Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 495 Chariot Wing

Chapter 495 Chariot Alliance (Supplement)

The sudden attack of the Eighth Route Army made Aritomijiro more determined that the Eighth Route Army would lure the imperial chariots to attack... When they did not attack, they would only attack when the chariot regiment was resting, obviously forcing the chariot regiment to go for reinforcements.

But Tomijiro feels that things are getting worse.

Just because he knew it didn't mean others knew it too, and the result was that the Chariot Wing would have to jump into the trap when they received reinforcements.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the staff to report to Yufujiro: "Your Excellency, the lieutenant general wants to talk to you..."

The lieutenant general is Anda 37, head of the 23th Division.

Both the Cavalry Wing and the Mountain Artillery Wing came from the 37th Division, and the direct commander who reinforced Yuncheng was Anda 23.

Aritomijiro knew why Adachi 23 contacted him at this time, so he was a little reluctant, but he still took the phone.

"You Fu!" Anda 23 said on the phone: "I heard that you stopped at seven kilometers from the front line? Is there any difficulty?"

Adachi 23's words were quite kind, mainly because he knew that Tomijiro had some skills, and there were not many commanders who could win even partial victories in the Battle of Nomonhan.

"Yes, Lieutenant General!" Yufujiro replied: "I think the Eighth Route Army is not just fifty tanks exposed, they probably have more tanks on the line of defense, and the tank regiment stepped forward...may jump Enter the trap set by the Eighth Route Army."

Adachi 23 hesitated for a moment. He thought that Tomijiro's analysis was reasonable, but he didn't think it was right.

"Then..." Anda 23 asked back: "How does You Fu Jun plan to avoid this 'possible' trap?"

This actually stopped Yufujiro from asking.

Their task was to reinforce Yuncheng, so they definitely couldn't wait here forever, and if they continued to wait like this, it would be impossible for the Eighth Route Army to take the initiative to tell the imperial army about any traps.

Therefore, if you want to know what traps or whether there are traps, you should go up and fight.

"What's more!" Anda 23 continued: "Doesn't the Youfu United have more than thirty 97 Zhongzhan? It is equipped with a new type of tank gun, but it is more advanced than the T26! Even if the Eighth Route Army has more Chariots and traps ahead, shouldn't you easily destroy them and crush the enemy?"

"Yes!" Yutomijiro could only answer this way, he actually didn't know what was waiting ahead, he just thought it wouldn't be that simple.

But since Anda 23 has said so, he can't object anymore.

"So!" Then Anda 23 ordered: "Go to reinforce the cavalry regiment and help them stabilize the line of defense. After half an hour, the 37th mountain artillery regiment will arrive, and it will be the end of the battle!"

"Yes!" Arimijiro replied.

After putting down the microphone, Arimijiro hesitated for a while, but finally gave the order for all members to attack.

Arimijiro divided the troops into four parts. The second and third medium tank squadrons launched counterattacks from the two wings to the Eighth Route Army respectively, and the first light tank squadron and the fourth medium tank squadron served as reserves.

Aritomijiro would not have used two tank squadrons as a reserve if he had adopted a cautious plan of operations.

However, it cannot be regarded as cautious, because a tank squadron has twelve tanks, and two squadrons have 24 tanks, and it is a Type 97 tank with great firepower and strong defense, which is more than enough to repel the attack of a division of the Eighth Route Army.

The chariot troop headed for the front line in a mighty manner, and arrived in ten minutes after a seven-kilometer journey. The troop paused for a few minutes to prepare before approaching the enemy.

Aritomijiro emerged from the armored vehicle and raised his binoculars to look at the positions of the Eighth Route Army. He hoped to find something unique, such as forests or hills that would be good for tanks to hide.

But after observing for a while, I found nothing.

In desperation, Aritomijiro waved his hand and ordered the troops to move forward.

At this time, the chariot troops had already set up their offensive formation, and the chariots were followed by groups of infantrymen. At the order of Aritomijiro, the 24 chariots were divided into two sides and pushed towards the front line at low speed, and the infantrymen held their guns tightly. After that, from time to time, he leaned out and raised his gun as a guard.

Tomijiro said to himself: "What kind of trap could it be? Can the Eighth Route Army hide more tanks here than we do?"

No wonder Yufujiro thinks so. At this time, the performance of the T26 chariot used by the Eighth Route Army is not as good as that of the 97 Zhongzhan.

The 7th Tank Wing has 31 97th vehicles.

That being the case, if the Eighth Route Army wants to use the T97, which is not as good as the 26 Zhongzhan, to lay traps, is it necessary to have at least fifty T26s?

Even if you still have to fight against 95 light wars, fifty T26s can't stop the attack of the imperial army.

So, what is the Eighth Route Army holding in its hands?

The ensuing battle was completely within Aritojiro's expectations. The Eighth Route Army's offensive quickly collapsed under the counterattack of the chariots, and the Eighth Route Army retreated to the defense line one after another.

Two chariot squadrons were parked on the flanks of the cavalry regiment, one on the left and the other on the right. The devils are very confident in their 97th battle. Armor, therefore, only by lining up the chariots in a row can the firepower advantages of the chariots be better utilized.

At this time, the captain of the cavalry regiment, Shimizu Kitake, found Yufujiro.

"Your Majesty!" Qingshui Guiwu said: "Order to attack, our strength is enough to defeat the Eighth Route Army and complete the task of reinforcing Yuncheng! Keep waiting, Yuncheng may be in danger!"

Aritomijiro glanced at Shimizu Kitake from the tall armored vehicle without answering.

Although both of them are commanders and joint captains, their ranks and identities are completely different.

Those who can be promoted to the captain of the chariot wing are all elites among the elite. They must graduate from a regular military academy and have considerable combat experience and meritorious service.

But the captain of the cavalry regiment... This kind of unit that is almost eliminated is undoubtedly synonymous with lightly armed enemy guerrillas.

For example, this time, Yutomijiro believed that Shimizu Kiwu was not actually worried about the safety of Yuncheng, but was beaten by the Eighth Route Army in the battle just now. This can be seen from the blood on Shimizu Kiwu's face.

At this time, Qingshui Guiwu was eager to fight, of course, to defeat the Eighth Route Army in front of him, and he was relying on the strength of the chariot regiment.

After being silent for a while, Tomijiro said, "But I have been ordered to wait for the Shanpao Regiment to arrive before attacking."

"Your Majesty, the Shanpao Regiment is still going to take [-] more minutes!" Shimizu Kiwu was still not reconciled: "We may have won by then..."

At this moment, only the sound of "boom" was heard.

The sound of the cannon was not obvious on the battlefield, so that neither of them noticed much.

Until the staff officer in the armored vehicle reported: "Your Excellency, the No. 27 vehicle was destroyed by the enemy!"

Aritomijiro's face changed drastically. Vehicle No. 27 was a 97 mid-range vehicle, and it was destroyed when it was facing the enemy...that is, the front armor was penetrated by the enemy 500 meters away!

This is something T26 cannot do.

(End of this chapter)

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