Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 520 Contradictions

Chapter 520 Contradictions
It is no wonder that the "understanding case" can cause such a big response from the cadres.

Prior to this, although the Recalcitrant Army and the Eighth Route Army were at odds with each other, they still cooperated with the Eighth Route Army on the surface to fight against each other.

But once the "understanding" is reached, it means that the devils and the recalcitrant army will actually cease fighting, so the devils can free up their hands to concentrate their forces against the Eighth Route Army, and even the recalcitrant army will help the devils to block and strangle the Eighth Route Army.

This is obviously not a good thing for the Eighth Route Army.

But after thinking about it, Wang Xuexin felt that there was indeed an environment for this understanding to be reached.

Therefore, when everyone was discussing, Wang Xuexin analyzed: "Political commissar, I think this agreement between the devil and the recalcitrant army is just a stopgap measure, let's not take it too seriously!"

"How to say?" Zhao Gang frowned and asked.

This is not a trivial matter. After the news spread, it has caused a sensation all over the country.The victories achieved by the Eighth Route Army during this period are likely to be burnt out and completely change the originally favorable situation of the war of resistance...but Xiaodongbei actually dismisses this.

"Political commissar!" Wang Xuexin replied: "The stubborn army has been trying to make peace with the devils from the beginning to the end. This is well known in the world. The problem is that the devils have always been reluctant."

There is no doubt about this.

The reason is very simple. The person in command in Chongqing came back from studying abroad with the devils. He is very aware of the strength of the devils' army, and of course he also knows the strength of the Huaxia army.

So from the very beginning, he had no hope for this war, which is one of the reasons why he has not declared war on the devils until now.

In the final analysis, all his strategies are one word "delay" long it can be delayed.

Therefore, the so-called "space for time", "the breach of the garden entrance", and even the current "understanding" are all delays.

He always hopes that through international public opinion and pressure, the devils will finally give up their invasion of China.

This is a bit naive, because there is a saying in politics that "the truth is only within the range of the cannon". What cannot be obtained on the battlefield will never be obtained at the negotiating table.

But now the situation has changed.

"Political commissar!" Wang Xuexin said: "The current situation is that the devils are concentrating their forces in the northeast to deal with Mao Xiong, and we have taken Zhongtiao Mountain to threaten the devil's Yellow River defense line, so the devils also hope to wait a while with the stubborn army. slow……"

Zhao Gang let out an "oh" when he heard this, then nodded, and said, "It makes sense, this may indeed be the devil's expedient measure!"

Zhang Dabiao scolded bitterly: "Damn it, so... or did we force the devils into the 'forgiveness case'?"

The logic of this statement is: if the Eighth Route Army hadn't taken Zhongtiao Mountain, the devils would not be so anxious. Once the devils were anxious...the "understanding agreement" that could not be signed is now signed.

Li Yunlong objected ferociously: "Then what else can we do? Are we still leaving Zhongtiao Mountain and Yuncheng not to fight? The devil threatened us with the 'forgiveness case', do we still have to surrender?"

Zhang Dabiao replied with a bitter face: "Head, I didn't mean that..."

Sun Ming interrupted the debate between the two, stood up and said, "Fifth Battalion Commander, even if this is an expedient measure by the devils, the real problem is that our army will be passive because of this 'forgiveness'. For example, our army is It is impossible to pinch the devils on the north bank of the Yellow River, and the devils may transfer troops from the front line to attack Yuncheng massively. If the devils have enough troops to capture Yuncheng and then march to the Yellow River, Zhongtiao Mountain will be surrounded by devils in turn..."

The cadres nodded in agreement, and the situation is indeed likely to develop in this direction.

Originally, the devils on the north bank of the Yellow River were a lone army half surrounded. Originally, the devils had insufficient troops in North China and even the whole of China, so it was difficult for the devils to pose a threat to Zhongtiao Mountain.

but now……

Because of the signing of the "Money of Understanding", the recalcitrant army is no longer a threat from devils.

So the lone army is no longer a lone army, and the problem of insufficient troops has been perfectly solved, and the devils have the ability to encircle Zhongtiao Mountain instead.

"Also..." At this time, Zhao Gang added: "According to the latest information, the devil's maneuvers in the Northeast have ended, and they seem to have given up their plan to attack Mao Xiong!"

There was an uproar in the meeting room again.

If the devils give up attacking Mao Xiong, it means that they will have more troops and equipment. In this case, wouldn't it be easy to encircle the unsteady Zhongtiao Mountain?

Wang Xuexin was silent, he could not refute Sun Ming and Zhao Gang's speculation about the future situation.

Because judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case... No matter how you look at it, the Eighth Route Army at this time is in crisis, and it is very likely that the devils will concentrate their forces and strangle it in the bud.

The reason why Wang Xuexin didn't take this matter too seriously was that on the one hand, it had never happened in history, and on the other hand, it was because he knew that although the devil said he didn't hit Mao Xiong, he turned around and beat Ying all All the advantages formed over the Eighth Route Army will no longer exist.

As for the recalcitrant army, the "understanding" was even reached under Ying Jiang's auspices. If the devil even hit Ying Jiang, the middleman or guarantor, what's the point of the "understanding"?
What's more, as soon as the devil beat the eagle sauce, the stubborn army was sure that the devil would lose the war in the end, so his legs didn't feel sore or painful, and he immediately declared war on the devil with his head held high and his chest held high. And what about the "understanding"!

As for the strength of the devils...

Just kidding, the devils are fighting Ying Jiang, not only fighting Ying Jiang, but also speeding up the occupation of Southeast Asian countries to rob oil. The troops are sent overseas in batches to fight everywhere. How can there be enough troops to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

But Wang Xuexin knew this, but he didn't know how to explain it.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin said: "Political commissar, I feel a little strange. If...the devil's exercise in the Northeast is over, they should have enough troops. They already have enough troops to deal with our army. Why? Why do you want to reach an 'understanding' with the recalcitrant army at this time and hope to transfer troops from the front line?"

Zhao Gang couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded.

This is actually a contradiction. The devils reached an "understanding" with the recalcitrant army because of insufficient troops.

But if the devils give up attacking Mao Xiong, there should be enough troops.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Gang said, "You mean...the devil is actually still thinking about attacking Mao Xiong?"

Although Wang Xuexin knew in his heart that this was not the case, he still nodded and said, "It's possible! The devil might have shot Mao Xiong in a feint to let Mao Xiong relax his vigilance, but he hasn't given up yet. Reconcile with the recalcitrant army..."

(End of this chapter)

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