Chapter 487

Thick smoke billowed and killed, and the sound shook the sky.

Fierce gunshots and explosions rang out from all sides of Yuncheng, including the south side where Chu Yunfei was in charge.

Chu Yunfei was different from other Jinsui troops. Although he was fighting openly and secretly with Li Yunlong, it seemed to him that it was a matter of their respective positions. He had always been duty-bound in the war of resistance.

This is also the reason why Yan Laoxi did not clarify the "problem" at the meeting and wanted to talk to Zhou Zhen in private.

Chu Yunfei spent a lot of thought on attacking the south.

He believed that it was almost impossible to break through the city wall with the terrain in the south, so he could only do his best to restrain the devils' troops and firepower to cooperate with other directions.

But if you want to achieve this effect, you must expand the offensive surface.

Otherwise, if the 358th regiment only attacked along the east and west passages on both sides of the salt lake, the devils only need to set up a few machine guns and a few grenadiers at the top of the city.

Therefore, Chu Yunfei believed that the 358th regiment still needed to attack from the direction of Salt Lake.

The difficulty of attacking from the direction of the salt lake is that there are not so many ships, and the second is that there is no focus and cover on the ships, which will cause a lot of casualties under the firepower of the devils.

Chu Yunfei thought of two ways to deal with these difficulties:

If there are not enough boats, the door panels of the people will be requisitioned along the way, and then a simple raft can be quickly made by nailing a few pieces of logs under the door panels.

The common people were not very happy when they saw that it was the Jinsui army who came to ask for the door panel, but when they heard that the door panel was used to fight the devils in Yuncheng, they voluntarily removed the door panel and sent it up.

Even when the battle started, many people continued to carry the door panels up, and some of them voluntarily stayed to help the Jinsui Army make rafts.

This made Chu Yunfei sigh in his heart. This is probably what the Eighth Route Army calls "the power of the masses". Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. If the Eighth Route Army has always been supported by the people like this, how can the Jinsui Army be able to cooperate with it in the future? enemy?
However, this thought was only fleeting. Chu Yunfei knew that this was not the time to think about it, so he immediately concentrated on directing the troops to attack.

When the battle started, the Shanxi-Sui army was divided into several parts, and they rushed towards the south wall from the passage and driving rafts from the salt lake.

For such an attack, the devils could only increase their troops in the south... how could they dare to underestimate the enemy in the dark in front of them, so they could only mobilize troops to make up for the weakness in the south.

Another method Chu Yunfei used was to use a raft to tie many straw men in military uniforms.

Although it was daytime, but the grass man was wearing a military uniform and the smoke filled the sky, and there were real people and fakes mixed together inside, so it was really hard to tell the difference.

Most of the bullets fired by the devils were empty, and several times the Jinsui army attacked the shore and hit the city gate. The devils were so scared that they hurriedly threw grenades down the city and beat the Jinsui army back.

Chi Shangxianji has been sitting at the North Gate to command.

Chi Shangxianji could see that the north gate was the focus of the Eighth Route Army's attack. There were a lot of tanks on this side, and the Eighth Route Army's attack was particularly fierce. The other direction only advanced a few tens of meters, while the north gate had already advanced more than 100 meters.

Chi Shangxianji was a little puzzled, if the Eighth Route Army cleared the bunkers and gun towers outside the city, how would they attack the city wall.

Climbing up the city wall with a ladder under the cover of chariot fire?

It seemed so primitive that Imperial soldiers could stop them by throwing grenades and dynamite packs down.

Attack the city gate?

This may be a solution.

After all, the gate of the city is just a wooden gate covered with iron sheets, which can be easily blasted open by the tank guns of the Eighth Route Army.

However, the city gate is narrow and easily blocked by firepower.

If the Eighth Route Army expected to storm the city gates with chariots, they were wrong.

Chi Shangxianji had long been prepared for this.

Kenji Ikegami arranged three 75M-caliber 90-type field guns at each city gate, which were deployed in the left, middle, and right directions, which could block the city gates from all angles.

The 90-type field artillery can easily destroy bunkers at a distance of more than ten kilometers. Now it is no problem to destroy the T26 of the Eighth Route Army by shooting at close range.

In Kenji Ikegami's mind, a scene of chariots being destroyed and then blocked at the city gate immobilizing the follow-up troops of the Eighth Route Army almost flashed.

Thinking about it, the corners of Chishang Xianji's mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

After this battle, it's time for the Ninth Mixed Brigade to regain its respect!
The Eighth Route Army's attack was really timely.

Speaking of which, I should thank them!

Just when Ikegami Xianji was complacent, he heard a faint familiar "click click" sound, and felt a little strange vibration under his feet.

"What..." Kenji Ikegami looked in the direction of the sound suspiciously, and then saw a huge chimney emitting thick smoke from far to near.

Chi Shang Xianji hesitated for a moment, there were smoke bombs fired by the Eighth Route Army everywhere, and he couldn't see clearly.

Then, there was a loud and piercing whistle and it continued.

Immediately, Chishang Xianji opened his mouth wide: "Oh, that's... that's a train! How could the Eighth Route Army have trains?"

In the next second, Chishang Xianji understood that it was the train captured by the Eighth Route Army, and it was crashing into the city wall at the fastest speed...

No, to be precise, it was a crash into the city gate.

Because the railway is built along the small north gate all the way into the city, the high-speed train will of course smash the city gate along the railway.

The Type 90 field guns may be able to stop tanks, but they certainly cannot stop a train rushing in at high speed.

Thinking of this, Chi Shangxianji hurriedly shouted: "Fire, order to fire!"

But it was too late to react at this time.

On the one hand, it was because the train continued to whistle, and the piercing sound combined with the gunfire and gunfire on the battlefield combined, so that Chi Shangxianji's shout could not be heard at all, and his subordinates only saw his mouth moving but did not hear anything arrive.

On the other hand, the train reaches a speed of eighty or ninety kilometers per hour, and it only takes about 20 seconds to break into the city from a few hundred meters away from the visual line at full speed.

Even if Ikegami Kenkichi immediately conveyed the order, the communicator then called the artillery, and the artillery adjusted the parameters of the artillery in advance and aimed the artillery at the railway...the shells could not be fired in such a short period of time to stop the train from advancing. .

So as expected, a few seconds later, the locomotive slammed into the city gate with a "boom".

Chi Shangxianji only felt a violent tremor under his feet. He hurried to the other side of the city wall and leaned on the wall to look in the direction of the small north gate. .

The artillerymen hid and shouted everywhere, but there was no time, and a large area was swept down in a few strokes, and there was blood and wailing immediately under the city wall.

What scares Kenji Ikegami even more is not the locomotive that smashed open the city gate and swept away the artillery and a large number of imperial soldiers, but the three train carriages that followed the locomotive and entered the city gate by inertia.

Among the three carriages, there is a chariot parked in each of them.

Kenkichi Ikegami took a look at it, and it turned out to be an imperial chariot... two Type 97s and a Type 95.

(End of this chapter)

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