Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 488 Armored Train

Chapter 488 Armored Train
Wang Xuexin deliberately guided the devils to build railways, never just to let them fill in a passage for tanks to enter.

Because this passage is too narrow, but only tens of meters wide.

This width was easily blocked by the devil's artillery fire.

If the artillery of the Jinsui Army can cooperate with the Eighth Route Army to fight as planned, then of course the Eighth Route Army has the hope of attacking the city in this way.

The problem is that Wang Xuexin thinks that the Jinsui Army will not be so talkative. They always want to let the Eighth Route Army bleed, they always want to tear down the stage, and they always lose the chain at critical moments.

So Wang Xuexin can only rely on himself.

So what Wang Xuexin thought at first was to smash open the city gate with a train.

Not only do we need to smash open the city gates with trains, but we also need to transport a few tanks into the city, so that the inside and the outside can cooperate... nothing can stop the tank battalion.

Responsible for capturing the train was Monk's reconnaissance company.

When Wang Xuexin assigned this task to the monk, the guy was not very happy.

"Battalion Commander, you are not being kind!" The monk pouted and said, "Comrades are all going to fight in Yuncheng, but you let me rob the train! This matter still needs to be carried out by our reconnaissance company? The guerrillas will do it." Don’t they just do it? They keep doing this, and they promise it will work..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Wang Xuexin interrupted the monk impatiently: "I said monk, there is a way to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while, and usually provide your reconnaissance company with good food and drink. Now let you perform tasks. If this doesn’t work, whoever has an opinion? Just say a word, do it or not, if you don’t do it, don’t be a company commander, let Shi Sha go!”

"Don't, Battalion Commander!" The monk immediately lost his smile: "Don't I just talk about it? Do it, of course you have to do it! Make sure to complete the task! Is this the head office?"

The monk has such a temper, a single-minded mind, no matter what he does, he wants to be happy and straightforward.

However, if the mission is really arranged, he can carry it out seriously, and the Yigao people are bold and suitable for the mission of the reconnaissance company, so Wang Xuexin will do it, otherwise he will have been withdrawn.

The monk was happy again when the plan was discussed next.

"So that's what happened!" The monk stroked his chest happily: "Battle Commander, you said earlier that you hit the city gate with a locomotive, but I said you just robbed a train to transport things? If you want to say that you hit the city gate , can I still do it?"

Wang Xuexin raised his hand and smacked the monk's head twice: "If you use the train to transport things, you need to be connected with the reconnaissance company? Guerrillas can't transport them? In the future, you will not be allowed to do this or that, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand!" The monk agreed with a smile.

This task was nothing to the reconnaissance company, especially when they were accompanied by three devil tanks.

The reconnaissance company was separated from the main force at Longfengping.

They put on devil's military uniforms, drove eastward in tanks, cars and satchels swaggeringly... More than [-] miles eastward, they reached the railway line, where they could stop the train.

Due to the excellent camouflage of the scouts, plus tanks and cars, there were also several devil maintenance personnel who were also marched together... Devil technicians can deal with devils and repair tanks on the road, which really kills two birds with one stone.

In this way, you can reach the railway line smoothly.

When they arrived, they prepared two small flags, and the tanks swung to both sides of the railway, with the black gun barrel pointing to the middle of the railway and just waited.

As soon as the train came up, the little man holding the flag waved the flag and whistled in the direction of the train.

The driver saw that there was no reason for this continuous battle.

After stopping, let the ghost technician go up to talk, saying that there is a war in Yuncheng, the railway is impassable, and the train is temporarily requisitioned to transport tanks and troops... In fact, the battle in Yuncheng has not yet started at this time, and the supplies on the train can still be transported to Yuncheng.

But how did the devils and puppet soldiers responsible for protecting the train know this, so they let the train out without saying a word, and a few devils asked to fight and said they wanted to go to Yuncheng with the troops.

The spirit of the devil is quite good, of course the monk couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded and took them along.

However, these "heroic" devils failed to reach Yuncheng in the end.

On the way to Yuncheng, the monks broke their necks and threw them to the side of the railway.

When approaching Yuncheng, the monk was getting ready at the train junction...

If the locomotive hits the city gate, it is likely to be derailed.

If the locomotive derails and the carriages behind are still connected, it will inevitably derail with the carriages.

Therefore, the front and the compartment must be separated at the last moment.

It's just that the monk separated a little too late. After the train rushed into the city, it slammed into the locomotive that was already lying on the railway along the railway, knocking the scout soldiers to pieces. fell to the ground.

The monk was nimble, rolled a few times on the spot to charge, and then turned around and shouted: "Get up, don't let the devils get close!"

As he spoke, he raised the submachine gun and swept down the devils beside the car with a single swing.

After receiving the order, the soldiers immediately got up from the ground, raised their guns and slammed at the devils on both sides.

The tank in the middle of the carriage adjusted its muzzle, and with a "boom", it blew up the devil's car that was transporting ammunition into the sky, and the machine gun also shot a rain of bullets at the rushing devil, harvesting these invaders like a death sickle. life of the victim.

Kenji Ikegami didn't react until then. He drew out his command knife and swung it towards the carriage that rushed hundreds of meters into the city, shouting hysterically: "Destroy them and seal the city gate!"

Kenji Ikegami knew what would happen if this went on.

The city gate has been smashed by the train... It is nothing if the city gate is smashed, the important thing is that the fortifications that Kenkichi Ikegami had set up behind the city gate were destroyed by the train.

What sandbags, artillery, machine gun fire, etc., the locomotive swept away nine out of ten, and this carriage brought in a team of eight roads and three chariots to fight... Not to mention the heavy casualties of the imperial soldiers, the city gate It will also get out of control.

If the city gate is out of control, troops and chariots of the Eighth Route Army will pour in continuously from the city gate, and Shiyun City will be over.

Therefore, there is only one chance now, and that is to eliminate these three carriages to reorganize the defense of the city gate or block it.

But it's easier said than done...

The reconnaissance company had enough ammunition, anyway, it was easy to carry more ammunition after taking the car and then the train, so the bullets poured out in pieces like no money, and the grenades shot out in rows.

On the other hand, it is not so easy for the devils to hit the Eighth Route Army soldiers in the carriage.

Because the reconnaissance company made some arrangements before they came, they put sandbags on both sides of the train carriage, turning the train into a trench...

In other words, the train has become an armored train, an armored train with tanks on it.

(End of this chapter)

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