Chapter 524 Blitz

After understanding this point, the development of the situation is roughly settled: the overall situation is positive, and victory will eventually be won, but the process is still tortuous.

Based on this, when we return to the Yuncheng battlefield, we can see clearly:
The devils on the north bank of the Yellow River will not be surrounded. The devils can use the natural danger of the Yellow River to resist the stubborn army in the south, and they can use the plains to defend against the Eighth Route Army in the north.

Therefore, Zhongtiao Mountain is still in danger of being surrounded by devils, but the devils may not dare to act rashly because of the lack of troops and equipment in the new changes.

At this time, Neiji Okamura was frowning at the map at the military headquarters.

Ningji Okamura was originally planning to gather strength to launch an attack on Yuncheng, and then went all the way west to the Yellow River to complete the siege of Zhongtiao Mountain.

He believed that the Eighth Route Army's capture of Yuncheng was both a pressure and an opportunity for the empire.

The pressure is that the growth and speed of the Eighth Route Army amazed Neiji Okamura.

It is not uncommon for an army to have some equipment, and some tanks and even aircraft and warships will appear in the stubborn army from time to time. These equipment are much more advanced than the tanks owned by the Eighth Route Army.

Even if the Eighth Route Army owns T34, it is nothing.

After all, wars in this era cannot be controlled by one or two pieces of equipment. Modern wars should be systematic wars.

For example, the Eighth Route Army has T34s, but these T34s are likely to become targets of Imperial aircraft because they do not have air cover.

In addition, the empire can also use superior artillery to destroy these T34s. After all, the Eighth Route Army only has ten T34s.

What surprised Okamura Ningcun was that the Eighth Route Army was able to formulate a reasonable combat plan and maximize the role of these equipments after obtaining these equipments.

For example, use T26 to attack Yuncheng.

Another example is the use of T34 raids to reinforce the chariot wing.

Shinozuka Yoshio speculated: "Your Excellency, this may be the function of the Bear Advisory Group! They know how to use these chariots..."

Neiji Okamura shook his head, and replied, "No, Shinozuka-kun! Have you studied the battle of Nomonhan and Hans' attack on the bear?"

Yoshio Shinozuka was a man, he bent down deeply, and replied: "I'm ashamed, my subordinates didn't study it!"

Yoshio Shinozuka's mission is to deal with the Eighth Route Army in North China. He believes that the Eighth Route Army's tactics have nothing to do with the war between Nomonhan and Hans and Mao Xiong... These are modern regular warfare, and they are different from the Eighth Route Army's guerrilla warfare.

Neiji Okamura doesn't think so.

"The tactics are all interlinked!" Neiji Okamura said, "What's more, the Chinese army still has a lot of equipment from Mao Xiong."

Then Neiji Okamura said: "If it is said that the stubborn army's tactics of using chariots came from Mao Xiong, there is no doubt about it, because like Mao Xiong, they used chariots as an auxiliary to infantry and dispersed them among the troops. But the Eighth Route Army... Their use of chariots is more like Hans!"

"What?" Yoshio Shinozuka was taken aback: "Your Excellency General, you mean 'blitzkrieg'?"

Neiji Okamura nodded, took a few telegrams and threw them in front of Yoshio Shinozuka, and said: "T26 tanks, they use cars to carry infantry to follow, which ensures that the T26 can pass through to the battlefield at the fastest speed. Yuncheng, during which the 37th Division sent troops to intercept many times, all of which suffered heavy losses due to intelligence errors or accidents, and there were even situations where troops drove cars to chase enemy tank troops..."

Yoshio Shinozuka understood what Okamura Neiji said.

He used to think that these "accidents" were just "accidents". Now that he thinks back and compares Hans' "blitzkrieg"...only to find that this is a quick attack while fully grasping the enemy's intelligence. Various "accidents" occurred for other reasons.

Therefore, this "accident" is not just a problem of insufficient training and insufficient preparation, but is artificially created by the enemy's rapid maneuvering and the suddenness of the battle.

"And T34!" Okamura Ningji continued: "They use motorcycles to carry infantry to follow, which also ensures that the T34 troops can launch an attack at the fastest speed and break through our army's defense line, so our army's chariot wing, and The Artillery Wing...will be defeated so badly and so quickly! They were defeated by the enemy almost before they could react!"

Yoshio Shinozuka was convinced.

He didn't think of this before, but now he was analyzed by Ningji Okamura and found that it was indeed exactly the same as Hans' "Blitzkrieg".

If there is any difference, it is that Hans uses the air force to reconnaissance ahead, and they will implement airborne at key positions such as bridges and transportation hubs to ensure that the tank troops can pass quickly.

The Eighth Route Army did not have these conditions, so it could not do it.

"That is to say..." Shinozuka Yoshio looked incredulous: "The Eighth Route Army fought a local 'blitzkrieg' in Yuncheng?"

Neiji Okamura nodded, and sighed: "So, it is impossible for Maoxiong Advisory Group to use this tactic. Of course, they who are beaten by this tactic don't know the essence of it, otherwise there won't be so many Fierce defeat and mistakes! If my predictions are correct, this is likely to be done by that little Northeast! Although I don’t know why he understands these things, he has already given us too many surprises!”

Shinozuka Yoshio also agrees with Neiji Okamura's guess.

Because it was so strange, except Xiaodongbei, he couldn't think of anyone else who could use "blitzkrieg" in this land.

That's why the saying "the one who knows you best is actually the enemy" comes out.

The formations and tactics Wang Xuexin used during training seemed normal to every soldier of the Eighth Route Army.

Or it can be said that the soldiers can't understand it. Anyway, the tanks in front are driving and there are soldiers following behind.
Instead, it was Ningji Okamura. He carefully analyzed and compared the tactics used by Wang Xuexin, and only then did he see the way.

Then Neiji Okamura squinted his eyes and said, "It's just that Xiao Dongbei has overlooked one point. Once he guards a certain position, he will lose the advantage of the 'blitzkrieg'. At this time, our opportunity will come!"

This is correct. In addition to being fast, Hans' "Blitzkrieg" is more about attacking, attacking and attacking.

Because only attacking can maintain the advantage of "attacking is greater than defending", and can continuously defeat the enemy and disrupt the enemy's rhythm during maneuvering. Once stopped, it is inevitable to be surrounded by the enemy and then fall into a sea of ​​​​attrition wars.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army stopped in Yuncheng and Zhongtiao Mountain.

Ningji Okamura's first reaction was to concentrate his forces to capture Yuncheng and encircle Zhongtiao Mountain.

However, at this moment, the staff officer reported to him with a telegram: "Your Excellency, our army has declared war on Ying Jiang. The staff headquarters ordered us to suspend all large-scale operations and concentrate our strength and resources to march overseas!"

"What?" Neiji Okamura's eyes widened in shock. He couldn't believe that the empire had declared war on Hawk-chan at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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