Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 514 Reinforcement

Chapter 514 Reinforcement
Chi Shangxianji thinks he is very clever in weaving this lie.

Because this lie can be said to kill two birds with one stone...

No, it should kill three birds with one stone.

First of all, this lie can boost the morale of the imperial army, allowing them to stick to their posts and persist in fighting the Eighth Route Army.

Although this is the least of Chi Shangxianji's worries, it is also a good thing to boost morale.

So Kenji Ikegami decided not to tell anyone the truth.

The second is to stabilize the puppet army and let them continue to fight the Eighth Route Army.

If the puppet army thought that reinforcements from the imperial army would arrive the next day, they would not dare to act rashly.

Because there is a problem here, the devils will win in the end, and their rebellion means they will be liquidated by the reinforcements who arrive.

The third is to be able to stabilize hundreds of thousands of Chinese people and make them obey orders.

Thinking of this, Chi Shang Xianji felt a little proud.

In this way, the imperial army can wantonly push the people to the front line to make the Eighth Route Army use their weapons, and it shouldn't be a problem to hold them for two or three days.

As for the imperial reinforcements not coming tomorrow... I just need to make up another excuse. For example, the reinforcements are fighting the Eighth Route Army outside the city, and they will hit Yuncheng soon. , persisted until two days later the lie became true.

Thinking of this, Chi Shang Xianji felt a little more relaxed. He sat back in the chair and let out a long sigh of relief, lighting a cigarette for himself.

Halfway through the draw, a burst of drowsiness struck.

Chishang Xianji was in a state of extreme tension throughout the day, and now he felt sleepy and tired after relaxing, and the drowsiness came in waves one after another.

Kenji Ikegami thought for a while, then threw away the cigarette butt and lightly stomped it out with his foot, then tightened his military uniform and planned to take a nap on the chair, but fell asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long it took, a burst of intense gunshots and explosions awakened Chi Shangxian Ji.

Then the staff officer stepped forward and reported: "Your Majesty, the Eighth Route Army has launched an attack, and the attack is very violent!"

Chi Shangxianji took out his pocket watch and looked at it. At three o'clock in the morning, the Eighth Route Army chose to attack in the dark, which was beyond his expectation.

This is not only because the chariots of the Eighth Route Army cannot fight in the dark... In fact, this alone is enough. The quality of the Eighth Route Army is not as good as that of the imperial army, even the main divisions.

The reason why they had an advantage in the battle in Yuncheng was that, on the one hand, their main force was equipped with Yingjiang's Springfield rifles and had plenty of ammunition, which greatly increased their combat effectiveness.On the other hand, what is more important is the advantage of chariots.

That being the case, why didn't the Eighth Route Army choose to attack at dawn?
What's more, the Eighth Route Army has always fought in mountainous areas, and they are not familiar with street fighting, especially street fighting in the dark.

So Chishang Xianji frowned, he didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Eighth Route Army.

The staff officer may have seen Chi Shangxianji's doubts, so he explained: "Your Excellency, the Eighth Route Army may also know that our reinforcements will arrive after dawn, so they have to attack at this time!"

Chi Shang Xianji couldn't help being taken aback, which is quite reasonable.

The problem is...that the reinforcements will arrive after dawn was a lie he made up, so it can't be the Eighth Route Army's intention.

However, the actions of the Eighth Route Army at this time seem to coincide with Chishang Xianji's lies, and Chishang Xianji intends to add fire to strengthen the morale of the army.

So he nodded seriously, and said, "That's right, the end of the Eighth Route Army is coming! Pass on the news, this is the last attack of the Eighth Route Army, it's the end of the battle, all departments must persevere!"

"Yes!" The staff officer responded, and conveyed the order one by one.

Therefore, everyone, including thousands of devils, knew that the reason why the Eighth Route Army would attack at night was because the imperial reinforcements were about to arrive.

Then, Kenji Ikegami was relieved to see that the situation in all directions was improving: the soldiers of the Ninth Mixed Brigade were fighting the enemy bravely, the puppet army also actively participated in the battle to assist the imperial army, and the "good citizens" of the people came to worship from time to time. food……

Chi Shangxianji believed that if he fought the Eighth Route Army in this state, let alone two or three days, even if it took ten days and a half months, it would not be a problem to even take Yuncheng back.

However, Chishang Xianji still couldn't understand why the Eighth Route Army chose to attack at this time?
Just when Ikegami Xianji was puzzled, the North City suddenly burst into flames and the sound of guns rumbled, and even the sound of an airplane's motor came from the sky.

The devils in the headquarters immediately cheered: "Long live, long live the empire!"

The staff officer excitedly reported to Kenji Ikegami: "Your Majesty, the reinforcements have arrived! They are faster than we thought! They are indeed the imperial army!"

Chi Shang Xianji was dumbfounded on the spot.

How is this going?

Are there really reinforcements?

Didn't it mean that it would take two or three days to organize reinforcements?

But if it wasn't for the reinforcements, then what about the sound of guns and artillery in Beicheng and the bombing of planes in the sky?

It is absolutely impossible for the Eighth Route Army to have planes!

Chi Shangxianji thought, it is also possible that some support army hit Yuncheng, but the superiors don't know it!

Thinking of this, Chi Shangxianji sent a telegram to Anda 23: "The reinforcements have arrived, God bless the empire!"

Then Kenji Ikegami stood outside the window, holding up the binoculars and watching triumphantly as the troops launched a counterattack against Beicheng in the flames.

What an unexpected surprise, if this battle can be won, the Ninth Mixed Brigade should become famous and wash away the previous shame!

If the tanks of the Eighth Route Army can be captured or their tank troops destroyed in Yuncheng, it will be a great achievement.

Then, Chi Shang Xianji couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, he led the headquarters and followed the troops to advance to the North City.

Kenji Ikegami will not let go of this opportunity to become famous. He wants everyone to know that the head of the Ninth Brigade is a commander who walks at the forefront and personally commands the battle formations. He is a fearless soldier of the Empire. proud……

After advancing for more than half an hour, the staff officer sent a telegram.

"Your Excellency!" the staff officer reported with a confused expression: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, returned the call. The imperial army did not send any reinforcements, nor did any troops rush to Yuncheng to fight the Eighth Route Army!"

"What?" Chi Shang Xianji laughed: "Which army is it that reinforces us? Did it come out of the ground?"

In the next second, Chishang Xianji suddenly realized something, and then the smile froze on his face.

Why isn't this a trap for the Eighth Route Army?

In other words, there were no reinforcements at all, and the Eighth Route Army just staged a show... and deceived its main force and even its headquarters to Beicheng.

Thinking of this, Chi Shang Xianji immediately panicked, and quickly ordered: "Withdraw the troops, and immediately withdraw to Nancheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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