Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 496 What is a Tank

Chapter 496 What is a Tank
Another chapter may be after twelve.


Aritomijiro's first reaction was anti-tank guns, so he ordered without thinking: "Find the target and destroy it!"

It is not surprising that Tomijiro would have this reaction, because the anti-tank gun body is low and easy to hide, but the half-open gun mantlet is easily destroyed by mortars, tank guns, etc. The key point is to find these anti-tank guns s position.

However, once the anti-tank gun is fired, it shouldn't be too difficult to spot its location.

Sure enough, following the infantry, they fired mortar shells at the target.

But this didn't seem to have much effect, and then there were several "booms", and the staff officer in the armored cabin shouted: "We have destroyed two more tanks, Your Excellency!"

In fact, there is no need for the staff to say that Aritomijiro also saw it in the binoculars... Both of them are from the 97th, and one of them is still emitting black smoke.

Aritojiro is in a dilemma.

Moving forward, the tanks will obviously be hit by the Eighth Route Army's rocket launchers and anti-tank guns, and the two tank squadrons may be completely wiped out.

Retreating, the chariot turns around and exposes its side to the enemy. Not to mention suffering losses, the cavalry regiment will continue to be pursued by the enemy and even be in danger of being surrounded and annihilated.

At that time, the cavalry wing and the chariot wing will retreat across the board.

But after thinking about it, Yufujiro felt relieved, because he finally knew what the Eighth Route Army's hole card was.

If the Eighth Route Army only had anti-tank guns, and the number of them was very limited... This is what Aritomijiro concluded through observation. He estimated that the enemy's anti-tank guns would not exceed ten, otherwise the loss of tanks would not only be There are three.

Then Tomijiro made another simple analysis:

Retreating would cause the troops to collapse, and standing still is obviously not appropriate... This would make your tank a target for enemy anti-tank guns.

Then it seems that there is only one option, attack.

The imperial army can use infantry and tanks to approach the enemy's anti-tank artillery positions and destroy them, especially close to about 300 meters... This is the range of the imperial soldiers' grenadiers, and the imperial soldiers have a large number of grenadiers, which is their Field Artifact.

In other words, as long as they attack the enemy's anti-tank artillery positions at a distance of 300 meters, the imperial army can gain an absolute advantage and eventually win.

Thinking of this, Tomijiro no longer hesitated. He said to Shimizu Kitake under the car: "Mr. Shimizu, don't you want to attack? Now is the time! Please cooperate with us to defeat the enemy!"

"Yes!" Kishimizu looked happy, turned around and ran back to the cavalry regiment's position to give the order to prepare to attack.

The devil moved very quickly, but he was ready in 2 minutes.

First of all, a burst of artillery fire hit the Eighth Route Army positions. Most of the artillery fire was light mortars. Only the cavalry regiment brought two 92 infantry artillery... The 92 infantry artillery can be dragged by horses, and can be disassembled and carried by horses. It is said to be an indispensable heavy equipment for the cavalry regiment.

Then the devil fired a few smoke bombs between the positions of the two armies.

Needless to say what this is for, the smoke can interfere with the sight of the gunners of the Eighth Route Army to protect their own tanks.

Then Aritomijiro waved his hand, and two chariot squadrons crossed the trenches and advanced towards the enemy's position, and the infantry of the cavalry regiment also cooperated with the attack under Kiyomizu's shout.

In the end, Aritomijiro sent another squadron of light tanks up...

Tomojiro thought of it this way:
For an enemy anti-tank gun, it makes no difference whether the target is a light tank or a medium tank, as it can penetrate its frontal armor in one shot.

At the same time, whether it is a light tank or a medium tank, it can easily destroy the anti-tank gun... The anti-tank gun is a low gun shield in front, and even a 95 light tank can easily crush it under the tracks.

Even 95 light combat has an advantage over anti-tank guns.

Because of its small size and fast speed, after finding the target, it can rush to the enemy gunner before they can react.

These analyzes are all correct, but Tomijiro never imagined that the Eighth Route Army's hole card is not the anti-tank gun but the T34 tank.

The high mobility, high defense and firepower of the T34 are obviously suitable for dealing with enemy tanks. Of course, Wang Xuexin does not need it to attack the city...Siege the city to clean up the gun towers and bunkers. , anyway, a shell is fired towards the perforation to the inside of the bunker, and everyone inside will die. What is the difference between a more powerful shell or a smaller shell?
Therefore, T26 is responsible for the siege, and T34 is responsible for the tank troops in the enemy reinforcements.

Out of the principle of confidentiality, the T34 marched in concealment all the way, and smoke was ignited in advance wherever it passed. Moreover, the T34 was still wearing camouflage when marching, and even the tank guns were wrapped in sacks.

After entering the position, T34 hid in the tank bunker for the first time.

The tank bunker that T34 hid in is slightly different from the cover that was just used to hide.

The bottom of the T34 tank bunker is divided into two layers. Driving into the lower layer can completely hide the T34 body, but if you want to fight, you only need to drive forward for a distance of one parking space. The tank is just right because it has reached the higher layer. The tank turret is exposed.

It really looks like an anti-tank gun, because there is only one gun shield from the front with a gun barrel protruding.

Wang Xuexin believes that as long as it is something that the enemy does not know on the battlefield, it should be able to hide it for as long as possible, and there may be some surprises.

Like now...

If Tomijiro knew that there were ten T34 tanks in front of him, he would never order the troops to attack, especially he would not send the 95th Light War Squadron to the battlefield.


The front armor of the T34 is 52mm. If you consider the factor of the inclined armor, it will not be able to penetrate even a distance of more than ten meters.

What's more, the 95 light combat basically does not carry armor-piercing bullets...

And Huaxia has no tanks, even if there are tanks, the Type 97 will deal with them, so the Type 95 will concentrate on dealing with infantry.

Since it is dealing with infantry, of course there is no need to bring armor-piercing bullets.

And if the Type 95 uses grenades, I'm afraid it won't be able to hit the T34 casually for a week.

But Aritomijiro sent the Type 95 because he misjudged the T34 as an anti-tank gun.

This surprised Androvich, who had been observing the enemy in the tank.

"What's the matter?" Androvitch said, "Why did the enemy send light tanks up?"

The driver guessed: "Captain, they must be looking down on our tanks!"

"Very good!" Androvich replied: "Then give them some color! Let these trash know what a tank is!"

(End of this chapter)

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