Chapter 516 Order
The puppet army did not disappoint Wang Xuexin. They immediately turned their guns on the devils after they found out that the devils had lost in Beicheng...

Compared to the North City, the South City is an even more asymmetrical battle.

Because the devils only stayed in Nancheng with only two or three hundred military police and logistics personnel, while the puppet army had more than [-] people... The total number of puppet troops in Yuncheng was more than [-], and more than [-] of them were taken by the devils. North City attacked together.

The puppet army brought to Beicheng belonged to the main force of the puppet army with stronger chariots and more "loyalty".

The other [-] people were bandits, hooligans, or refugees who were about to starve to death to make a living.

These people will "rebel" at any time because of their poor morale and low loyalty, and the devils are not at ease if they bring them with them to fight together, and they will not be able to play much role.

So Nancheng was a situation where more than 3000 puppet troops fought hundreds of devils.

For a while, the whole Yuncheng was full of gunshots and flames, and the sound of killing everywhere was like purgatory.

The battle lasted all night, and it was not completely over until dawn the next day.

The reason why it took so long is because the devils who were besieged in the North City were still unwilling to surrender and resist... This was the situation after Chi Shang Xianji realized that he could not break through the encirclement and return to the South City.

Perhaps it was because Kenji Ikegami was used to fighting guerrilla warfare with the Eighth Route Army. There is a saying, "I have seen pigs walk without eating pork."

This indeed caused a lot of trouble for the Eighth Route Army.

If the devils are organized and scaled, and the enemy and the enemy have clear lines of defense, this battle will not take much time.

The strength and strategic advantages of the Eighth Route Army are there, and it is difficult for the devils not to lose.

But if the devils are scattered in every corner, such as hiding in ruins, behind broken walls, or even in incomplete buildings... In such a state, "friendly casualties" without distinction between the enemy and the enemy will easily occur.

After fighting like this for a while, Wang Xuexin felt that it was unnecessary to fight like this, so he dialed the phone to Li Yunlong and suggested, "Leader, we can slow down this battle for a while!"

Li Yunlong is impatient, and he retorted immediately: "Slow, why slow? There is only the last stroke left in this horoscope, and you still say slow at this time! If you slow down, isn't it just giving the devil a chance to breathe?"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin asked back: "Does the devil have any reinforcements?"

"nothing now!"

Wang Xuexin asked again: "Can the devil escape?"

"Beautiful idea! Let us wrap it up, and still want to escape?"

Wang Xuexin said: "That's right, the devil has no reinforcements and can't escape. What are you in a hurry for? How many casualties will it cost for so many soldiers to go in and search for people in the dark? Let's wait until dawn tomorrow." , the tanks drove up and crashed inside for a while, and cleaned them up in a few strokes? Is it worth rushing for a while?"

When Li Yunlong thought about it, he felt right.

It is true that the military situation is urgent, but sometimes there are times when the initiative is not urgent.

For example, now, if our army holds its ground and waits for dawn, the devils are the ones who are in a hurry!
This is Li Yunlong's old thinking of fighting with the Eighth Route Army. He habitually thought that if the devils were not eaten before dawn, the ducks would fly away.

Now Wang Xuexin understands what he said, and immediately ordered the troops to stop attacking and strengthen the defense line.

At this time, Nancheng has already burst into cheers... The puppet army has wiped out the remaining devils and surrendered, and the people have been successfully rescued from the devils.

Until then, Zhao just breathed a sigh of relief, and he immediately reported the good news to the headquarters.

Chief, of course he didn't sleep all night.

What he was worried about at this time was the casualties of the people. Although the casualties of the people are inevitable in the state of war, the Eighth Route Army is a force from the people. Especially when the people nearby heard that the Eighth Route Army was going to attack Yuncheng, the people and guerrillas from all over the country actively participated in assisting the Eighth Route Army Logistical transportation, intelligence delivery and even direct combat.

With the unconditional support of the people, the chief feels heavy in his heart... If the devils massacre Yuncheng, or if the people die too much after the battle, how can we explain to those folks who have helped us!

Therefore, as soon as the battle started, the chief walked around the office anxiously with his hands behind his back, asking about the situation every few minutes.

Until the chief of staff hurriedly took the telegram to the chief, and said excitedly: "Chief, although the battle in the northern city is not over yet, the southern city has been successfully liberated, and there are only a few hundred casualties among the people!"

As soon as the chief heard this, he immediately let go of a big stone in his heart, and his frown was relaxed.

"Very good!" The chief nodded and praised: "This credit is no less than the victory of Yuncheng! And it gave our army a good start, and we have to fight like this in future offensive battles!"

The chief of staff laughed: "Chief, this is Xiao Dongbei setting up a trap for the devil to jump in. The devil is deceived once, and it won't work the next time!"

"This time you can use Tiaohu Lishan, and next time you can use Sneaky Crossing!" The chief said: "Use 36 rounds, are you afraid that the devils won't be fooled?"

"That's right!" said the chief of staff, "In short, we must pay attention to protecting the lives of the people!"

The chief turned around and stared at the map. After a little thought, he gave several orders one after another:

"Order the independent regiment to strengthen the defense of Nancheng to prevent devils from breaking into Nancheng and continuing to endanger the lives of the people."

"Order the Baizhan Regiment to accept the prisoners in Nancheng, and organize the militia to maintain law and order, so as to prevent criminals and traitors from taking advantage of the fire to rob and commit crimes!"

"Order the tank battalion to prepare for battle, and wipe out the Beicheng devils as soon as the sky breaks. No mercy!"

The Chief of Staff answered "Yes" and passed on the order.

Wang Xuexin did not expect to maintain law and order.

It was only when I received the order that I realized that it was indeed necessary.

This is an era of war, usually there is some kind of grievance or enmity, or covetous others have some property in their hands, or even just for a few bites... At this chaotic moment of power transfer, it is time for black hands.

At this time, no one can find out who did it.

It may be a devil, it may be a puppet army, or it may be a neighbor or friend.

There are also many traitors who will mix with the common people, hoping to escape from the city...

If the order is disrupted, even if it recovers again, the losses suffered by the people will be irreparable.

From this aspect, Wang Xuexin's consideration is not comprehensive enough, or it can be said that he lacks experience.

But as a battalion commander, it seems that he doesn't need to think so much.

What Wang Xuexin has to do is to transfer the tanks back to the city, and only wait for dawn to launch an attack.

Those devils who were trapped in the North City, listening to the "rumble" of the tank motor at this time, I am afraid that they will be scared out of their wits.

(End of this chapter)

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