Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 476 Breakthrough

Chapter 476 Breakthrough
Wang Xuexin has no reason not to agree with Androvich's request. Although Mao Xiong and his advisers are very nervous, they spend more time driving tanks than soldiers touching their guns, and they shoot more shells than soldiers... But these Both seem easy to do, especially the latter.

Of course Wang Xuexin is not willing to let go of such a skilled tank crew.

The only trouble is that Androvich and others speak Mao language, and it is difficult to cooperate with other people who do not understand the language.

But that was quickly resolved.

Wang Xuexin arranged this way. He vacated the company tanks of the sixth tank company, that is, the T34 company, for Androvich to use.

As I said before, Wang Xuexin's tank company has three rows of ten vehicles, and the other three rows of three tanks cannot be separated.

The only thing that can be disassembled is the T34 of the company department.

This tank belongs to the company commander Gangzi. When he heard the order, he was a little dissatisfied: "Battle commander, I don't have any objections. Of course it's good for the coach to lead us to fight in person. The soldiers are also at ease. But put my Let the tank go out...what can I use?"

"Don't we still have armored vehicles?" Wang Xuexin replied without thinking, "Go ahead and drive one, just don't rush ahead!"

Gangzi wanted to say something, but before he could say it, he was pushed back by Wang Xuexin: "Stop talking nonsense, you have to watch how others fight, and then you will know how to command, understand?"

Gangzi let out an "oh", and then retreated reluctantly.

In Gangzi's view, it is definitely a blood loss for him to exchange a T34 for an armored vehicle.

See you at T34!The skin is thick and thick, and the devil's thin-skinned armored can be penetrated by a machine gun at a closer distance.

But Gangzi was wrong to think so.

On the battlefield, it is precisely the armored vehicle that is more suitable as a command vehicle, because it has more space than a tank and can accommodate more communication equipment and command personnel.

On the other hand, armored vehicles are fast, have good vision, can maneuver flexibly on the battlefield, and have stronger perception capabilities.

Moreover, fighting with armored vehicles does not require commanding while performing tank combat tasks like using the T34, which will make the commander overwhelmed by multitasking... The brain does the brain's work instead of fighting with hands and feet. Otherwise, every hand and foot will be inflexible and they will fight randomly.

As for the safety of armored vehicles... as long as they follow behind the tank to command instead of rushing in front to block shells, the safety is not lower than that of tanks at all.

As a veteran vehicle team, Androvic formed a single car, which gave Androvic a lot of autonomy.

Wang Xuexin solved the language barrier of his team by stuffing Lao Fan into the armored vehicle as a communicator.

But of course, it is indispensable to send a pot of sweet potatoes to Androvich's crew.

Chen Songyong expressed concern about this and said: "Battle Commander, seeing that the battle is about to start, is it appropriate to give them wine? If they drink too much..."

Wang Xuexin laughed "hehe": "Don't worry, Staff Officer Chen, you don't know Maozi, they only fight hard when they drink too much!"


Tashiro Ayumi is a captain of the 37th Division of the Empire (Division Chief Anda 23), and he is responsible for stationing Longfengping.

Although Longfengping is not big, its geographical location is very dangerous, because it is the exit of several highways and mountain roads. Two miles south from here, it leaves Luliang Mountain and enters a flat plain, and then south is Yuncheng.

At the beginning, Chu Yunfei was guarding this area and drawing a road with the Eighth Route Army to rule.

Chu Yunfei's 358th regiment had two tasks at the time. One was to guard Longfengping and prevent the Eighth Route Army from going out of the plain... This could also be regarded as a blockade, and the other was to block the devils from threatening the flanks of Yuncheng.

At this time, there was only one task for Longfengping to fall into the hands of the devils, and that was to block it in the mountainous area so that it would not come out to "make trouble".

Tashiro Ayumi did not build many fortifications here.

The reason is that the imperial army received a large number of fortifications such as artillery towers and bunkers left by the Jinsui Army here, and what Tashiro Ayuki had to do was to receive these fortifications and use them.

The staff officer once suggested that Tashiro Ayumi strengthen these fortifications to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

But Tashiro Ayumi laughed "haha".

"Inamura-kun, don't worry too much!" Tashiro Ayumi said: "We have a brigade of troops and complete fortifications, but the Eighth Route Army can only appear in front of our machine guns along the road... as long as we have enough Bullets, no amount of enemies can break through here!"

There is some truth in Tashiro Ayumi's words.

Longfengping is at the pass, and the Eighth Route Army's forces cannot be deployed. At the same time, Tashiro Bugong believes that the Eighth Route Army will not do this... The reason why the Eighth Route Army can compete with the imperial army depends on the complex terrain of the mountainous area.

So, what reason does the Eighth Route Army have to break through Longfengping and enter the plain?

Isn't this self-defeating?

Therefore, Ayumi Tashiro believes that what he needs to consider more is the problem of supplies and how to deal with the sneak attack of the Eighth Route Army guerrillas, rather than strengthening the fortifications... This is a complete waste of materials and energy.

However, what Ayumi Tashiro didn't know was that it was his arrogance that caused the defeat of the Tashiro Brigade.

On this day, Ayumi Tashiro got up on time at six o'clock for breakfast as usual.

His breakfast consisted of two slices of bread with a fried egg and a glass of milk, with honey or jam spread on the bread if possible.

This is a habit Tashiro developed when he was studying abroad in Taka-chan.

Tashiro saw the powerful industry of the United States in the eagle sauce and was deeply impressed by it. He regarded the eagle sauce as a good learning object, and the study should be thorough, including eating habits and so on.

While Tashiro was cutting the eggs with his dining knife, he could faintly hear the "rumbling" sound of the motor coming from outside the window, and the milk in the cup also rippled under the vibration of the ground.

"Which unit is going to enter our defense zone today?" Tashiro put a piece of fried egg into his mouth and asked the staff beside him, "It seems to be a chariot unit!"

Of course Tashiro Ayumi had his reasons for asking this question, because the Eighth Route Army had no chariots.

If there were any chariots, it was definitely from the Imperial Army, no matter which direction.

Staff Officer Inamura was stunned for a moment. He looked in the direction of the sound and replied nervously, "Your Excellency, there are no troops passing by today. The sound is from the north. Could it be... the Eighth Route Army?"

Tashiro laughed. He didn't understand why he had such a timid and stupid staff officer. How could he think that the Eighth Route Army had tanks?
If the Eighth Route Army has chariots, can it still be called the Eighth Route Army?

However, at this moment, there was a sudden "boom" explosion, and then the outside became chaotic.

Tashiro heard soldiers shouting: "Chariots, chariots of the Eighth Route Army!"

(End of this chapter)

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