Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 525 Situation

Chapter 525 Situation
In the 41 years of history, the Huaxia battlefield can be called a large-scale battle. Only the second battle of Sha and Zhongtiaoshan at the beginning of the year has a reason. Devils spend more time planning overseas battlefields this year. Some have no time to take care of.

The modern Internet is full of opinions, believing that during the Pacific War, the devils sent their elite overseas to deal with Ying Jiang, and the devils who Ying Jiang would meet were the main force... This view obviously cannot withstand scrutiny.

Before the war, the Devils had only 17 standing divisions with a total of more than [-] people. Almost all of these Class A divisions were engaged in the war against China. They had been fighting for four years when the Pacific War broke out, and the average number of casualties of the Devils in the China War was [-], plus the normal retirement due to the battle of Nuomenhan and injuries, most of the elite devils have gone.

Therefore, half of the troops transferred to the Pacific battlefield by the devils, even the first-class divisions, are recruits who have never been on the battlefield.

This can be verified by the establishment of the first-level divisions in 41. The first-level divisions transferred to the Pacific battlefield are no longer the first-level divisions of the year, and the numbers of the subordinate regiments are different. The commander of the first-level division was sent to the Pacific Ocean.In the later period, when the supply of troops was insufficient, the third-rate divisions were transferred to the Pacific battlefield and the elite remained in the Huaxia battlefield...

This is mainly because the devils realize that in the Pacific battlefield, there is no big difference between the elite and the elite, because as soon as the eagle sauce comes up, it will bombard the island with warships for several days and nights, or use the navy to block the island and cut off its supplies. It is not the army but the navy and air force that decides the outcome of a war.

For example, the Battle of Iwo Jima was called by Takachan as a tragic battle... The 109th Division led by the opponent Kuribayashi Tadamichi was only a third-rate unit to ensure the safety of the railway and deal with the railway guerrillas in the Chinese battlefield.

And it was precisely in the later period of the Anti-Japanese War that the devils concentrated their supplies and elites on the Huaxia battlefield.

The reason is that the devil, as an island country, cannot win if the navy and air force are defeated...

This is the characteristic of an island country. Once the navy and air force are defeated, the entire island will be completely blocked. As a result, the domestic economy, industry, and agriculture will all have problems due to obvious shortcomings. Failure is only a matter of time.

Therefore, all island countries pay more attention to the development of the navy and air force. If the army needs to be used for defense, it is not far from the destruction of the country.

At the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Devil's Navy was defeated by Yingjiang. Knowing that the islands of the empire could not fight against Yingjiang for a long time, they concentrated the power of the whole country in a desperate struggle, hoping to use the Chinese mainland to fight against Yingjiang, just like the Chinese army against the devils It is also a long-term war with Eagle Sauce.

So there was the "Operation No. [-]", which China called the "Battle of Henan, Hunan and Guangxi".

However, let's not say that the Devil's "Operation No. [-]" did not meet expectations, and even if it did, the Devil's plan would not be successful.

Because the people on the Huaxia battlefield are Huaxia people, they stood on the side of the Huaxia army in the war and supported the Huaxia army overtly and secretly to fight against the devils, so the Huaxia army can last for a long time.

If the devils use the Huaxia Continent to fight Yingjiang, there will be double pressure from inside and outside, and it will collapse in a short time.

The problem facing Neiji Okamura at this time is to give priority to military forces and resources for overseas wars.

This made Neji Okamura not dare to easily launch a counterattack against Yuncheng...

Because Ningji Okamura knows very well that Yuncheng is not just Yuncheng.

It is meaningless to only attack Yuncheng, it will only make the imperial army fall into the siege of Luliang Mountain and Zhongtiao Mountain.

Either this battle is not launched, and once it is launched, the connection between Zhongtiao Mountain and Luliang Mountain must be cut off and Zhongtiao Mountain must be surrounded.

but now……

The North China Front probably did not have enough resources to support the war.

If it is destined to withdraw in the middle of the fight, the imperial army will get nothing, so it is better not to fight at the beginning.

Shinozuka Yoshio saw that Okamura Neiji had been silent for a long time, so he asked, "Your Excellency, now..."

Okamura Ningji's face was cloudy and cloudy. After a while, he sighed heavily and said: "Period attacking Yuncheng, we need to accumulate more strength!"

"Yes!" Yoshio Shinozuka stepped forward and responded.

As a result, the battle for the devils to attack Yuncheng has not started for a long time.

Wang Xuexin had already guessed that this would be the result.

This is not to say that the devil's forces and resources are not enough to target Yuncheng, but that the overall situation has changed:

For example, the devils sent troops to Shanghai and Hong Kong, which are the windows of China's foreign trade. Before, they did not dare to fully occupy the foreign concessions because of scruples. Now, of course, they have to do it when the war breaks out.

Another example is to compete for the Burma Road, which is the main artery of China's strategic materials... The Pacific War broke out on December 12, and the China Expeditionary Force was formed on December 7 and drove to the destination to cooperate with the Sun Never Set.

In addition, in order to hold back the devils as much as possible so that they cannot reinforce these key points, other theaters must also launch feint attacks.

Therefore, a large amount of the devil's troops will be used on these more important points.

As for doesn't have long legs, and it won't run if left alone.

Wang Xuexin couldn't help but sigh that the war came at the right time, otherwise there would be another fierce battle to be fought now.

While Wang Xuexin was thinking wildly, the staff officer handed over a telegram.

The telegram was sent by Sun Erwei, and the tone seemed to be in a hurry: "Wang, we will consider your request, you can contact Skinny! Sorry, I have to leave now!"

Wang Xuexin knew why Sun Erwei left.

On the second day after the outbreak of the Pacific War, the devils invaded the Shanghai public concessions, including the concessions of Sunbuset and Yingjiang.

Hong Kong will also fall in two weeks. The usually majestic army that never sets is almost defeated in various places. They surrendered after only a symbolic resistance... Colonies and leases are blood-sucking places for them, and of course they will not pay The price of life is for the comprehensiveness of fighting to protect the local people.

With Hong Kong falling into the hands of the devils, there are also a large number of money printing equipment and paper for money making, which means that the period of great depreciation of legal currency is coming.

Fortunately, the base has already expelled the legal currency in advance, otherwise it will have to be peeled off again at this moment.

None of this could be changed by Wang Xuexin, so he could only sigh and contact Skinny.

Skinner's first words were: "God, this is insane! These guys are starting a war on us!"

Wang Xuexin understood why Skinner was so surprised.

Yingjiang has always been reluctant to join the war. Many things for the devils are provided by Yingjiang, in addition to fuel, there are also machine tools, production technology and so on.

Even the planes used by the devils to attack Pearl Harbor were produced with machine tools exported by Yingjiang.

Wang Xuexin just smiled and said nothing when he looked at the telegram.

Ying Jiang should have expected this result a long time ago.

Although it is unwilling to join the war, it always intervenes in the war again, hoping to use economic and technological means to remotely control the world to fight, and it is behind the scenes to profit.

Now the result is nothing more than shooting a stone in the foot.

(End of this chapter)

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