Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 492 Accident

Chapter 492 Accident
Something tonight, only one chapter.Make it up tomorrow.


In fact, Wang Xuexin has the ability to deal with the devil artillery, and the method is the rocket launcher.

The Rocket Artillery Troops prepared a total of more than 1000 rockets for this operation, which are all the rockets of the Eighth Route Army.

More than 300 rounds of artillery fire were prepared to fire before, and there are more than 700 rounds left, which can provide two batches of fire suppression.

Li Yunlong has already prepared the rocket artillery unit. If the Jinsui army still does not fire, they can only use rocket artillery to suppress the devil's artillery unit.

At that time, it only needs to suppress the devil artillery a little, and the tank battalion will be able to rush into the city.

As for Zhao Gang's concern that the rocket launcher's accuracy is not high enough to accidentally injure civilians...

This is what Li Yunlong told Wang Xuexin: "Don't tell the political commissar beforehand, I will be responsible for anything after the war!"

Wang Xuexin acquiesced to Li Yunlong's statement, because he also agreed with this approach.

Wars are sometimes so cruel that casualties and even civilian casualties are unavoidable.

In fact, even if the Eighth Route Army didn't use rocket launchers to suppress the Devil's artillery, similar things would happen in street fighting.

For example, if the devils hide in civilian houses, should the Eighth Route Army attack or not?
Attacking will accidentally injure the people, not attacking is equivalent to admitting defeat and letting the devils occupy Yuncheng, and don't even fight, because if there is any battle in the future, the devils can drive out a bunch of people to walk in front, and then the Eighth Route Army will only use the mouse. throw in the towel.

Therefore, in the long run, Zhao Gang's benevolence should not have been there. Instead, it encourages the devils to use the arrogance of the common people to victimize more common people.

The same is true for the battle of Yuncheng. If the rockets were not used because they were worried about accidentally injuring the people, more people would be tortured by the devils, and more people would die under the devil's butcher's knife, and Yuncheng would not even want to get it back.

Therefore, no matter where you look at it, you should consider the overall situation and the interests of the majority of people instead of talking about women's benevolence on the battlefield.

This is why some modern countries implement a policy of no compromise with kidnappers.

If in order to protect the safety of the hostages, the kidnappers are compromised, will more kidnappers follow suit, and more hostages will be victimized as a result.

On the contrary, if the kidnappers knew that the police would not compromise the safety of the hostages, it would be useless to take the hostages once, or take the hostages twice... After that, there will be kidnappers who are stupid enough to take the hostages and think that the hostages can protect their own safety?

Not to mention the battlefield.

If an army will surrender because the enemy has hostages, it will lay down its arms like in the movie... don't fight this battle, just lay down your arms and surrender.

But now that the artillerymen of the Jinsui Army opened fire to suppress the devil artillerymen, it saved Li Yunlong from arguing with Zhao Gang.

The news that the Yuncheng defense line was breached by the Eighth Route Army soon reached Okamura Ningji's headquarters.

The message was sent by Chi Shangxianji.

Kenkichi Ikegami originally planned to follow what most commanders usually do, organize troops to repel the Eighth Route Army and then report to Neiji Okamura... In this way, he will not be punished by the Ninth Mixed Brigade and will not be looked down upon.

But Chi Shangxianji thought about it carefully, and finally sighed and felt that he couldn't do this.

Because he is not sure about driving the enemy out of the city... Those chariots of the Eighth Route Army are not easy to deal with. If they don't report it, I'm afraid that all members of the Ninth Brigade will be loyal to Yuncheng and fall. The headquarters still don't know the situation here. , then the crime will be added to the crime.

Therefore, Chi Shangxianji finally mustered up the courage to send a telegram to the military headquarters: "Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army has broken through our defense line and entered Yuncheng. Our department is fighting with the Eighth Route Army. The Ninth Mixed Brigade will fight to the end. Moment!"

Neiji Okamura thought something was wrong when he saw the telegram. He asked Yoshio Shinozuka, "Is that fellow Ikegami talking nonsense? It's only been less than an hour since the Eighth Route Army arrived in Yuncheng, and he broke through The Yuncheng defense line?"

Shinozuka Yoshio also had such doubts before, but he only came to report after asking about the situation. He swallowed, and then replied with difficulty: "Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army... captured a train from our army. They They crashed into Yuncheng with a few tanks and an elite army on a train. So... Chi Shang is telling the truth!"

Okamura Ningji was stunned for a moment, his face changed again and again, he wanted to attack several times but gritted his teeth and endured it forcefully.

Neiji Okamura knew that it was meaningless to have an attack at this time, it would just let his subordinates know that he was out of order.

Okamura Ningji knew that this was not Ikegami's fault, because even if he personally commanded in Yuncheng, he might not be able to prevent the Eighth Route Army's move.

After thinking about it, Neiji Okamura asked, "Where is the 7th Tank Regiment?"

"Standby at the No. 183 military station!" Shinozuka Yoshio hurriedly found a location on the map in front of Neiji Okamura, and then pointed to it and explained: "The No. 183 military station is more than 7 kilometers away from Yuncheng. The bomber is being repaired, and the [-]th Tank Regiment is waiting for engineers..."

Neiji Okamura interrupted Yoshio Shinozuka without hesitation: "Order the 7th Tank Regiment to unload the vehicles and rush to Yuncheng immediately!"


"Order the 37th Cavalry Regiment and the 37th Mountain Artillery Regiment to join the 7th Chariot Regiment and reinforce Yuncheng!"


"Order the Ninth Mixed Brigade! Be sure to deal with the Eighth Route Army to the end, and wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and cooperate with the reinforcements to destroy the Eighth Route Army!"


As soon as Shinozuka Yoshio stood up, he rushed to the telecommunications room to convey the order.

Okamura Neiji stared at the map on the desktop, his face uncertain.

This time it was Neji Okamura who miscalculated.

He thought that the Eighth Route Army was unlikely to attack Yuncheng, and it might just be a decoy.The greater goal of the Eighth Route Army should be to break through the imperial army's defense line in the south of Luliang Mountain, and then expand the battlefield to Zhongtiao Mountain to make the imperial army in a dilemma.

After all, mountainous areas are the main battlefield of the Eighth Route Army.

This is also the reason Okamura Ningji has not sent troops from the 37th Division to reinforce Yuncheng. He was worried that he would fall into the Eighth Route Army's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

But now it seems that the goal of the Eighth Route Army is indeed Yuncheng.

"It's really amazing!" Ningji Okamura sighed to himself: "Under the blockade of our army, not only has the Eighth Route Army not been weakened, but in just a few months, it has attacked Yuncheng and The strength to hold it!"

But after thinking about it, Neiji Okamura thinks... this might be a good thing.

The Eighth Route Army's invasion of Yuncheng meant that it was difficult for them to escape.

At that time, the reinforcements will rush to Yuncheng to cooperate with outsiders, and the Eighth Route Army will be wiped out in Yuncheng.

It's it that simple?

Neiji Okamura was a little skeptical.

Because Okamura Ningji found that the enemy would always bring him a little "accident", and he didn't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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