Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 506 Breakthrough

Chapter 506 Breakthrough
Changzhu's artillery unit is obviously experienced fighters, they can even be said to be mountain troops... They have rich combat experience in fighting the Eighth Route Army in the mountains for many years, and Changzhu's command is also quite good.

The more excellent the troops, the less they can be allowed to escape from the encirclement.

So Gangzi chose to surround the artillery wing.

Taro Nagatake almost lost his breath when he knew that the chariot regiment had escaped... These fellows of the chariot regiment usually enjoy the best food and the highest treatment in the army, but they will only run away at critical moments.

But it was useless to complain at this time, Changzhutaro could only grit his teeth, waved his command knife at the tank defense line formed by the Eighth Route Army, and ordered an attack.

This is a contest between flesh and steel. Teams of devils charged towards the tank defense line, and teams were blown back by machine guns and shells. Piles of corpses were piled up in front of the position, and there were ghosts everywhere. corpses and blood...

Usually this kind of situation would only happen when the Huaxia army attacked the Devils' tanks, but now the feng shui turned and turned into devils attacking the Eighth Route Army's tanks.

Perhaps it was because they were too angry with the enemy tanks before, so the soldiers had no sympathy for the casualties of the devils...

This is not the benevolence of a woman. Anyone who has been on the battlefield knows that it is impossible for a person to be compassionate.

Even if they know that they are facing devils who kill without batting an eyelid, they can't even be regarded as human beings, but if they kill a lot, the bullets will knock them down in pieces. Seeing the blood splattered and wailing everywhere, it is inevitable that my heart will feel chills and even feel terrified, even if I fired the gun myself.

Therefore, the battlefield needs to control one's emotions and hide humanity deep in one's heart.

At this moment, the soldiers are more like machines, numbly changing the magazine and pulling the trigger to knock down the enemies who rushed up.

Taro Nagatake did not charge blindly. He knew very well that the shortcoming of the Eighth Route Army's tank defense line was the lack of personnel.

So his thinking is very clear, that is, to concentrate the remaining three artillery pieces and all the mortars and grenades to bomb the following infantry hiding in the tank soldiers, and then organize the blasting team to approach the tank from a blind spot.

But Taro Nagatake has a clear mind, and so does Goko.

Gangzi even thought that the devil would use such a tactic, so he ordered before the battle: "All tanks, use tank guns to suppress the enemy's artillery fire, and machine gunners cooperate with infantry to block the enemy's charge!"

A seemingly simple order actually divides the functions of the tank into two layers and closely cooperates with the infantry: the tank gun covers the infantry, the machine gun counters the enemy infantry, and the infantry provides cover for the tank to indicate the target...

In addition, the terrain of Yuncheng Plain is very flat, no matter where the devils set up a mortar or [-] infantry artillery, they will be discovered and locked in a short time.

In fact, it was infantry who discovered these mortars and [-] infantry guns. They have a wide range of observation and strong perception. After finding the target, they will tell the tank the location of the target by phone.

As a result, the devil's artillery was often blasted into the sky by tanks before it could fire a few shots.

This directly caused the devil infantry to rush up in batches and die.

But in the end there are still two tanks:
The track of a tank was broken by a cluster grenade. It was a devil who had been knocked down to the ground. Although he was shot in the abdomen and his intestines flowed all over the place, he still slowly crawled towards the tank with the grenade in his arms.

Due to his slow speed and the fact that there were corpses and blood all over the ground, no one noticed him.

He was not discovered by Chen Fujun until he ignited the grenade and smoked.

Chen Fujun only had time to call out: "Grenade..."

Before the words were finished, a guard flew up and blocked the gap in front of the track before the devil was about to throw the cluster grenade into the tank chassis.

So the cluster grenade rolled to the track, and with a "boom", it only broke the track, and of course took away the lives of the soldiers.

This is what Chen Fujun said "the man is in the tank"... If this cluster grenade is thrown into the chassis, it will blow through the weak bottom armor from the bottom and completely scrap the tank, and it may even cause firepower Gaps allow the enemy to turn the tide of battle.

But this crisis was reversed by the fearless warrior with his life!

Another tank was hit directly by an 81MM curved infantry gun.

The so-called "curved infantry artillery" is actually a mortar, but the devils stipulate that mortars with a caliber below 90MM are used by infantry, so they are called curved infantry artillery, and mortars with a caliber above 90MM are specified as artillery. The artillery, this is called the mortar.

It can also be seen from this that the devil is paranoid. In fact, the two are the same thing, but the caliber is different, but the devil insists on subdividing it, hoping to be "extremely fine."

But this division has no meaning in actual combat.

For example, the Mountain Artillery Wing is more willing to equip curved-fire infantry artillery with a caliber below 90MM... In mountainous areas, it is not important to have a large caliber and a large power. The important thing is that it is light in weight, small in size and easy to carry. It is obviously not worthwhile to go to exhaustion and finish the two shots.

This is why the 37th Mountain Artillery Regiment is equipped with curved infantry artillery.

Mortar shells cannot penetrate the armor of a T34 tank, even the weak top armor.

But the mortar shell just fell on the position where the tank commander was, and after a bang, the tank commander was stunned on the spot, and the tank commander of the T34 tank was also the gunner, so the parallel machine gun and artillery of this tank could not work normally. open fire.

A tank lost one-tenth of its firepower if it couldn't fire, and the tank's defense line was in danger in an instant. The devils rushed up from this gap several times, but they were blasted back by grenades.

At the critical moment, Chen Fujun lifted the hatch of the tank and squeezed in to take the position of the commander and fired the machine gun again...

Chen Fujun usually felt that this tank was rare, so he would go to the tank to touch this and that when he had nothing to do. After a long time, although he was not able to cooperate with other people to drive a tank to fight, it was still not a problem to control the machine gun.

But these are not really a problem.

What's more serious is that, as the enemy charges one after another, the ammunition carried by the tank will be exhausted.

Androvich shouted nervously at Gangzi: "Comrade company commander, retreat! It's not worth sacrificing these tanks for the enemy!"

But Gangzi replied: "Persist until the last moment, the main force will arrive soon!"

There is actually another reason why Gangzi is unwilling to retreat... At this time, two tanks cannot be driven, and he is unwilling to leave these two tanks to the enemy.

Fortunately, the main force finally arrived at the last moment and charged the devils in time.

(End of this chapter)

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