Chapter 513 Lies
Chishang Xianji was indeed planning to use the common people as a cover to block the Eighth Route Army as Wang Xuexin guessed.

Kenji Ikegami's reply from Anda 23 was: "It will probably take two to three days for our army to organize reinforcements again, please be sure to stick to it, Mr. Chishang!"

This reply made Chi Shang Xianji feel that he and the Ninth Mixed Brigade have been abandoned.

two to three days?

The Eighth Route Army has so many tanks and more than ten times the main force. It took them only one day to attack Yuncheng and beat the Ninth Mixed Brigade to retreat to Nancheng.

If it continues like this, the Ninth Brigade will be wiped out in half a day, and it will take two to three days for the reinforcements to arrive?
But after thinking about it, Chi Shang Xianji felt that this was justifiable.

First of all, the Eighth Route Army has a T34 tank aided by Maoxiong... Ikegami Kenji has heard of this tank. It is a new type of tank used by Maoxiong to deal with Hans. It became famous in the first battle because of its excellent performance.

From this perspective, the Eighth Route Army was fully prepared to attack Yuncheng, so that the imperial army was caught off guard.

To deal with chariots like the Eighth Route Army, fighter planes had to be dispatched from Kantung Continent.

Although it only takes a few hours for fighter planes to fly from Guandongzhou to Yuncheng, it is not so easy to deploy troops from the "Guan Special Show"... The high-level officials are preparing to attack Maoxiong. Compared with attacking Maoxiong, the Chinese battlefield What is the last little Yuncheng?
Therefore, it's fine if they don't continue to draw troops from Huaxia, and it's simply a luxury to ask for troops to be transferred back to China!
On the other hand, the line of communication was again attacked by the Eighth Route Army.

Of course, the Eighth Route Army’s attack on Yuncheng could not just attack Yuncheng. They attacked from all directions like the "Hundred Regiments War" and made the imperial army exhausted... This can not only achieve the purpose of containing the imperial army, but also destroy railways and roads. It is difficult to get to Yuncheng.

Yuncheng at this time can be regarded as the "three unreliable" areas within the control of the empire.

The so-called "three no-reliances" refer to areas far away from the coastline, away from the main cities occupied by the empire, and away from the front lines.

These areas are usually far away from the main force and inaccessible. They are the farthest ends of the imperial power and are easily attacked by the enemy.

Therefore, Chi Shangxianji thinks that now he can only rely on himself.

Kenji Ikegami immediately called for Naoyo Matsumoto, the captain of the Gendarmerie Brigade, and said straight to the point: "I need some Chinese people, you can send me some right away, about 3000 people!"

"Yes!" Matsumoto Naodai responded and turned to leave, but was stopped by Ikegami Kenkichi.

"Matsumoto-kun!" Chi Shangxianji added: "I hope you can use some reasonable reasons to arrest them, such as...they secretly 'cooperate with the bandits'!"

"Your Majesty?" Naoyo Matsumoto was a little surprised. With the battle at this level, do you need any reason to consider the problems of the common people?

Chi Shangxianji explained: "If there is no reasonable reason, the Chinese people will know that we are going to attack them. At that time, hundreds of thousands of people will cooperate with the Eighth Route Army to know what will happen!"

Matsumoto Naoyo suddenly realized, answered "Yes" again, and then went down.

The people under the bayonet are actually very easy to deceive.

If calculated by the number of people and strength, the hundreds of thousands of people in Yuncheng can defeat the thousands of devils in the city even with hoes and sticks.

The problem is that the people are not united. They each have their own ideas and will do anything to save their own lives. There are even many people who are not hesitant to be traitors.

Therefore, during the Anti-Japanese War, it often happened that only two or three devils could control hundreds of thousands of people in a village, and then let the people tie up one by one to control them all, and finally buried a batch and killed them all.

If you just look at the numbers...the devils are equipped with more than 100 rounds of ammunition, even if each bullet can kill one civilian, the remaining civilians can tear these devils alive with their fists.

But because of the deep fear of the devils in their hearts, they never dared to have any resistance to the devils' words. As a result, they were massacred by the devils.

The situation in Yuncheng is similar at this time. If the people of Yuncheng can rationally analyze the current situation, they should know that they are in danger.

The Eighth Route Army has already fought, can the devils be willing to admit defeat?
At the last moment, the devils will lose their lives, but how can they save the lives of the common people?

The massacres and tragedies caused by the devils in China are countless, can Yuncheng be an exception?
So the rational thought should be: I'm going to die anyway, it's better to fight with the devils!

What's more, the Eighth Route Army has already entered the city. If you cooperate with the Eighth Route Army inside and outside to wipe out the devils, there is a high probability of survival, so why not do it?
But the people don't think so.

What they're thinking is...

What if the Eighth Route Army fights over?
If we can win this time, can we still defend Yuncheng?

If you come today and leave tomorrow, won't Yuncheng end up in the hands of the devils?
When the devil reinforcements arrive to occupy Yuncheng again, will those who have helped the Eighth Route Army be liquidated?

It is human nature to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

They understand that if they help the Eighth Route Army, they may die, but if they don't help the Eighth Route Army, nothing will happen... He is just an ordinary person who is too scared to do anything.

So most people will choose to remain silent.

What Chishang Xianji needs to do is to use some small tricks to appease or deceive these people, so that they dare not take any action.

It was the puppet army located in Yuncheng that gave Chi Shang Xianji a headache.

The puppet army is different from the common people. The common people can accept it and do nothing. The puppet army has weapons and it is easy to unite and the situation forces them to choose sides.

Because it is a gamble before the puppet army:

If the Eighth Route Army wins, they must stand by the Eighth Route Army, otherwise they will be executed as traitors and traitors once Yuncheng is captured.

The situation at this time is obviously that the Eighth Route Army has the upper hand.

So the puppet army was ready to move, and Chi Shangxianji even saw the murderous intent in their eyes.

Kenji Ikegami believed that as soon as the time came, more than 5000 puppet troops in the city would stab the imperial army in the back.

Chi Shangxianji was very embarrassed about this, he didn't know how to deal with this hot potato.

Kill it, the interior will be in chaos immediately, just giving the Eighth Route Army the opportunity to cooperate with the outside.

Don't kill it, just leave a time bomb by your side.

After thinking about it for a while, Chi Shang Xianji planned to use lies to stabilize these puppet troops.

"Decree!" Chi Shang Xianji said: "Our army reinforcements will arrive tomorrow, and all ministries must stick to Yuncheng. After repelling the Eighth Route Army, there will be a lot of rewards!"

(End of this chapter)

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