Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 493 Chariot Wing

Chapter 493 Chariot Wing
The reinforcement group sent by Neiji Okamura is a little different from usual.

Usually, the devils fought with infantry and chariot teams, such as the battle in Yucun.

But now it is the cavalry regiment, the mountain artillery regiment and the chariot regiment who cooperate to fight.

This is related to the war situation of the devils at this time.

As the so-called military situation is urgent, Ningji Okamura was worried that Yuncheng would be captured by the Eighth Route Army if the speed was slow. At that time, it would be difficult to take back Yuncheng, which is full of bunkers and gun towers, especially anti-tank trenches, so he sent these fast mobile force.

The speed of the chariot unit is not satisfactory. Although the top speed of the Type 38 tank is only [-] kilometers per hour, it is still faster than two legs after all.

Needless to say, the cavalry can be regarded as a high-speed mobile force.

The Mountain Cannon Wing is also a mobile unit that uses cars to drag the Mountain Cannons around, and of course it is not slow.

Strictly speaking, the mountain artillery unit is used for mountain warfare. The field artillery unit is used for field battles... The definition of mountain artillery is that it is small in weight and can be easily disassembled and transported to the mountain for reassembly. For example, the [-]nd infantry artillery, field artillery is usually Difficult to disassemble.

From this aspect, it should be the field artillery force rather than the mountain artillery force that reinforces Yuncheng.

The reason is that the vicinity of Yuncheng is a plain, and a large-caliber and powerful field cannon is more needed. Naturally, there is no requirement for the disassembly of the mountain cannon.

The problem is that the devils usually use the field artillery units to fight the recalcitrant army and the mountain artillery troops to fight the Eighth Route Army... The recalcitrant army fights the devils head-on and the eighth route army usually deals with the devils in the mountains, so this distribution is correct.

Therefore, most of the devils in Yuncheng are mountain artillery units and few field artillery units. The 75mm field artillery in Yuncheng City was originally transported to the Yellow River for confrontation with stubborn troops.

Neji Okamura knew that the Eighth Route Army's strength in the direction of Yuncheng consisted of two divisions and one independent regiment.

He thought it was enough to send such a force to deal with the Eighth Route Army, even though the Eighth Route Army had fifty tanks.

However, this is also due to the shortage of devils. Ningji Okamura is worried that the defense line of Lvliang Mountain will be full of loopholes and it will lead to a bad battle instead.

Otherwise, with such a good opportunity to fight against the main force of the Eighth Route Army on the plains, Neiji Okamura would of course mobilize a large army to encircle him.

However, Ningji Okamura miscalculated in the end. The mobile troops he sent were far from enough to break through the Eighth Route Army's defense line.

The 7th tank regiment is the main tank regiment of the devils, and the captain of the regiment is Fujiro Dazuo.

This tank wing is a medium battle wing, mainly equipped with Type 97 medium tanks.

It participated in the Battle of Nomonhan a year ago, and defeated Maokuma's armored forces in a partial battle when the performance of the tank was at a disadvantage. Aritojiro was only a staff officer at the time, and he was wounded in that war , Seven months ago, he recovered from injury and was transferred to the joint captain.

Ordinarily, this chariot unit with rich combat experience and good strength against the bear should be transferred to Kanto Continent to participate in the special performance... In fact, it is to prepare for the battle against the bear.

But Okamura Ningji used various methods and excuses to keep this unit, such as putting the 7th Tank Regiment at the end, and when it was about to be transferred, he said that it was on a mission or that the train capacity was insufficient, etc., and the result was not until It has not been able to make the trip yet but it is used to reinforce Yuncheng... This is actually because Okamura Ningji felt the threat from the Eighth Route Army, and he transferred the "Type [-] Tank" from China for the same reason.

At this time, Arimijiro was flipping through the enemy's defense map on the armored vehicle used as a command vehicle.

After looking at it for a while, he threw the defense map aside.

Because he felt that the deployment map was meaningless, it was just a field fortification of the Eighth Route Army of a division.

Such fortifications can almost be described as "vulnerable" under his chariot wing.

You must know that his medium tank unit is equipped with 52 tanks, of which 31 are Type 97 medium tanks and 21 are Type 95 light tanks... Devils are used to mixing the two types of tanks. The difference between the tank squadron and the medium tank squadron is that the ratio of the two tanks is different. For example, the Fuzhong tank squadron has a light tank squadron and three medium tank squadrons, but the medium tank squadron has several squadrons. A light tank to assist in the battle.

This may be due to the devil's habit of wanting to use every tank with fine tactics and even wishing for every soldier.

Although the two armies of the devil, the sea and the army, are at odds with each other, they are very similar in this respect.

When the navy formulates its combat plan, it will pay attention to what each lifeboat does... This seems to be no problem, and it is better to be careful and meticulous than to be careless.

But there is an idiom called "things must be reversed at extremes". War is an uncertain thing. No one can predict what the battlefield they will face or what emergencies will happen.

Therefore, each tactical unit should have sufficient flexibility and adaptability under the general framework.

If the battle plan of the whole army is detailed to save life and move it to death, the result is that either the plan cannot be implemented because it is out of reality, or it is forced to implement but loses its life and eventually collapses.

The devil's chariot unit is almost the same.

They hope to use the medium tank, the Type 97, to deal with the enemy's tanks and the Type 95 to deal with the enemy's infantry, so that they can make full use of resources without the "waste" of the Type 97 against the enemy's infantry.

But how could the ever-changing battlefield develop as the devils hoped and planned!

Unless it is possible for the Chinese army that has no tanks and no anti-tank equipment.

But now it is impossible because of the appearance of Wang Xuexin.

Aritomijiro rubbed his aching right leg. This was the wound he suffered during the battle in Nomonhan. The chariot was almost crippled by the enemy's penetration. Until now, there are still a few pieces of shrapnel that have not been taken out.

But at this time, Yufujiro didn't care about this. He thought that this battle was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, especially since the intelligence showed that the tanks of the Eighth Route Army were still in Yuncheng without organized defense.

It is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to be ignorant of the news that the 7th Chariot Regiment is coming.

Aritojiro knew that the intelligence network of the Eighth Route Army was much more effective than that of the Imperial Army.

Now that the Eighth Route Army knew about it, but their tanks continued to attack Yuncheng as if nothing had happened... Isn't that confident?
Yutomijiro was a little angry, why are these Chinese troops so confident!
Are they planning to use rockets or bazookas to stop the tank troops?

No, not likely!

The accuracy of the rocket launcher is too low, and it will not have much effect when used to fight the tanks in action, especially the Eighth Route Army does not have many shells.

The rocket launcher has only 20MM armor-piercing ability, and cannot penetrate the frontal armor of the Type 97 medium tank equipped with sandbags and shell casings.

So, could it be that the tanks of the Eighth Route Army were not limited to these?

Thinking of Yufujiro, he was startled, and immediately ordered the troops to stop advancing.

(End of this chapter)

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