Chapter 504
There is a saying that "the only thing that can't be broken in martial arts in the world is speed", which means that if the speed reaches a certain level, there is no need for complicated moves, and only one simple move is needed to defeat the enemy.

This principle is also true on the modern battlefield. At this time, the T34 in the hands of the Eighth Route Army has such an advantage.

This also fully demonstrates the importance of the commander.

If it were someone else, they might regard Gangzi's play style as a "reckless" risky play. Who would have thought that it was this "reckless" play that gave full play to the advantages of T34.

Car No. 01 even asked worriedly: "Company commander, there is a devil from the regiment..."

"Rush over!" Gangzi insisted on his order: "Don't stop without my order, pay attention to avoid the enemy's explosive package!"


So one after another tanks rushed towards the enemy artillery positions with full horsepower. While driving, the guns kept firing at crowded places. Although they were not accurate, they could hit as many as they could.

This order suits Androvich's appetite. He laughed and praised Gangzi through the radio: "Well done, Comrade Company Commander! After this battle is over, I hope to have a few drinks with you!"

"Forget it, Comrade Androvich!" Gangzi replied: "Comrades know how much you drink. I'm not afraid of beating devils, but drinking with you!"

The soldiers all laughed, and this ridicule also added a little rare relief to the tense and cruel battlefield.

Taro Nagatake and his Shanpao unit were not in the same mood.

Taro Nagatake suddenly noticed that the enemy tanks were rushing towards the artillery line at full speed... Originally, they stopped and stopped to target the imperial tanks, but now they completely abandoned the imperial tanks to attack the artillery line.

Taro Nagatake immediately understood what this meant, and he hurriedly put away the binoculars and shouted anxiously to the communicator: "Move up the blaster, now!"

The communications soldier asked ignorantly: "How much is the adjustment, Your Excellency?"

"Everyone, you bastard!" Changzhutaro cursed angrily, "Didn't you realize that the enemy is about to rush in?"

Only then did the communications soldier realize that the danger was in front of him, and hurriedly conveyed the order.

But the devil's blaster wasn't even ready at this time, because it was only 2 minutes before Nagatake Jiro ordered to organize the blaster.

2 minutes... They had just selected their personnel, and many of them didn't even have time to get the explosives.

But at this time, they couldn't take care of so much. The soldiers could only take off their leggings and tie the grenades together to use them as explosive packs.

However, most of the devil's grenades are 97-type melon-shaped grenades. This kind of grenade is not convenient to bind, and sometimes it will be loosened even if it is tied together.

Binding the grenade together to increase its power is mainly to make it explode.

Because only the sacrificial explosion will explode at the same time, it is more powerful. Otherwise, the grenade will be blown up and the power will be scattered, which cannot pose a threat to the tank armor.

Even so, when the Devil Blaster was ready, the T34 tank had already rushed to the front of the position for only a few hundred meters... Calculated at a cross-country speed of 30 kilometers per hour, it can advance one mile in one minute, and the distance of three miles seems quite far, but For tanks, it only takes three or four minutes.

Demomen rushed out of position, but many were knocked to the ground by a hail of machine guns before they could make it.

This was done with the infantry.

To be precise, it was an order from Chen Fujun.

As soon as Gangzi gave an order, Chen Fujun understood his intention.

This tactic is not a big problem for tanks, but it is extremely dangerous for following infantry.

Because the infantry is riding on a shoulder without any armor to cover, it is almost exposed to the enemy's firepower...In modern times, armored vehicles or infantry combat vehicles are used to transport infantry. Many countries have used half-track vehicles during World War II. It is considered good for the Eighth Route Army to use the side three rounds due to conditional restrictions.

In this situation, it is necessary to pass through the enemy's position... It is conceivable that it must be close to death.

But Chen Fujun knew this, but he didn't complain.

This is his long-term habit of being a security guard. He believes that no matter how dangerous the task is, he should obey unconditionally, and always put the safety of the chief and the headquarters first, even if he sacrifices himself.

Now, they are following the infantry, protecting not the chief nor the headquarters, but the tanks.

Of course, everything is about tanks, and it is not hesitating to sacrifice yourself.

Therefore, when Chen Fujun received the order, he shouted: "Comrades, the order is to cover the tanks from rushing through the enemy's line of defense! Do you know what this is for? What we are covering is something that can defeat the devil's chariot, and there are only ten in the entire army! What are we going to do?"

"People are in the tank!" The soldiers responded loudly.

"Well said!" Chen Fujun responded loudly: "There is no shortage of people and tanks!"

The bag is especially dangerous when it is hundreds of meters away from the enemy's line of defense, because it has already entered the range of the enemy's rifle.

But following the infantry can't get off the vehicle and fight on foot... The tank must pass through the enemy's line of defense at full speed, and once the following infantry gets off the vehicle and fights on foot, it will be thrown far behind.

As a result, they could only follow the tank under fire and bullets. If there was any safe place, they would hide behind the tank body from time to time to avoid bullets.

But you can't hide behind the tank all the time, otherwise the meaning of cover will be lost.

For example, at this time, when the devil blaster is about to rush up, it is time to follow the infantry to play a role... Several sidecars turned out from the back of the tank almost at the same time and stopped quickly, and then the machine gun on the side bucket "da da da" Shooting in the direction of the devil, the devil's blaster was instantly crushed to the ground and could not move.

However, this action can almost be said to be suicide, especially when it stops and then shoots...

However, this is also unavoidable.

There is a saying that "a small difference is a thousand miles away". If the car is driving on an uneven road, the shooting will be almost inaccurate. This is the same as a tank without a bi-stable fire control system that cannot shoot on the move. .

But after a steady stop, shooting will become a good target for the devil, especially the devil's marksmanship is still very accurate.

Just hearing a "bang bang" gunshot, several machine gunners fell in a pool of blood, and even a few grenadiers shot over and blew up a car.

The devil thought it was safe, and just as the blaster was about to charge forward, who would have thought that a few more cars would be pulled out, and it would be a rain of bullets...

After just such a short time, the devil realized that it was too late, and the enemy tanks had already rushed to the front of the position.

However, the blasters they organized had already killed and injured more than half of them before they could break out of the position and spread out.

Changzhu Taro waved his command knife and shouted hysterically: "Block them, stop them..."

However, no matter how fierce the devil is, they are still flesh and blood. What can they use to stop these steel monsters with armor thickness of tens of millimeters?

(End of this chapter)

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