Chapter 498

Amidst the screams of the rocket launchers, the devil's tanks were destroyed one after another, including Type 97 and Type 95.

The destruction of the Type 95 was still expected by Tomijiro. The frontal armor of this tank is only 12 mm. Even if it is hung with sandbags, it is difficult to defend against rockets that penetrate armor of about 20 mm.

But the frontal armor of the Type 97 is 25 mm, and with sandbags, it should be more than enough to defend against rockets.

Therefore, when he saw the Type 97 being destroyed, Aritomijiro couldn't believe his eyes.

Could it be that... the Eighth Route Army used high explosives to improve their armor-piercing capabilities?

That's all Aritomijiro could think of.

At this time, the hollow charge technology is not yet popular. Although Taka-chan has purchased a patent, it has not yet been applied to the battlefield in batches. It is common sense that Tomijiro did not know.

If the devil wins the battle and checks these destroyed tanks, Aritomijiro will know that this is not the cause of "high explosives".

Tanks destroyed by hollow charges, the death of the tank crew is extremely tragic...

The hollow charge relies on a high-temperature and high-pressure metal jet to penetrate armor, which also means that what penetrates the tank is also a high-temperature metal jet, and there is also molten steel from which the tank armor is melted.

This thing is spraying everywhere in the closed and narrow tank cabin, and it is not difficult to imagine the situation of the tank crew inside.

After the war, the soldiers cleaned the battlefield, and as soon as they opened the hatch, there was a burning smell, and some hot steam came out... Although it was "burning smell", it was disgusting, because the soldiers knew its source.

When the soldiers endured the discomfort and dragged the corpses out, they found that all of them were human-shaped, and some were burnt in large pieces, just like roasted pigs.Some had a small hole pierced by the jet. It was strange that the blood flow was not much. Later I found out that it was because the high-temperature jet burned the wound into hard flesh to stop the bleeding.

Arimijiro swallowed his saliva with a "gulu", he realized that this battle was beyond hope.

The Eighth Route Army's bazookas and tanks formed a short, long, more, and less anti-tank firepower, and all of them were effective anti-tank firepower, which made the tank wing completely passive and helpless.

Aritomijiro can only hope for Shimizu Kibu's cavalry regiment, maybe their artillery and grenades can suppress the enemy infantry...

The battlefield is often like this, a kind of equipment suppressing the enemy can expand from a local advantage to a global advantage and finally win.

For example, Tomijiro's previous plan was to use grenades to suppress enemy anti-tank guns, and then use chariots to suppress enemy infantry to win.

Who would have thought that the Eighth Route Army would produce so many anti-tank equipment, so the tanks not only failed to suppress the enemy but were suppressed by the enemy... In this way, the hope of victory can only be pinned on the grenadiers of the infantry.

However, at a glance, it was found that the cavalry regiment was not much better.

To be precise, it is not "not much better", but as miserable as the Chariot United.

The firepower of the Eighth Route Army equipped with "Citigroup Formal" has been qualitatively improved, especially the Eighth Route Army is still hiding in the trenches while the Devils are exposed to the ground. As soon as the bullets are fired, the Devils grenade shooters have not had time to hit the shells. When they went out, they were shot to death one by one.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army also has small [-]-point cannons, especially a considerable part of these [-]-point small cannons use incendiary bombs... A few incendiary bombs passed by and immediately burst into flames, which illuminated the ghosts in the smoke and dust. Brightness made it more obvious, and it also caused widespread riots among the devils, and some even secretly retreated to the trenches to hide.

At this time, Androvich was a little upset. He didn't like such a straightforward game, especially he thought that this style of play couldn't take advantage of the high mobility of the T34...or it didn't fit his nature.

It's not clear who is right and who is wrong, or whether both are right.

Gangzi's style of play is tank guerrilla warfare, taking advantage of the enemy's lack of penetration to fight steadily, which is suitable for the insufficiently trained tank soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

But Androvich advocates flexible and maneuverable operations. He believes that tanks are not easy to be hit by the enemy when they are moving, and it is possible to go around the side of the enemy tank and attack their weak parts... This is actually unnecessary when facing the devil tank. , because the T34 can easily penetrate the Type 97 from kilometers away, and the front armor is no different from the side and rear armor.

However, if you fight Hans, you really have to maneuver.

Mobile combat tests the quality and cooperation of the tank crew, and only the tank crew of Androvic can play well.

Androvich reported on the radio: "Car zero calls for a move, car zero calls for a move!"

At this time, Androvich demonstrated the qualities that a soldier should have. Although he was an instructor and had full confidence in the tank and the crew, he still did not act on his own but reported to Gangzi before the action.

Gangzi thought for a while, then replied: "Number Zero, pay attention, the main force may not be able to reinforce you!"

This is for sure, if Androvich is trapped, it is impossible for other tanks to disrupt the entire formation and rhythm because of one tank, which may lose the advantage that has been obtained and there will be a crisis.

"Zero understands!" Androvich replied.

Saying that, Androvich ordered: "Let's go, boys! The fun has begun!"

The tank crew cheered, one by one getting ready as if they were pumping chicken blood.

Under the command of Androvich, the driver stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the T34 slashed towards the side of the Devil Tank in an arc like a tiger descending the mountain...

There is a reason for arcing to flank the enemy.

First of all, the T34 side armor is also 45MM, so there is no problem of weak sides.


But if you face a straight front line, even with the excellent armored defense of the T34, it will still be penetrated by the enemy's anti-tank guns at close range.

Androvic knew this, so he chose to insert the arc diagonally.

Sure enough, just as Androvich thought, when its tanks rushed towards the group of Devil tanks, several 97 ZZ vehicles stopped and aimed at the uninvited guest.

But the embarrassing thing is that no matter how these 97 wars turn the turret, they are always one step slower than the T34, and the barrel always rotates at the tail of the T34... The closer the target distance is, the greater the angle the turret needs to turn, and the longer the distance is Aiming can be achieved even with a small rotation angle.

The situation of T34 at this time is the former.

Therefore, the devil could only watch helplessly as the tank turned into the flank of the tank group with a cloud of dust.

At this time, Androvich made another showy operation. He directly directed the T34 to rush into the devil's tank group...

(End of this chapter)

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