let the tank slow down Advance at infantry speed?"

The reason is not complicated, the speed of the tank is not the same as the speed of the infantry.

So there are two ways:

One is to speed up the infantry to keep up with the tanks.

The other is to slow down tanks to match infantry speed.

Some countries choose the former and some countries choose the latter.

Needless to say, those who choose the former, Hans is a typical example and has achieved success.

The representative of choosing the latter is that the sun never sets... They call this slowed down tank an infantry tank. Its maximum speed on the road is only 12 kilometers per hour, and the infantry can keep up with running.

Infantry jogging and even walking can be synchronized if the tank is moving at normal speed instead of maximum speed.

Mao Xiong did not choose the latter in terms of tank speed, because its tank speed is fast enough, even the slow T26 can reach a speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

But the speed of its tanks is only for the purpose of being able to fight against enemy tanks on the battlefield. In terms of tactics, it actually chose the latter, that is, the tanks slowed down when they were empty and acted as an aid to the infantry to advance together with the infantry.

For example, as Androvich said, sixty tanks are organized into a tank regiment, and if the infantry of a regiment does not walk, how many cars are needed to load the infantry of this regiment?
So many cars plus tanks will make a long line?
How long does it take for such a long team to reach their destination and enter the battlefield?

Of course Androvich understood the meaning of Wang Xuexin's words. He picked up the plan and pointed at Wang Xuexin, and asked, "You mean, if you form a battalion like this, the tank battalion can move quickly?"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Three companies of infantry, based on the calculation that a company needs 3 cars, only 9 cars are needed. In addition, the supply vehicles only need a dozen at most. The whole team includes only [-] vehicles including tanks. A few vehicles, this is acceptable. What's more, battles usually don't all go out in one batch!"

Among them, the T34 company must be separated, because the speed of the T34 is 55 kilometers per hour, which is almost twice that of the T26. If these two tanks are mixed together, there will definitely be speed inconsistencies.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out... his thinking in this regard was also contrary to Androvich's. Mao Xiong just mixed these tanks together to fight.

But this is not surprising.

Mao Xiong regards the tank as an auxiliary of the infantry, so the speed is slow to the level of the infantry anyway, and the speed difference of the mixed formation does not need to be considered.

Then there are light tanks and medium tanks in a tank unit. The medium tanks deal with the enemy tanks, and the light tanks deal with the enemy infantry. It is perfect.

But imagination is one thing, actual combat is another.

The real battlefield is often a mobile war rather than staying in one place and setting up a formation before both sides are ready to go to war.

It's okay to fight defensive battles with Mao Xiong's formation, but once they move, they will be unable to coordinate due to different speeds, so it is easy for them to fight independently and be defeated by the enemy one by one.

Androvich frowned.

He found that this organization was somewhat similar to Mao Xiong's enemy at this time, that is, Hans.

To be precise, it is not that the organization is similar, but that the tactical thinking is similar.

"No, we can't do this!" Androvich objected: "I absolutely agree with this method of combat. Tanks rushing forward without the cover of infantry and artillery are easily attacked by enemy artillery and infantry and suffer heavy losses. So, your approach is absolutely wrong, if you fight like this... it will only be a waste of tanks, and our aid will be meaningless!"

Wang Xuexin suddenly understood Mao Xiong's tank tactics.

They may not regard the tank as an auxiliary to the infantry, but believe that a considerable number of artillery and infantry are needed to protect the safety of the tank.

(End of this chapter)

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