Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 523 Optimism

Chapter 523 Optimism
The news of the devil's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor spread throughout the army immediately.

Zhao Gang and other commanders who had some ink in their stomachs immediately understood the significance of this incident, and they were all ecstatic. The soldiers, including Li Yunlong, were a little confused when they heard it.

"What's going on?" At the subsequent meeting, Li Yunlong asked Zhao Gang: "The devil is fighting with Yingjiang, what are you so excited about?"

Zhao Gang replied: "Lao Li, are you confused? The devil's fight with Yingjiang means that we have an extra helper!"

Li Yunlong said "oh", then nodded: "That's true, but it can't be so happy, right?"

Zhao Gang just shook his head and smiled wryly.

Of course Wang Xuexin understood what was going on.

At this time, Yingjiang was already the most economically powerful country in the actual sense... In 40 years, the total GDP of Yingjiang ranked first in the world, which was several times that of the never-setting sun. It has long been a misnomer.

As I said before, GDP not only reflects the economy, but also reflects industrial production capacity to a certain extent, which means that if one fighter plane is shot down, two can be built to fly into the sky, and one warship that is sunk can be built. The launch of two warships also reflects the combat capability.

Devils fought against Huaxia on one side and fought against Yingjiang on the other. The former is the country with the largest population and sufficient military resources, while the latter is the country with the best economy and the strongest industry. If these two countries are on the same side, they are almost synonymous with victory.

As a result, the whole country was filled with a negative atmosphere. A considerable number of people chose to be traitors because they believed that Huaxia could not win this war. Because of Yingjiang's participation in the war, the whole atmosphere was reversed... As long as you have a little strategic vision, Know that victory is only a matter of time.

But it does have some twists and turns.

The main reason is that Eagle Sauce was not as powerful as imagined in the early days.

In fact, because Eagle Sauce has a natural Atlantic barrier and has no enemies on the American continent, the size of the army has been kept very small. The army only has 10 people, and the military ranking can only barely rank seventh. (Note: Mao Xiong ranks first in military strength)

But Yingjiang’s industrial capacity at that time could produce 4 fighters and 2 tanks per year...

It can also be seen from this that it is not reliable to only look at military rankings during wars. Wars are more about industrial capabilities, technological levels, and comprehensive strengths than a so-called ranking based on comparison with existing equipment.

The cadres in the conference room were discussing in one go:

"Political commissar, what's wrong with the devil? Are you going to mess with Ying Jiang at this moment?"

"Hey, you don't understand the devil's virtue, he just wants to take advantage of it!"

"I heard that it is because there is not enough oil. If there is no oil, the planes and tanks will not be able to move!"

"Then there will be oil in the eagle sauce?"


In this day and age, soldiers don't know much about the outside world because they live in a small circle, so there are endless problems in various aspects.

Wang Xuexin knew this, so he was not surprised at all.

But what is surprising is, why did the devil attack Pearl Harbor earlier?
After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin felt that it was probably because of his own existence that his direction had changed.

For example, the Eighth Route Army at this time in history should have been blocked by devils and suffered heavy losses, but Wang Xuexin was armed with tanks and rifles. Not only was he not blocked, but he launched a counterattack and took down Yuncheng and Zhongtiao Mountain.

As the situation ebbs and flows, the devils will consume more troops and fuel in China, and the situation will become more severe. This will force the hesitant devils to make decisions in advance.

For another example, Wang Xuexin made the bazooka ahead of time and sold it to Mao Xiong, which made Mao Xiong stabilize his position in advance.

Mao Xiong stabilized his position faster, and the devil canceled his plan to pinch Mao Xiong in advance.

Since they didn't pinch Mao Xiong, of course they had to go to another place to grab oil, so naturally they pointed the finger at Ying Jiang.

Another example is the impact on the Jinsui Army and the Recalcitrant Army, etc., which will directly or indirectly affect the devils.

In the end, it was the devils who advanced the plan to attack Pearl Harbor by four months.

"Comrades!" Just when Wang Xuexin was thinking wildly, Zhao Gang, who received a telegram, announced happily: "Just now, the stubborn army has declared war on the devils!"

The meeting room immediately burst into applause.

The pressure caused by the signing of the "understanding agreement" between the recalcitrant army and the devils disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a climax of the war of resistance.

Zhao Gang happily pointed to Zhongtiao Mountain on the map and said: "Comrades, if the recalcitrant army declares war on the devils and stands in the same camp as us, the devils on the north bank of the Yellow River will be in danger. They will stand on both sides of our army and the recalcitrant army." Under the attack, maybe we can make dumplings for them!"

The meeting room was full of jubilation again, and even Li Yunlong had a smile on his face.

But only Wang Xuexin was very calm.

Zhao Gang noticed Wang Xuexin's appearance and asked in puzzlement, "Fifth Battalion Commander, do you seem to have a different opinion?"

"Political commissar!" Wang Xuexin replied, "I wondered if we were overly optimistic about the situation..."

Zhao Gang let out an "oh" and said, "Come and analyze it!"

Wang Xuexin got up and said: "Political commissar, I think the recalcitrant army may not send troops to surround the devils with our army. On the one hand, it is difficult to cross the Yellow River, and on the other hand, the recalcitrant army has no such willingness. At most, it is just a show. Thunder, little rain!"

When Wang Xuexin said this, the conference room fell silent, and the cadres nodded in agreement.

The cadres know what the stubborn army is. They were just stunned by the "declaration of war" just now, thinking that the stubborn army will change the previous passive resistance regime and start a counterattack...

This is overthinking.

Before Yingjiang entered the battle, the stubborn army was dragging their feet on the premise that they could not win.

After Yingjiang joined the battle, the stubborn army dragged their feet on the premise that they would surely win.

Although there is an essential difference, the former is to survive, and the latter is to reap the benefits of the fisherman, but the tactics are the same, they are all procrastination.

In the end, it even developed to the point where Yingjiang kept urging the recalcitrant army to launch a counterattack, and the recalcitrant army was sitting on a good situation and would not move...

In fact, it cannot be said that the stubborn army was wrong in doing so.

Countries only care about interests, and the military also cares about interests.

Since the war will be won sooner or later, why not just accept the equipment to preserve one's own strength, but let others do the war?
However, the problem is precisely here.

The army does not mean that it can receive as much equipment as it needs to support it. It has to win the hearts of the people, and at the same time, it has to be pulled up from time to time to fight and practice.

Blindly passive defense to preserve strength will not only lose the morale of the army but also lose the hearts of the people, and ultimately the collapse of the entire system.

The fact is also the same. In the later period of the Anti-Japanese War, the stubborn army actually had an advantage in strength and equipment against the devils, and they could launch a counterattack long ago.

But the recalcitrant army sat still and guarded an acre of land.

As a result, the devils concentrated their forces and came to "Operation No. [-]" to fight against the stubborn army. They were caught off guard and defeated like a mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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