Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 518 Resources

Chapter 518 Resources
The Battle of Yuncheng ended victoriously amid the cheers of the soldiers.

In the afternoon of that day, a small episode happened. Chu Yunfei immediately entered Nancheng and asked the three thousand puppet troops in Nancheng to surrender to the Jinsui army... This is not because they are greedy for the equipment of the puppet army. The equipment in the hands of the puppet army is also in short supply. The Eighth Route Army equipped with it took it seriously.

Chu Yunfei was here to grab soldiers.

Although the morale of the puppet army is poor and they will rebel at any time, they are still veterans who have fought wars and there are still more than 3000 people, which is enough to form a regiment.

This is not a small fortune in the war years.

But Chu Yunfei's action of receiving the prisoners was not smooth, because the Baizhan Regiment also entered Nancheng at the same time to demand that the puppet army surrender to the Eighth Route Army.

But the puppet army hesitated and didn't know who to surrender to...

If it was before, there was nothing to think about at all, it must have surrendered to the Jinsui Army.

Just kidding, the Jinsui army has food and clothing, as well as equipment and military pay, life is good!
The Eighth Route Army was so poor that they couldn’t get enough to eat, and they had to hide in the mountains.

But it's different now. The Eighth Route Army came up with dozens of tanks, and it was still the main force to attack Yuncheng. This compares the Jinsui Army.

When the two sides were arguing, Li Yunlong came up majestically with a tank.

Li Yunlong stepped forward and shouted at Chu Yunfei, who was more than ten meters away: "Brother Chu, you are not being kind, are you? We agreed that after the capture of Yuncheng, everything will belong to the Eighth Route Army, and Yuncheng will belong to you... "

"Brother Yunlong!" Chu Yunfei interrupted Li Yunlong: "That's why Chu planned to hand over their weapons and send them to your army, but this person...isn't it a thing?"

Li Yunlong was stunned for a moment, this mother took advantage of the loophole, and the captives were indeed nothing, once the gun was fired, they were equivalent to the people of Yuncheng.

But who is Li Yunlong, and how could he be taken advantage of by Chu Yunfei so easily.

Li Yunfei didn't answer, just waved his hand, and ten tanks lined up in attack formation and aimed their muzzles at the puppet army.

Chu Yunfei's expression changed, and he hurriedly called out, "Brother Yunlong, what do you mean? Didn't your Eighth Route Army give preferential treatment to prisoners?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Yunlong nodded and said, "Our Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially, but if they don't surrender to the Eighth Route Army...then they are not our prisoners?"

"Brother Yunlong!" Chu Yunfei hurried forward to stop him: "If they surrender to the Jinsui Army, they will be members of the Jinsui Army. Isn't it against the rules for you to do so?"

Li Yunlong smiled "hehe" and replied: "Brother Chu, they are wearing fake military uniforms and they haven't surrendered yet. Brother Chu, tell me, which rule does this violate?"

Chu Yunfei was at a loss for words for a moment, and there was nothing wrong with saying that.

But...he felt something was wrong.

When Chu Yunfei was thinking about how to respond, Li Yunlong shouted at the prisoner: "Do you understand? If anyone disagrees with our Eighth Route Army, just ask me if the tank in my hand agrees!"

Li Yunlong's words were intended to point out the "Eighth Route Army" and "tanks", and it was obvious that he was threatening to use force.

Seeing this situation, the puppet army dared not hesitate, and immediately surrendered to the Eighth Route Army one after another.

The Eighth Route Army gained a lot in this battle. They seized food, ammunition, and military supplies from several warehouses in the warehouses of the railway station, including many medicines that the Eighth Route Army was desperately short of... These were all brought in by the devils from the train station outside the city, and later returned to the army. It has been transported by train for several days one after another, and it is planned to be transported to the front line of the Yellow River in batches.

In addition, there are five 105MM artillery pieces and three 75MM mountain artillery pieces that are intact. There are also five 2000 infantry artillery pieces. There are still more than [-] shells in the warehouse.

After Li Yunlong seized these artillery pieces, he immediately transported them to the fortifications of Zhongtiao Mountain.

It goes without saying what the purpose of this is... The fortifications of Zhongtiao Mountain are facing Yuncheng, and the muzzle is condescendingly aimed at Yuncheng.

In other words, the Jinsui Army will live under the guns of the Eighth Route Army.

Although Chu Yunfei knew this, he was helpless.

As for the artillery pieces that were blown up, the Eighth Route Army also transported them all away... At this time, the Eighth Route Army was short of steel, and the artillery was made of high-quality steel. After pulling it back, the usable parts were removed, and the unusable parts were melted. to produce rifles.

These are still second, after all, they are only seized, although there are many, but they are still empty.

The more than [-] iron and copper mines in the Zhongtiao Mountain area are all based on Yuncheng, and their food is even transported from Yuncheng. Once Yuncheng is lost, it means that these mines and smelting factories are all owned by the Eighth Route Army. It's in the bag.

Regarding how to divide these mines and factories, Li Yunlong told Chu Yunfei like this: "Brother Chu, let's open the skylight and speak clearly. Whoever captures it belongs to whom, and then no one will be greedy, do you think this is the reason?"

Chu Yunfei thought about it: This is the site of the Jinsui Army. Although the Eighth Route Army is numerous and powerful, the Jinsui Army is familiar with geography, and the quality of the 358th Regiment is not bad. There is also artillery coordination. Holes and factories are no worse than the Eighth Route Army.

Thinking about it, Chu Yunfei nodded and agreed: "It's a deal! Just do what Brother Yunlong said, and whoever pays will get it!"

But Chu Yunfei missed one point, the Eighth Route Army had tanks.

And the copper smelting and steelmaking plants usually have roads... The ore needs to be transported by road, and the smelted copper and steel also need to be transported by road.

Where there are roads, tanks can definitely be used, so Li Yunlong divided the dozens of tanks in the tank battalion: three for this factory and six for that factory...

Then, as soon as the tanks arrived at the factory, they rushed into the factory and pointed their gun barrels at the devils at close range to bombard them. They took down seven or eight factories in one go, while the Jinsui army on the other side had just taken down one factory.

As for the mines, let alone.

The mines on Zhongtiao Mountain were targeted by the Eighth Route Army before and have been for a long time.

To be precise, it was not "targeting", but the recalcitrant troops left on Zhongtiao Mountain were recruited to fight guerrilla around the mine.

Wouldn't it be easy to grab the mine now?
What Chu Yunfei didn't know was that many mines had already been captured when the Eighth Route Army attacked Yuncheng.

The final result was that Chu Yunfei only got three factories and two mines, and the rest fell into the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

This situation only made Yan Laoxi, who was sitting in the back directing, so angry that he almost died. He threw the cup and scolded: "Mother is skinny, I didn't get much benefit, and I caused a lot of trouble!"

That's true.

Yan Laoxi is not stupid, he knows that Yuncheng is a double-edged sword, and the Jinsui Army's garrison here means... In the future, the Jinsui Army will directly face the devil's attack.

However, Yan Laoxi had no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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