Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 444 Giveaway

Chapter 444 Giveaway
Mao Xiong's tactic is actually because of the "Winter War".

In the "Winter War" that ended last year, Mao Bear had an absolute advantage, especially tanks.

At that time, Mao Xiong launched an attack on the enemy with a mighty armored army composed of more than 2000 tanks from five tank brigades, while his opponent "Land of Thousand Lakes" only had 60 backward light tanks.

Everyone thought that the "Land of a Thousand Lakes" would be crushed by Mao Xiong like an ant, but the result was astonishing... Mao Xiong's densely charged tanks were severely damaged by enemy artillery fire and infantry with Molotov cocktails , of which 50 tanks were captured intact by the enemy.

Although Mao Xiong forced the other party to sign an agreement in the end, people all over the world discovered that "Mao Xiong can't fight", and the use of his tanks in this war was also regarded as a counterexample.

Tactics are sometimes very strange, and the same counterexample often leads to different conclusions for the vigilance of different countries.

Mao Xiong, for example, came to the conclusion after this battle that tanks cannot be used in a concentrated manner, otherwise they would be easily attacked by enemy artillery fire and infantry... On the surface, this is indeed the case, but Mao Xiong did not see its essence.

Hans came to another conclusion: if tanks are to be used intensively, infantry and artillery must keep up with the speed of tanks to achieve infantry tank coordination, otherwise it is easy to put tanks in danger.

So Mao Xiong scattered the tanks among the infantry, while Hans worked hard to increase the mobility of the infantry artillery to keep up with the two extremes of the tanks.

When these two extremes collide on the battlefield...they prove Hans right at a terrible cost, they use far fewer and far more backward tanks, and they fight more and more advanced tanks.

It can be seen that the tactics of the contest between tanks are particularly important.

Only under the premise that the tactics of both the enemy and the enemy are used properly, it is meaningful to compare whose tanks are more advanced and have more sufficient training.

Wang Xuexin didn't want to argue with Androvich anymore.

In Wang Xuexin's eyes, Androvich is just a poor person who relies on his status as a big country, falls into the wrong tactics without knowing it, and instead criticizes others with wrong tactics.

If Wang Xuexin had taught Androvich what benefits he had, he might sit down patiently and explain it clearly to Androvich.

But Wang Xuexin knew that Mao Xiong basically had no influence on the devils in the subsequent battles.

It would be wrong to say that it had no effect at all. At the end of the war, Mao Xiong sent troops to the Northeast and crushed the Kwantung Army in a few days.

But this impact can be said to be negligible.

There are often such remarks on the Internet, saying that the Chinese army was still unable to counterattack the devils at the end of the war, but Mao Xiong wiped out the elite Kwantung Army in just a few days.

At that time, there was indeed a big gap between the Huaxia Army and Mao Xiong, but this battle cannot be viewed that way.

Because the so-called "elite" Kwantung Army during the war has long existed in name only.

With the deepening of the war, veterans of the Kwantung Army were continuously transferred to the front to fight against the Chinese army. During the Pacific War, half of the so-called "elites" transferred to Yingjiang were recruits with no combat experience at all.

Not to mention the Kwantung Army stationed in the Northeast. This army was not even equipped with rifles, and a considerable part of it was temporarily formed by the "Reclamation Regiment".

(Note: The Land Reclamation Group is also called the Pioneering Group, which actually means the same thing)
The so-called "reclamation group" is the immigration plan of the devils in order to completely occupy the northeast.

After the devils occupied the Northeast, they called on the local devils to immigrate to the Northeast. When they arrived in the Northeast, they divided a large field and then divided it into dozens of Chinese people for their labor (in fact, they were slaves) and directly became landlords.

By the end of the Anti-Japanese War, a total of 17 devils emigrated.

Even the women of these reclamation regiments were issued a rifle and were asked to resist the bear's tanks... It would be a strange thing that such an army would not be wiped out in a few days.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin is not interested in reforming the Maoxiong army. Maoxiong mainly fights Hans, and has little to do with the Chinese battlefield.

"Captain, I think you have misunderstood something!" Wang Xuexin said to Androvich: "These tanks were not bought by you to aid us, but by us. You and your advisory group are just gifts for buying tanks!"

"What do you mean?" Androvich looked at Wang Xuexin angrily: "Gift?"

"I think I've made it clear enough!" Wang Xuexin replied: "You didn't understand one thing from the beginning to the end. I asked you to come here not to tell me what to do, but to meet my requirements and manage the tank well." Operation, maintenance and maintenance. To put it simply, it is after-sales service... Do you understand? We are the customer, you are the salesman, and the customer is God. Is that clear enough?"

Androvich was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed: "You asked me to come here, you said you asked me to come here..."

Saying that, Androvich smiled and shook his head, as if listening to a silly joke.

Androvich thought this way: It is right to show weakness in front of the regiment commander. According to the military rank and the discipline of the army, it is indeed wrong to be disrespectful to the superior.

but now……

This guy in front of him is just a battalion commander, he doesn't even have a military rank.

In fact, Li Yunlong did not have a military rank, and the independent regiment was not in the regular establishment of the stubborn army, and the rank system of the stubborn army had been suspended for many years after the Anti-Japanese War, and many senior officers of the stubborn army were high-ranking and low-ranking.

So now, if Androvich can't win a round in front of Wang Xuexin, the future training and work will not be able to carry out.

Thinking of this, Androvich spread his hands and replied disdainfully: "Well, it's up to you! I don't want to argue with you, if you wish. However, I may report to my superiors and tell them that A lot of equipment is likely to be pointlessly wasted on the battlefield. You know what happens..."

"I know!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Androvich: "Do you believe it, Captain? If you do this, you may be dismissed, or transferred back to the country and sent to the battlefield. Therefore, I advise you not to do this Do!"

Androvich laughed again.

This ridiculous Chinese person, he actually thinks that he controls my destiny, he actually thinks that the superior will do what he wants, he actually thinks that I will believe his words...

"Sorry!" Androvich raised his eyebrows and said, "I want to try!"

Wang Xuexin spread his hands helplessly, if he insisted on going to the end, Wang Xuexin couldn't help it.

Just when Androvich ordered his subordinates to set up a radio station to report to their superiors, Lemon Lokov came in.

Lemon Lokoff knew that the advisory team had come to take a look. He didn't expect his actions to save Androvich's life.

Hearing Androvich's complaint, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Stop it, Androvich! If you do this, the general will probably send you to a punishment camp!"

(End of this chapter)

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