Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 517 Betrayal

Chapter 517 Betrayal
After dawn, the battle in Beicheng began.

This battle is impressive.

This is not to say that the Eighth Route Army suffered heavy casualties, nor does it mean how difficult the battle was.

This battle is not difficult to fight. After all, the people in Beicheng have been emptied out long ago. The independent regiment with tanks can safely blow up the houses where the devils are stationed, and then push from the surroundings to compress the living space of the devils.

The reason why it is impressive is because this battle has Chinese people fighting Chinese people...

There are still more than 1000 devil remnants, but they also command more than 2000 puppet troops.

At this time, the more than 2000 puppet troops were in a very embarrassing situation:

They wanted to rebel and surrender to the Eighth Route Army, but they didn't have the strength... More than 2000 puppet troops were no match for the more than [-] devils, and the devils had long been prepared against them and treated them like prisoners.

However, going on like this is not an option, because everyone knows that the devils will use them as cannon fodder in the future.

Sure enough, Chi Shangxianji organized the puppet army before dawn and let them rush to the forefront.

Chi Shang Xianji said to the commander of the puppet army in this way: "Commander Xu, you rush to the front, the imperial army follows behind to cover, and break through from the north gate! Do you understand?"

Chi Shang Xianji had been rushing towards the south city all night, and he planned to wait until dawn to break through to the north gate. If the puppet army was used to block the bullets in front, he might be able to fight a bloody road to escape.

The commander of the puppet army is called Xu Weichong. As soon as he heard this, he knew what the devils were up to. The devils followed behind as "cover" but actually supervised the battle. If the puppet army had the intention to surrender or passively fight, the devils would immediately send The guns were aimed at the puppet army.

This Xu Weichong is not a good person either... Most of the people in the puppet army who can get promoted and get rich are those who have done all kinds of bad deeds or are sufficiently "loyal" to win the trust of the devils, and Xu Weichong is one of them.

Xu Weichong rolled his eyes and demanded: "Taijun, my troops rush to the front, and I will protect Taijun to break through together. What do you think?"

Chi Shang Xianji's expression became very ugly when he heard these words. He extremely despised this kind of behavior of betraying his subordinates in exchange for their lives, but after thinking about it, if he did not agree to Xu Weichong's request, this bastard would probably lead his subordinates to defect.

What's more, isn't this kind of soft-boned person what the empire needs?

If it is a hard-boned Chinese, of course it is impossible to surrender the empire and fight against its own people!

So, Chi Shang Xianji suppressed his nausea, put on a smiling face and nodded while giving a thumbs up: "Your, great!"

Xu Weichong got the consent of Chi Shangxianji, and half of the stone hanging in his heart was put down.

Although Xu Weichong knew that this battle was close to death, but as a regiment commander of the "Peaceful National Founding Army", he already had blood in his hands and even participated in cooperating with the devils in massacring the village. His name has long been on the list of "traitors" of the Eighth Route Army .

Xu Weichong knew very well that he had no way out, but only one way to the dark.

In this case, he can only exchange protection with the devil with the resources in his hand... The resources in his hand are only more than [-] subordinates.

So, don't blame him for selling his subordinates!

Then, after Xu Weichong returned to the army, he immediately called a meeting of the battalion commanders.

What he said to his subordinates was... the devil's reinforcements are just outside the north city, as long as they break through the north city, they can survive, otherwise they will die, especially since the devil is pointing a gun at his back.

A battalion commander did not believe that there were reinforcements outside the city. If there were reinforcements, there should be the sound of guns and guns. At the same time, Chi Shangxianji should also break out to the north instead of going south. Therefore, he suggested that when fighting against the devils, how many can escape? several……

This kind of thinking is no problem for soldiers, the problem is that he didn't consider Xu Weichong's situation.

So Xu Weichong pulled out the pistol from his waist and killed the battalion commander on the spot without saying a word.

Then the tragedy happened. Under Xu Weichong's leadership and propaganda, most of the puppet soldiers believed that the devils had reinforcements outside the city, and they could survive as long as they broke through the north gate. Although a small number of puppet soldiers were dubious and even knew that they were being used, they were helpless. His gun and bayonet were held against his back, so he could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

At this time, Wang Xuexin was organizing the defense at the north gate, and what he saw was groups of puppet troops rushing towards the Eighth Route Army's defense line like a tide, even though the soldiers from the Propaganda Department shouted at them over and over again in a hoarse voice:
"Comrades of the Seventh Regiment, if the Huaxia people don't fight the Huaxia people, surrender!"

"The devil's doomsday is coming. Hand in your guns and don't kill them. The Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially!"

"The devil is our enemy, you don't have to work for the devil!"


But this didn't work at all. The puppet army still came up after knocking down a batch. They stepped on the corpses and held their bayonets, shouting loudly and charging forward with their bayonets.

This scene made Zhao Gang feel very strange.

Usually the morale of the puppet army is the worst, especially when the devils are about to collapse, they will often surrender without a fight or take the initiative to defect.

But this time, he uncharacteristically launched a fierce attack on the Eighth Route Army.

However, Wang Xuexin was not relentless. He commanded the tank to knock down the puppet troops rushing up row by row.

Although the Eighth Route Army treated the prisoners leniently, even though they were Chinese, even though they were bewitched by the enemy...but as long as they are enemies with guns in their hands, they should not be merciful.

The devils followed closely behind the puppet army and rushed forward with explosive packages and cluster grenades. They hoped to use the cover of the puppet army to rush up and blow up the tank.

This tactic is correct. The Eighth Route Army's advantage over the devils is tanks.

If the tanks are blown up or there is a gap in the defense line, the devils may indeed break out.

But the devils are obviously wasting their efforts in vain. At this time, the Eighth Route Army is no longer the previous situation of ten bullets per capita. After the bullet production line is established, it is not enough to say that the entire army can fight with 40 people, but the centralized supply of the two main divisions in Yuncheng is still not enough. question.

As a result, the light and heavy machine guns fired "da da", and the [-] small cannons also blasted into the pile of devils one after another. Occasionally, a few incendiary bombs were fired, and the devil's charge was quickly beaten back.

As soon as the devils retreated, Wang Xuexin ordered a counterattack... At this time, the enemy should not have a chance to breathe. The counterattack after victory will put a lot of psychological pressure on the enemy. In this psychological state, it is difficult for them to organize effectively. defense.

So, it only took more than half an hour for the battle to be completely over.

Xu Weichong finally became a prisoner... although he said that he surrendered voluntarily.

Just as he had imagined, the Eighth Route Army, a traitor who owed blood debts, of course had to be treated differently from other prisoners, not to mention that after interrogation, he learned of the agreement he had reached with the devils before the war.

But in the end Xu Weichong was not shot, but strangled to death secretly by his subordinates in a cell awaiting interrogation.

(End of this chapter)

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