Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 519 Complaint

Chapter 519 Complaint

What is more important in the Yuncheng area should be Zhongtiao Mountain rather than Yuncheng.

The reason is that Zhongtiao Mountain is not only a mountainous area, but also a line of defense known as the "Oriental Maginot". The stubborn army has been operating here for several years, and there are fortifications such as bunkers, caves, and bunkers all over the mountain.

Moreover, after Zhongtiao Mountain is occupied, it does not mean much to the devils and does not pose a threat... The defense direction of Zhongtiao Mountain is opposite to the attack direction of the devils, so it is meaningless. At the same time, the devils do not think that the Chinese army has the ability to retake it. Zhongtiao Mountain, so these fortification devils thought that they did not pose a threat.

The latter is indeed the devil's miscalculation.

The main reason is that the devils set the imaginary enemy of Zhongtiao Mountain as a stubborn army.

If the stubborn army wants to retake Zhongtiao Mountain, they must first cross the Yellow River, which is unimaginable to the devils... The battle of crossing the river is different from that of land warfare. Artillery and shallow water ships decided.

As long as this kind of equipment has an advantage, the enemy will blow up every pontoon bridge they build, and sink as many sailboats as possible in the Yellow River with artillery fire, then no amount of enemy troops will be able to play a role.

The devils are very confident in their air force, artillery and shallow water ships (mainly light gunboats), so they are not worried at all about the recalcitrant army being able to cross the Yellow River.

Because they were not worried about the stubborn army crossing the Yellow River, the devils were very relieved of Zhongtiao Mountain, so the fortifications on the mountain were not blown up.

How could the devils have thought that it would be the Eighth Route Army instead of the recalcitrant army that would occupy Zhongtiao Mountain.

As a result, almost all the fortifications on Zhongtiao Mountain fell into the hands of the Eighth Route Army intact.

These fortifications can be described as "simple" for stubborn soldiers and devils, but they are simply "luxury" for the Eighth Route Army.

The line of defense that the Independent Regiment was in charge of was called Camel Ridge because it consisted of two hump-like peaks.

Luotuo Ridge is not far from Yuncheng. After going down the mountain, it will be a dozen miles away, and Yuncheng will be properly included in the range of the artillery.

This was originally the garrison of a regiment of the 39th Army of the 8th Group Army of the Recalcitrant Army. The defense line that stretches for several kilometers is full of bunkers built with huge stones and filled with cement. Indestructible to describe.

Then there are traffic trenches and trenches between the bunkers, barbed wire fences outside, artillery positions behind, and so on.

After the soldiers settled in, all the faces were filled with joy. Even the dormitory was built in the cave, with beds, tables, kangs, etc., and there was even a mouthful of sweet spring water in the cave.

The soldiers couldn't believe that they could still be stationed in such a luxurious defense line in this life, and they all seemed to have moved to a new home.

Li Yunlong looked at the defense facilities with a fierce look.

Wang Xuexin felt a little strange looking at it, so he asked: "Commander, are you... dissatisfied with this line of defense?"

Li Yunlong replied angrily: "How can I? If such a line of defense is not satisfactory, then no more satisfactory line of defense can be found!"

What this is saying is that the recalcitrant army considers that they have no air and artillery advantages compared with the devils, so all the fortifications here take air defense and artillery defense into consideration. Many positions are impossible for the devils to attack, but the defenders can. When it comes to devils, it's no wonder that devils failed to attack after several attacks.

Zhao Gang felt strange when he heard it, and asked Li Yunlong: "I said, Lao Li, since you are very satisfied with this fortification, why are you still like this?"

Li Yunlong replied with a "ah": "Old Zhao, don't even think about it. This fortification was built by our people with a lot of blood, sweat, manpower and material resources. The damn line of defense is in the hands of stubborn soldiers. They only need a few days to build it." Time is lost! These prodigal sons, look at their success!"

Zhao Gang laughed: "Old Li, it's not the first day you know the virtue of the stubborn army, and you can still be so angry! But then again, if it weren't for the incompetence of the stubborn army, this line of defense would still fall into our hands? "

"That's right, that's right!" Li Yunlong became happy when he said that, "It's a good thing we got it back, otherwise we'd be really fucking angry..."

"Be angry for not fighting, hate for your misfortune!" Zhao Gang added.

"That's what it means!" Li Yunlong slapped his thigh and said, "It's better for a scholar to talk happily!"

Then Li Yunlong turned his gaze to Yuncheng in the distance, shook his head and smiled and said: "Those guys from the Jinsui army, they want to go to Yuncheng instead of picking up the cheap! They have suffered a loss and thought they got the treasure!"

Wang Xuexin understood what Li Yunlong meant.

Although Yuncheng has city walls, there are bunkers and gun towers outside the city, but the Devil's plane can blow up the artillery and can also blow up the artillery. If it is surrounded, it will be a matter of time before it is captured.

But Zhongtiao Mountain...

This is a defense line that is 160 kilometers long and 15 kilometers wide. The fortifications are heavy and heavy. In addition, it is a dangerous mountainous area. Tanks, planes, and artillery are not effective here. I really don’t know who will win and who will win. .

However, what Li Yunlong didn't consider was that the Jinsui army could not defend the defense line in this mountainous area.

What about their supplies?
How to solve the daily necessities?

Can you bear the hardships of living in the mountains for many years?
The Eighth Route Army had enough food and clothing by themselves. On the one hand, they could get the support of the people on the mountain to obtain some supplies, and on the other hand, they could plant fields wherever they went. Supplies were not a problem at all.

So, it's not that Yan Laoxi didn't know how to choose the more important Zhongtiao Mountain, but that he couldn't. This line of defense was an "artifact" for the Eighth Route Army, but it was a dead end for the Jinsui Army... If even the stubborn army can't hold it, how can the Jinsui army be able to hold it.

There is no need for Wang Xuexin and others to think too much about these things. What they have to do is to further improve the fortifications on Zhongtiao Mountain to prepare for possible attacks by the devils.

At the same time, the Eighth Route Army built a line of defense on the other side of Zhongtiao Mountain... There were also devils in the other direction of Zhongtiao Mountain, that is, on the north bank of the Yellow River, and there were quite a few of them. There were two divisions and three puppet divisions.

However, these devils and puppet troops were in a very embarrassing situation at this time: they were surrounded by the enemy and the Eighth Route Army and the stubborn army.

At this time, if the recalcitrant army is willing to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army to attack the devils, then this devil is likely to be surrounded and suffer heavy losses.

The headquarters at this time also had the same plan, and the headquarters even sent a chief of staff to negotiate with the stubborn army.


A week later, Zhao Gang said angrily in the meeting: "Comrades, the recalcitrant army intends to sign a so-called agreement with the devils, that is, to make peace with the devils!"

There was a "coax" in the conference room, and no one thought that the stubborn army would sign the "understanding agreement" with the devils at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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