Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 500 Blood Debt

Chapter 500 Blood Debt

Before retreating, Tomijiro actually hesitated.

The reason is that the top speed of the Type 97 tank is only 38 kilometers per hour, which is far from the speed of the enemy tank.

Needless to say what will happen then...

The enemy tanks that have the advantage of speed can chase up to a short distance, such as 300 meters, and then stop and take aim. The whole army was wiped out during the pursuit.

And because of the slow speed of the chariot regiment, they had to drive non-stop if they wanted to escape, and they couldn't aim at the enemy while driving, and they couldn't escape if they wanted to aim at the they were all targets with no power to fight back.

Instead of this, it is better to transfer the remaining tank squadron to fight to the death.

But after thinking about it, Arimijiro still gave the order to retreat.

The reason is that Arimijiro believes that even if the remaining tanks are transferred to fight the enemy desperately, the final result will still be like this, with heavy losses for one's own side and no injuries for the enemy.

More importantly, Aritomijiro believed that the fourth tank squadron still had hope of withdrawing... If the three squadrons already on the battlefield were sacrificed and only the fourth squadron left with them, the enemy tanks might not be able to catch up so quickly!
What's more, the 37th Mountain Artillery Regiment is still on its way. If they can join them, with the mountain artillery and troops in their hands, they may be able to turn defeat into victory.

Thinking of this, Tomijiro gave three orders:

"The first, second, and third squadrons must fight until the last moment, or they will be punished by military law!"

"The Fourth Squadron retreats immediately and joins the Mountain Pao Squadron!"

"Contact the Mountain Artillery Regiment immediately, inform them that the enemy has a new type of tank, and ask if there is enough anti-tank equipment!"

Of course, the latter two orders are only known to the retreating troops, and the troops on the battlefield have actually been abandoned by Arimijiro.

It wasn't just these three squadrons that were abandoned, but also Shimizu Kitake's cavalry regiment.

Arimitojiro turned around and ran away with his subordinates without even saying hello to Kimizu Kibu.

That's when the devil's collapse began.

Objectively speaking, the devil's will to fight is quite good.

If it is other troops, they suddenly find that the enemy has a new type of tank on the battlefield, and this tank can penetrate their own tanks from a long distance, but their own side cannot hit the opponent. This psychological shock is enough to make them panic and form Chaos soon developed into a rout.

However, the devil did not react like this.

Of course, there are factors of training and will, but at the same time, there are also reasons for looking down on the Eighth Route Army...

It feels like I have always looked down on a poor relative, but this poor relative suddenly became rich. Although this is the reality, I have not adapted or changed my mind, so I still have a psychological advantage when facing this poor relative.

The ghost probably has such a mentality at this time...

The Eighth Route Army has always been looked down upon by them, especially the equipment gap is simply one sky and one earth.

But now that the Eighth Route Army has suddenly become stronger, the devils still maintain a psychological advantage, thinking that they can easily defeat the enemy, or that the Eighth Route Army is equipped but not well-trained, etc. Only then can they have the confidence and morale to continue fighting.

However, Androvich's "tank penetration" dealt a heavy blow to their morale.

Because they discovered that the enemy's tank crew was not as undertrained as they thought.

They didn't know that the Eighth Route Army was indeed undertrained, and Androvich was an exception.

Aritomijiro leaving them and retreating was another severe blow, letting them know that the battle was hopeless.

The collapse was started by the cavalry regiment, which was the first to spot Aritomijiro retreating.

In fact, when the T34 of the Eighth Route Army emerged from the tank bunker, Shimizu Kiwu realized that this battle was more ominous... Shimizu Kiwu's only hope is that the tank regiment can defeat the enemy with a numerical advantage. enemy.

But the ensuing battle showed him that this was not the case.

Shimizu Kiwu regretted that he kept urging the chariot unit to launch an attack. Before, he thought that he could easily defeat the enemy, but now he found it was a joke.

This made Shimizu Kitake feel ashamed. He wanted to contact Arifujiro several times to suggest a retreat, but he endured it... He thought that at this time, he should be a subordinate who obeyed orders, so that he would not have to bear too much Responsibility.

So Shimizu Kibu didn't do anything, he just made people prepare the horses.

So, when Aritomijiro turned around and fled, Shimizu Kibu immediately led his troops to retreat... riding their horses and fleeing in all directions.

For these cavalry, the Eighth Route Army really has nothing to do with them.

The cavalry is fast and can deal with many complex terrains, and the mountain roads can also be drilled. More importantly, they are dispersed... and the Eighth Route Army only has ten tanks.

But to be honest, the Eighth Route Army at this time didn't bother to target cavalry. With enemy tank troops in front, who would pay attention to the fleeing cavalry?
The next one to collapse was the Devils Chariot Squadron.

They were still desperately dealing with the Eighth Route Army's chariots, but when they turned their heads, they saw that the infantry covering the chariots had all fled without a trace. Wasn't staying here waiting to die?
So he turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

However, how could they escape at their speed...

Gangzi ordered loudly on the radio: "Everyone is there, move forward! Don't let a single enemy go!"

The moment Gangzi gave the order, tears welled up in his eyes.

Normally, the Eighth Route Army didn't know how much it was affected by the Devil's tanks, but there were Devil's tanks and armored vehicles in all battles on the plains. In the face of these iron kings, all the Eighth Route Army could do was hold explosives and grenades against the rain of bullets.

Over the years, how many comrades have died in the hands of these tanks. Gangzi’s old company commander died when the tank was blown up, and it was a small Type 95 tank...

At that time, all the soldiers including Gangzi called for revenge for the company commander, but they were stopped by the instructor.

The instructor said: "If you have a tactical method to blow up tanks, I promise not to stop you! But if you just go up to fight the devil with a fever, then you are making a mistake! It is a sacrifice in vain, and you are using your own life to accomplish the devil's military exploits!"

In the end, Gangzi and the soldiers still failed to discuss a plan to blow up the tank.

The helplessness, bitterness, and aggrievedness at that time were either something outsiders could understand, or they were being tyrannized by devils but there was nothing they could do about it.

I didn't expect the wind and water to turn...

This kind of tank, which was invincible not long ago, is not worth mentioning under the tracks of the T34.

Gangzi murmured silently in his heart: company commander, the time has come for the devil to repay the blood debt, today I will avenge you!You have knowledge under the spring, follow me to fight devils!

As he spoke, Gangzi secretly wiped away his tears and ordered: "Go forward! Catch up with the enemy!"

(End of this chapter)

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