Chapter 521

Stone caves, stone walls, stone stoves, and even cisterns are all made of stone.

This is a natural cave used as a dormitory by the Fifth Battalion. It is spacious and bright and has a depth of at least a few hundred meters, which can easily accommodate a battalion's troops.

Although this is a natural cave, it has been transformed into a livable military dormitory by the stubborn army.

There are all kinds of daily necessities inside, and there is even a wooden bathhouse... The stubborn army really enjoys it. The dormitory on the battlefield has a place to take a bath. This is unimaginable for the Eighth Route Army. Where can they take a bath without taking off their clothes? Just jumping into the river is enough. If it is winter, I don’t have the habit of taking a bath. Wang Xuexin also developed this habit when he went to the countryside to do as the Romans do.

In fact, it does not mean that this habit has been developed, but any resources of the Eighth Route Army are very precious. For example, the firewood for boiling water requires manpower to chop. How can we work so hard to boil a pot of hot water just for bathing?What a shameful waste!

The stubborn army is different. There are boilers for boiling water, double-layer wooden beds, and even several single rooms separated by wooden boards... This is probably the residence of the stubborn army chief. There are desks, wardrobes, and chairs.

Later, according to the stubborn army who was recruited, these things actually didn’t take much effort, and the surrounding people were forced to do hard labor for five days a month, and of course the rich could pay a piece of ocean instead.

Those who couldn't pay the money could only go up the mountain to do this and that for the recalcitrant army. In fact, all the fortifications on the mountain, including the road, were done by the common people.

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin couldn't help cursing inwardly, forcing the people to do hard labor is for you to beat the devils, but you let the people fix these enjoyments, are you worthy of those fellow villagers?What's more, this fortification has only been defended for a few days in the hands of the stubborn army...

The single room was used by Wang Xuexin as a headquarters.

Although the Eighth Route Army pays attention to the equality of officers and soldiers and the same treatment for commanders and soldiers, the headquarters is a bit special. This is the place where telegrams are exchanged and documents are stored. Without a closed space, it is difficult to keep secrets. Wang Xuexin understands this truth, so he is not hypocritical. up.

The radio was beeping on the side, and Wang Songyong, the staff officer, reported while watching the telegram marking the devil's strength on the map: "Battle Commander, the devil seems to be determined to win Yuncheng, and they have prepared a division with tens of thousands of troops. , and there are two armored wings and at least two flying brigades."

Wang Xuexin nodded.

The two flying brigades had at least fifty aircraft, which were obviously used to deal with the tank units of the Eighth Route Army.

Xie Baoqing replied indifferently: "What are you afraid of? It's not like we haven't fought the devil's plane before. When the plane comes, we will shoot it down with anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns!"

Xie Baoqing was talking about shooting down several planes of the devils before.

But Wang Songyong, who worked as a staff officer at the headquarters and also studied in the military academy, shook his head and said: "Deputy Battalion Commander, the devils transferred 97 heavy explosives this time, which is different from the previous 98 light explosives!"

Wang Xuexin understands the truth.

The 97 Heavy Explosion can carry more and larger aerial bombs, and its firepower can pose a greater threat to tanks. On the other hand, the 97 Heavy Explosion is a bomber used by devils for battlefield operations. Its pilots have combat experience There are many ways to avoid or even destroy anti-aircraft fire.

Therefore, the situation is indeed not optimistic as Wang Songyong said.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin asked, "What's the situation with the Jinsui Army?"

Wang Songyong replied: "From the news from the head of the regiment, the Jinsui Army hopes that we can do our best to help them defend Yuncheng!"

Wang Xuexin nodded, this is not bad, just now Wang Xuexin was worried that the Jinsui army would be frightened by the devils to surrender directly or negotiate with the devils again to reach some kind of agreement.

The latter is very likely, and it is also the reason why many cadres object to handing over Yuncheng to the Jinsui Army.

Because, for example, Li Changfu, the head of the Baizhan Regiment, he disagreed with the cooperation with the Jinsui Army from the beginning to the end, especially the handing over of Yuncheng to the Jinsui Army.

His reasons are very good: "The Jinsui army flirted with the devils before, and once had the experience of abandoning the city and fleeing. If we hand over Yuncheng to them again, what is the difference from handing over to the devils? Is it time to fight Yuncheng again?"

However, Wang Xuexin disagreed with this statement.

"Captain Li, the situation is different now, we can't look at people with old eyes!" Wang Xuexin objected: "The reason why Yan Laoxi abandoned the city before was because the flank was broken by the devils, and the second was because he was stationed in the middle. The stubborn army in the mountains was quickly defeated, and Yuncheng became an isolated city in a short period of time and was in danger of being surrounded by devils. Yan Laoxi had to abandon the city. But now, Yuncheng has our army's Luliang Mountain defense line in the north, and our army is stationed in Zhongtiao Mountain in the south. , as long as these two lines of defense can be defended, Yuncheng will be able to defend it!"

The chief nodded in agreement: "As for worrying that Yan Laoxi will continue to collude with the devils, this possibility is not great! In the past, the reason why Yan Laoxi negotiated secretly with the devils was that he hoped that the devils could concentrate their forces against the Eighth Route Army, and hoped that the devils could use the help of the devils to deal with them. I hope that the devils will turn their attention to our army and they can live in peace. But now... the devils are the root cause of the Jinsui army. Once Yuncheng is lost, the Jinsui army will become a source of no source. Water has no roots! This is Yan Laoxi's fundamental interest, and he can't compromise with the devils in this regard!"

The chief is right about this point. Yan Laoxi has this kind of warlord mentality, and he will fight desperately with anyone who moves Shanxi.

There was no way to keep Yuncheng before.

Now, cooperation with the Eighth Route Army has the hope of keeping Yuncheng. Even if there is only a little hope, he will do his best, just like the Jinsui Army fought the Battle of Xinkou and the Battle of Taiyuan in the early days of the War of Resistance.

Wang Xuexin also saw this, so he thought it was possible to cooperate with the Jinsui Army.

At least in terms of defending Yuncheng, the interests of the Eighth Route Army and the Jinsui Army are the same.

At the same time, it is almost impossible for the devils to give up Yuncheng...

Because Yuncheng is equally important to the devils. For the devil troops that rely heavily on railways and roads, Yuncheng is the support for attacking Zhongtiao Mountain, and it is also the basis for seizing the iron ore and copper mines they urgently need.

That's why the contradiction between the Devils and the Jinsui Army will be completely intensified, and the cooperation between the Eighth Route Army and the Jinsui Army will be more reliable.

Therefore, the chief ordered: "The defense of Yuncheng is not only related to the cooperative resistance between our army and the Jinsui Army, but also to the safety of Zhongtiao Mountain. This is a relationship between lips and teeth, so our army should assist at all costs." The Jinsui army defends Yuncheng!"

"Yes!" The cadres responded.

However, the strategic direction is set, but there are difficulties in tactical operations.

The main issue was air defense. The fifty planes that the devils brought in could not be dealt with by a few anti-aircraft guns.

(End of this chapter)

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