Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 512 Secrecy work

Chapter 512 Secrecy work
After the tactics are set, it is a matter of implementation.

The biggest difficulty is neither the deployment of troops nor the request for planes from the Jinsui Army...

The deployment of troops is the Eighth Route Army's own business, and the troops were already in contact with the devils at the front and did not need to move much. If there is any change, the tanks deployed on the contact line will be withdrawn.

The reason is that tanks can't fight night battles, and if they retreat at that time, they might be blown up or even captured by the devils. The Eighth Route Army finally got these treasures, so how could they be lost like this.

In fact, if it's really acting, you should leave a few tanks for the devil, otherwise the devil will become suspicious when he rushes to Beicheng and finds that there is no tank.

But when Wang Xuexin mentioned this idea, everyone immediately opposed it.

"I mean Little Northeast!" Li Yunlong said, "It's pitch black, who would look to see if there are tanks? Aren't you taking off your pants and farting?"

Zhang Dabiao said: "If you want to take out this tank to fool the devils, you can! You give the tank to our first battalion, and I promise to let the devils see the tank and protect the tank!"

"First Battalion Commander, see what you said!" Guan Dashan refused to accept it: "If the tanks are handed over to our third battalion, I will not only protect the tanks, but also bring a group of devils back with the tanks!"


Wang Xuexin was a little dumbfounded when he heard these words.

Wang Xuexin knew in his heart that they were not opposed to keeping tanks per se, but were simply reluctant to bear tanks.

In the end, Wang Xuexin had no choice but to say this: "It's really impossible... Didn't we have three tanks that were blown up by the devils? There was no way to repair them, so we dragged these tanks here to make a show, hoping to fool the devils." !"

No one objected to this. One of the three tanks was blown up by the devils outside the city, and the other two were caused by attacking residential areas inside the city... Everyone was carrying explosives on their backs after the devils hit them. If you are injured, stay there and wait, and when the tank comes up, ignite the explosives.

This method is impossible to defend against, so much so that the battle has been fought until now, whenever the soldiers see the dead body of the devil, they have to repair their guns and knives, or use grenades to blow them up again.

It was not difficult to borrow a plane. Li Yunlong directly contacted Chu Yunfei.

For this reason, Li Yunlong made a special trip to find Chu Yunfei at the 358 regiment... You can't talk about this matter on the phone, in case the phone is overheard by the enemy, it will be exposed.

Li Yunlong is quite familiar with this game, he directly regards asking for help as benefiting others.

Li Yunlong said this: "Brother Chu, the current situation is that we are trying to rescue the people from the devils, so we have to use airplanes to support the situation! This is a big deal for you Jinsui Army... Yuncheng is yours if you take down it. You can gain people’s hearts by flying planes, and secondly, if the people are saved more, this Yuncheng is called Yuncheng. Do you think this is the reason? Come out or not, Brother Chu, tell me! "

When Chu Yunfei heard this, he was right. He didn't want to get an empty city... During the war, an empty city was meaningless.

Therefore, they are actually worried that the devils will eventually massacre the people.

So Chu Yunfei agreed without saying a word: "Brother Yunlong, wait a moment, Chu will immediately contact the commander to arrange for your army!"

Not to mention, although Li Yunlong's approach is a bit rascal, it is very clever.

If you adopt the attitude of "seeking help", then the initiative will be in the hands of the Jinsui army, and the Jinsui army will show off at that time, and then ask for benefits and conditions.

But if it is an attitude of "giving benefits", the initiative is in the hands of the Eighth Route Army. It is up to you, anyway, I have nothing to lose... It is the Jinsui Army that is anxious.

As a result, the negotiation was unprecedentedly smooth. As soon as Yan Laoxi received the telegram, he immediately got off three planes, and soon worried that it was not enough, and added two more.

Yan Laoxi only had more than ten aircraft of each model in his hand, and this time he used five at one time, which is considered a big deal.

All of these went smoothly, and the preparations were completed in less than an hour.

The really difficult thing is keeping secrets...

The Eighth Route Army's secrecy work is still in place. Only the cadres who participated in the meeting know the real strategic intentions, and everyone else keeps it a secret.

But there is a problem: this is a retreat in the dark and the soldiers don't know the truth. If the normal retreat like the Battle of Feishui turns into a rout, then the victory will be won or lost.

Therefore, each unit conducted a special drill for this purpose, that is, where to withdraw in the first step, which units are responsible for covering, and where to withdraw in the second step...

In this way, although the soldiers did not know the strategic intentions, they were all psychologically and operationally prepared to retreat, so that when they retreated, they would not be in a mess and be exploited by the enemy.

What is really worrying is the secrecy work of the Jinsui Army.

This is a lesson learned. Any cooperation with the Jinsui Army is either a leak of intelligence or a loss of chain at a critical moment.

For example, the matter of the artillery almost got into trouble because of Yan Laoxi's small calculations.

Several battalion commanders worried whether similar problems would occur again this time.

However, Zhao Gang analyzed confidently: "Probably not, because it involves the issue of interests. Last time, the Jinsui Army's situation was for interests...they hoped to use devils to consume the strength of our army. This time Back, the Jinsui Army does not have any interests in doing so, on the contrary, it is only in their interest to save the people, on this point our army and the Jinsui Army are consistent."

Li Yunlong nodded in agreement, especially according to the previous agreement. After this battle, the Jinsui Army will be stationed in Yuncheng. At that time, these people will be the cash cow and source of soldiers for the Jinsui Army. Of course, they hope that the Eighth Route Army can successfully implement the plan. rescued.

Then Zhao Gang said: "So, there is only one problem now, the secret work of the Jinsui Army!"

Li Yunlong thought for a while, and then said: "When I talked with Chu Yunfei, I put more emphasis on the confidentiality work!"

Zhao Gang nodded, that's the only way to do it now.

Chu Yunfei also felt that there was a problem with the confidentiality work of the Jinsui Army.

When they occupied Yuncheng before, the entire Jinsui army would surrender to the devils. Now that the Jinsui army has fallen, they have been infiltrated and bought by the devils. They have almost no secrets from the devils, even the pilots.

But Chu Yunfei has a solution. He thought for a while and said, "Brother Yunlong, we don't need to tell the pilot the truth. Your army only needs to light three fires. We can order the pilots to drop bombs into the fires." !"

"Good idea!" Li Yunlong laughed "hehe": "Brother Chu is brilliant, it seems that he has...did this kind of thing before!"

(End of this chapter)

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