Chapter 505 Choice
T34 rampage broke into the devil's artillery position.

The Devil Artillery hurriedly turned their artillery to the tank. Although they knew that the 92 infantry artillery could not penetrate the armor of the enemy tank, they still habitually reloaded and tried to make a final struggle, even if they could blow off the tank's tracks.

But before they opened fire, the artillery was ruthlessly knocked over by the tank, and then with a burst of metal brittle sounds, the artillery and more than a dozen devil gunners who had no time to escape were crushed together.

The Devil's Demolitionist held a bundle of grenades and hoped to catch up with the tank, but before they could take a few steps, they found a few smoked grenades falling beside them, and then a burst of "booming" explosions knocked them down Beside the tank.

These grenades were thrown by the infantry led by Chen Fujun. They may not be accurate in shooting the guns, but they have no problem in throwing the grenades...Grenades don’t need to be too accurate, just roughly in the right place, and they can be fired after they burst. Kill more than a dozen targets, unless the enemy gets down in time.

A few devils hurriedly climbed into the car and started it to escape... To be precise, this is not an escape. The cars of the artillery regiment are usually equipped with a lot of shells. When the artillery position is attacked, the first reaction of the auto soldiers is It should be to drive these cars to a safe area.

But it's too late to do that now.

Androvich's No. 0 tank stopped for a while and got off... Perhaps the entire tank battalion is the only one that cooperates so well with Androvich. The crew members don't even need orders. The gunner directly loads the grenade, and then the driver stops while The gunner was just adjusting the angle, and then with a "boom", an ammunition vehicle was blown into the sky.

The explosion of the ammunition truck instantly detonated the shells piled up nearby. The shells flew to other places and exploded, detonating other cars, and then triggered a series of chain explosions. For a while, there were explosions in the artillery position, devils, cars, and artillery one by one. All were bombed to the sky.

T34 ignored this, they still rushed through this area with full horsepower and at the fastest speed, and did not fire on the way, as long as they saw the artillery and the car, they would run forward and crush them with their tracks, and the devil was beaten for a while. It's called Liantian.

In less than ten minutes, the tank passed through the devil's artillery position.

Gangzi did not order to turn back, but continued to move forward for 500 meters before turning around.

The tank stopped to take aim, and the infantry also got out of the vehicle and hid behind the tank to coordinate.

This is the advantage of tanks. They park in a row and instantly build a line of defense with fierce firepower and strong defense.

Watching this scene, Taro Nagatake was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped. He found that his artillery regiment not only failed to defend against the enemy's tanks, but was surrounded by the enemy at this moment... The enemy tanks formed a formation in the rear. One line of defense, but the main division on the other side is advancing forward. When the enemy's main force arrives, it means that the artillery wing will be surrounded and wiped out by the enemy.

Changzhu Taro has not been fighting the Eighth Route Army for a year or two, but he has never encountered such a situation today.

But he knew that now was not the time to think about these things, and if he continued like this, he might lose his own life.

So, he got up from the ground in embarrassment, and shouted loudly at the staff officer lying on the ground: "Contact the tank troops immediately, and cooperate with our army to defeat the enemy's tanks!"

Nagatake Taro finally made a wise decision.

Although T34 built a steel defense line behind them, this scary-looking steel defense line has a fatal shortcoming: insufficient infantry to follow.

Chen Fujun's following infantry suffered a lot of casualties in the attack just now, especially at the moment when they rushed through the artillery position and the shells exploded in chains... Although this explosion can kill the devils, it will also damage Chen Fujun's followers without armor protection. The infantry posed a threat, and a few soldiers remained in the enemy artillery positions because their shoulders were blown up and they could not keep up with the tanks.

This is the cruelty of war. Although sometimes we know that we will accidentally hurt our own people, we still have to do it.

However, all the fighters under Chen Fujun were tough. They fought the enemy with the weapons in their hands until the last moment, which made the devil unable to recover from the chaos for a long time.

At this time, there were only fifty or so people left in Chen Fujun's entire company, and there were only five people covering each tank on average.

Although the devil's artillery unit suffered heavy casualties in the chain explosions, at least there were thousands of people.

If so many troops are combined with the devil's chariot squadron to launch an attack on the T34 defense line... Even if the T34 has superior performance, it may be difficult to resist.

This is the devil's only chance to break through.

T34 has a speed advantage, and the Devils Artillery Wing's car was bombed again, so they can only rely on two legs to escape.

But how can two legs run better than T34?

At this time, if you retreat desperately, you will only be chased by T34 all the way like a mouse, and you will be wiped out.

So Nagatake Taro's thinking is very clear, if he wants to survive, he must defeat these new tank units in front of him.

But Arimijiro of the chariot unit doesn't think so.

When he saw the artillery regiment's position being breached and blown up into flames, he sighed: "The artillery regiment is finished!"

Then, Aritomijiro ordered: "We should break out with the artillery wing, so turn to the east!"

More than ten kilometers to the east, there is a line of defense that the devils built to fight against the Jinsui army. Although there are not many troops stationed at this time, there are complete fortifications such as barbed wire and bunkers. As long as you escape there, let the enemy's new tanks be powerful. I'm afraid it's hard to do anything.

Therefore, when the artillery wing was blown into a ball, Aritomijiro took this opportunity to change direction and flee to the east with the remaining eight tanks.

When Changzhujiro wanted to use the semaphore to contact the Chariot Alliance, he found that there had been no Chariot Alliance for a long time.

It cannot be said that Aritomijiro was wrong.

There is a certain reason for fleeing in two directions. The Eighth Route Army has only one T34 unit, and only ten tanks. They can only choose one of the enemy troops to pursue.

Gangzi once again faced a choice: which army to pursue.

Some tank commanders wanted to chase the enemy tanks, and Androvich also thought so. He shouted on the radio: "Comrade commander, the enemy tanks have changed direction, let's catch up with them!"

But Gangzi ordered: "We are here, Comrade Captain! I choose the Artillery Wing of the Devil!"

Wang Xuexin felt that Gangzi's choice was correct.

The most important thing on the battlefield is actually people, experienced fighters.

Before that, it can be said that the enemy's tanks are more important, because any tank squadron of the enemy can capture a city in Huaxia and cause tens of thousands of casualties in the Huaxia army.

but now……

After the Eighth Route Army had the T34, the devil's tanks were not so important.

(End of this chapter)

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