Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 499 Tank Infiltration Battle

Chapter 499 Tank Infiltration Battle
Androvic commanded the T34 to slam into a 95 light war.


(Note: Mao Xiong always believes that the survival time of aircraft after flying into the air is not long, so there is no need to increase the life of the engine. As a result, it has been developed to modern times, and Mao Xiong’s aero-engine still has the disadvantage of short life)
The T34 is heavy, fast, and the horse-drawn carriage is full. It is almost like a heavy truck hitting a tricycle when it hits it. It smashed the rear armor of the Type 95 in front of it on the spot, and then it was lying on the road. I can't move at all.

Androvic ignored it, yelling excitedly at the top of his voice, "Keep going, lad! Stick your foot to your gas pedal! As long as we're fast enough, no one can hit us!"

The driver didn't answer, just stepped on the accelerator and held the joystick in his hand, and nimbly drove the T34 to rush left and right in the group of devil tanks, sometimes super straight forward and overwhelmed a group of devils following the infantry, and sometimes made a sharp turn Drift to avoid the 97 battle...


The problem is that if it hits, the weight of the 97 mid-war is enough to slow down the T34.

What Androvich said was right, if the speed slowed down at this time, it would basically be suicide. The driver also knew this situation, so he picked a soft persimmon and squeezed it.

Androvic controlled the side-by-side machine guns to fight outwards, causing the devils to follow the infantry and howl like ghosts and wolves, and even many Type 95 tanks were knocked down by machine guns, causing chaos...

The Type 95 light combat side rear armor is only 6mm, and machine guns can penetrate it at close range, so many devil tank crews were taken away by a shuttle of bullets without knowing what was going on.

Occasionally Androvich would load a shell... a high-explosive grenade.

Grenades, of course. Whether the Devil’s tank is a 97 medium or 95 light tank, its side and rear armor is just a layer of iron, and grenades can easily penetrate it.

Although the T34 does not have two-way stability and is not accurate during the march, if the enemy tank is close at hand and facing the muzzle, it is difficult to miss it.

What's more, even if the grenade misses the tank, it can take away a bunch of devils if it is hit in the enemy's formation, so it will not be wasted.

So T34 had a great time playing with guns and cannons.

On the other hand, the Devil Tank has nothing to do with this T34 that has been mixed into its tank pile.

Androvich's style of play is somewhat similar to "infiltration warfare", or it can be said to be "infiltration warfare", but it is an "infiltration warfare" fought with tanks.

The difference is that the infantry's "infiltration warfare" requires camouflage, such as wearing the enemy's military uniform, using the enemy's equipment, and even speaking the enemy's language, so that the enemy can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy and fall into confusion.

There is no need to be so particular about the "infiltration warfare" of tanks.

The reason is that when tanks are fighting, everyone observes the enemy through the observation hole, and most of the observation holes are just a rectangular hole slightly smaller than the keyboard. If the observation hole of this size is fancy for distant targets, it may be okay. If there is a target passing right in front of you, you can't see the enemy at all... It's just a huge monster suddenly passing by the observation hole, and the target has already left before the commander can react.

If you use one word to describe it, it would be "you can only see a leopard in a tube".

The tank guns of the 97 war can indeed penetrate the T34 at close range. The problem is that the T34 is scurrying around in the tank, sometimes in the front and then turned to the back. Just now I can see it in the blink of an eye. I don’t know which tank to hide behind. up.

This made it impossible for the 97 Zhongzhan who followed it to fire.

But there is really a Type 97 that doesn’t believe in evil... This is a 34 mid-war that stopped and aimed at the T97 from the very beginning. Its tank turret turned back and forth for a long time but failed to aim at the T34.

Maybe it was losing patience, or it felt that this was not the way to go, so it would rather take a risk and try, so it fired a shell after a little calculation of the lead.

Who knew that T34 turned a corner at this time... This is a normal operation, and you should not take the usual route when fighting infiltration warfare.

So the shell hit another Type 97 behind it.

The devil's armor-piercing projectile is an armor-piercing explosive projectile, that is, the kind that is equipped with explosives at the rear and will explode. With a "boom", the Type 97 that was hit exploded from the inside. Firelight is broken down into parts states.

Androvich shouted excitedly in the tank: "Nice shot! Fire as much as you want, you sons of bitches! I need your shells!"

Another shell hit, also failed to hit but exploded in front of T34, setting off a large area of ​​loess.

It is very difficult to hit irregular moving targets in a tank, not to mention that the T34 is still wandering in the devil tank, the gunner must carefully avoid his own tank... If this can still hit, it can definitely be regarded as a tank. sharpshooter.

On the other side, Gangzi watched this scene and couldn't help admiring Androvich.

This damn thing really deserves to be an instructor, the one who is better than us recruits is not 01:30, this set of operations is smooth and smooth, just like a cat playing with a group of mice.

But Androvich disrupted the formation and rhythm of the devil's charge when he made such a fuss. The T34 of Gangzi and others aimed at the enemy without any pressure and fired a series of deadly armor-piercing shells.

"Fight the big tanks first!" Gangzi ordered: "Put the small tanks aside!"

The soldiers responded by picking out the Japanese Type 97s, one after another. It didn't take long for the nearly twenty Type 97s of the two squadrons to be destroyed, and only a few were destroyed because they were hiding in the destroyed The rear of the tank was spared.

Devil tanks don't plan to take the lead either, they are waiting, waiting for the order to retreat.

Because the current battle situation is very clear, the devil tank has been completely defeated, and the retreat is only a matter of time.

Sure enough, Tomijiro gave the order to retreat soon after.

However, it was not the tanks at the front that retreated, but the Fourth Squadron and Aritomijiro himself as the reserve team!
Arimijiro suddenly realized that if he continued to fight like this, even the remaining tank squadron in his hand would be completely wiped out, and they couldn't even wipe out a single tank of the enemy.

So, is there any point in continuing to fight like this?
So Aritojiro could only order to retreat.

But Aritomijiro understands that retreat does not mean safety.

Because he has observed from the battle just now that the speed of the enemy tank is faster than that of the Type 97 or even the Type 95... Such a large tank has such a fast speed, which is simply beyond Aritomijiro's imagination.

But that wasn't Fujiro's concern.

At this moment, he already felt deep fear, if the speed was not as fast as the enemy, how could he withdraw from the battlefield and disengage from the enemy?
And if you can't disengage from the enemy...

(End of this chapter)

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