Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 477 The Front 3 Corners Formation

Chapter 477

Tashiro Ayumi always thought that something was wrong, he still didn't believe that the Eighth Route Army would have tanks, he just thought it was some careless gunner who regarded them as enemies.

It wasn't until Tashiro ran up the gun tower and looked out through the perforations that he saw tanks slowly coming up along the road, followed by groups of Eighth Route Army troops in gray uniforms, that he had to believe this fact.

"Your Excellency, Major!" A disgraced squadron leader ran up and asked in panic, "What should we do? The Eighth Route Army...has a lot of tanks!"

"Bastard!" Ayumi Tashiro cursed loudly: "What else can I do? Stop them! Organize a demolition team to blow up all these tanks!"

"Yes!" The squadron leader responded and ran back to the command of the army.

But the squadron leader didn't know how to fight this battle at all.

In fact, not only the squadron leader didn't know, but even the captain Tashiro Ayumi didn't know.

In the past, the Huaxia Army did have tanks, but they were extremely rare and they didn't know the coordination of infantry and tanks. Of course, it didn't take much effort to deal with such tanks.

Anda 23's 37th Division landed in Shanghai at the end of the Songhu War. When they landed on this land, Huaxia's tank troops had almost been wiped out.

Therefore, the 37th Division never fought against tanks.

In fact, the devils are not only like this on the Chinese battlefield. When facing Yingjiang's tanks on the Pacific battlefield, their anti-tank method is still carrying cluster grenades and launching suicide blasts. If there is any improvement in the future, it is a whole. Magnetic and stabbing mine stuff.

So the battle turned into a massacre.

The first tanks are the ten tanks of the tank company, and Longfengping can only accommodate ten tanks.

These tanks are in groups of three, and the three groups are arranged in front of the devil's gun tower and bunker. The front tank is only twenty meters away from the devil's gun tower.

The reason why the front triangle is used instead of the rear triangle is because Wang Xuexin believes that the easier the battle looks, the more careful it is, and this is the first time that the Eighth Route Army tank unit has been put into actual combat. They are not very familiar with coordination, so they use the more secure front triangle. formation.

The characteristic of the front triangle is that the two wings are very strong and not easy to be broken through...

For example, there is a tank at the front, and there are two tanks behind it in a three-three formation, one on the left and one on the right.

If the Devil infantry wants to approach the tank in front from a dead angle on the flank, it will expose itself to the two tanks behind.

If the devils go further back, hoping to sneak attack on the flanks of the last two tanks... they will definitely expose themselves to the firepower of another group of tanks.

All in all, when using the "front triangle" formation, almost all tanks' flanks are safe, and each tank only needs to pay attention to the target directly in front of itself and destroy it when fighting.

If there were any tanks whose flanks were not safe enough, it was the two outermost tanks in the last row.

But these two tanks are far away from the devils, and the devils have to go through batch after batch of firepower following the infantry to reach them.

On the contrary, if you use an inverted triangle formation, although the firepower in front is stronger, but at the same time, the two tanks without flank cover will be sent to the devils to give the enemy a chance to destroy them.

There is no need for Wang Xuexin to be in a hurry. He believes that this battle will not take too much time, and the way to fight steadily is king.

Tank troops using the front triangle formation, as long as they protect themselves well, can form an advantage of "I can hit the enemy but the enemy cannot hit me".

For example, what was happening on the battlefield at this time, the tank guns of the Eighth Route Army bombarded the devil's gun tower one after another. Although the devil's direction was full of gunshots, they were helpless against the tanks.

With a "boom", the 101 car fired another grenade towards the gun tower, and the gun tower immediately flew with rubble, causing the devils to scream.

The first number of "101" represents the first company, and the last two digits represent the tank number, so we know that it is the No. [-] car of the company.

The 101 vehicle is a bit special. Instead of aiming at the perforation of the gun tower, it fires at the wall of the gun tower, and shoots only one side.

Later, Wang Xuexin learned that the commander of the No. 101 car was a mason. He was once captured by the devils and repaired the gun tower. He worked for a full year before sneaking out.

After the war, he explained it this way: "We don't have many shells, and we can't afford to waste them! How long will it take to shoot this round before we can wipe out the devils in a blockhouse? Isn't it over when the blockhouse is knocked down?"

Sure enough, there were only three shells. When the fourth shell was loaded on the 101 vehicle and the turret was turned to aim, the turret tilted slowly, then became faster and faster, and finally collapsed with a "boom".

The towering tower just now turned into a pile of dust and ruins in a blink of an eye. Countless devils were crushed to death and buried alive inside and outside the tower.

"Boom", another cannon rang, and this one was fired by car No. 107.

In each tank company, vehicles "01", "04", and "07" are all platoon leaders and team leaders.

These cars have greater autonomy at the forefront of the group.

The two vehicles in the rear must closely follow the vehicle in front to provide cover, and they are more passive in battle... This is actually the shortcoming of the three-three system, that is, it is not so flexible.

But in the case of insufficient training and communication, it is necessary to sacrifice some flexibility to achieve the best comprehensive combat effectiveness. After all, there is no free lunch in the world, and there are no tactics that can be formed in a short time and are all advantages.If there is, then all countries in the world have already used it uniformly.

Car No. 107 has a better view because it is in the front. It advances more than ten meters to the flanks, which makes the triangle formation not so square... This is no problem, because as Wang Xuexin said, the three-three system should not be used in combat As for the three-three system, as long as you know your mission in the general direction, you can make changes according to the needs of the battlefield.

When Wang Xuexin saw this scene in the telescope, he secretly praised in his heart. It seems that the soldiers have learned the essence of the three-three system.

Vehicle No. 107 moves itself onto a flat, hard is very important whether it is a hard surface, otherwise the tank is likely to sink into the mud with different depths and the body will not be level. In this case, it is difficult for the gunner to aim at the target.

It was different on hard ground. After the 107 vehicle stopped, it aimed at a bunker 30 meters away, and then shot the shell into the bunker from the perforation with a "boom".

The explosion from the inside to the outside didn't look violent on the surface, but flames and blue smoke came out of the perforations in all directions of the bunker.

But Wang Xuexin knew that all the devils hiding inside were finished. They had fully absorbed the energy of the shell, and even if they were not killed by the bomb, they would be shocked to death by the instantaneous increase in air pressure, and their death would be very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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