Chapter 534 Zero Type
"Team leader!" Wang Xuexin explained: "It's not actually free, it's actually exchanging technology with Eagle Sauce for equipment!"

"What? Technology?" Li Yunlong was even more confused: "I said Xiaodongdong, don't brag and talk nonsense without writing a draft. What technology can we exchange with Yingjiang? Let's talk about the bazooka... Isn't that working with Eagle Sauce?"

Wang Xuexin replied helplessly: "Leader, this is true! If Shi Ying Jiang didn't give us equipment, why should I explain to my superiors!"

Li Yunlong was still dubious, and asked: "Is this really the case? What technology did you use to exchange it with Yingjiang?"

"Actually, I don't have much technology!" Wang Xuexin said, "This is... ideas like bullets and mines. Ying Jiang thinks this idea is good, so I will give it to us for free!"

Wang Xuexin secretly complained.

The near-detonation fuze was just promised to Yingjiang to keep it a secret a few days ago, so it can't be leaked out now...even Li Yunlong can't say it in the report to his superiors.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Xuexin did not report this matter in time. He had to find a reasonable excuse.

Just when Wang Xuexin didn't know how to explain to Li Yunlong, Sun Erwei came in, followed by a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking quite scholarly.

"You came at the right time, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin said: "Come and explain, is the anti-aircraft gun free for us? No matter what I say, the regiment leader doesn't believe it!"

Sun Erwei was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood why Wang Xuexin couldn't explain clearly.

"That's right!" Sun Erwei nodded to Li Yunlong and said, "Commander Li, considering the difficulties of the Eighth Route Army, we plan to give you this batch of equipment for free! Of course, this was achieved through Wang's efforts! "

Wang Xuexin cursed secretly in his heart, this Sun Erwei was cruel enough, he directly erased the creative exchange and turned it into Yingjiang helping the Eighth Route Army.

Sun Erwei gave Wang Xuexin a wink, and then said: "Also, we will provide assistance to the Eighth Route Army in the later stage depending on the situation. Does Captain Li have any objections to this?"

"No objection, of course I have no objection!" Li Yunlong was overjoyed in an instant, hurriedly stepped forward to hold Sun Erwei's hand, and said, "Thank you, Comrade Sun Erwei! This is really a timely help! If we have any equipment requirements in the future , can I mention it to you?"

"Of course!" Sun Erwei replied: "You just need to tell the king, and I will discuss it with him!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Yunlong's eyes lit up when he heard this, he patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder and invited him aside, and whispered: "Boy, it's okay! Be smarter in the future, how many good things can you ask for?" How many good things do you want, understand?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied.

But even though Wang Xuexin responded in this way, he thought in his heart that this eagle sauce was not given for free, but with conditions.

After Li Yunlong left, Sun Erwei introduced to Wang Xuexin: "Wang, this is Major Davis, the anti-aircraft artillery consultant!"

At this time, Davis was looking at this and that. He couldn't believe that there would be such a primitive army in this era... They lived in caves, and they used kerosene lamps. The tools and rifles still have some appearance, but it is said that Yingjiang helped them not long ago.

"Hello!" Davis looked at the young man in front of him while shaking hands.

He is not tall and looks a little thin. He is wearing a gray military uniform with a few patches on it.

However, the plainness and confidence in his eyes surprised Davis, which was a little different from other people. When the soldiers outside saw him, they would inevitably look a little curious.

"Wang Xuexin!" Wang Xuexin introduced himself, "Commander of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment!"

"You are 'Little Northeast'?" Davis was taken aback. He turned to Sun Erwei and said, "I thought he was a fighter, Wilson!"

"He is indeed a soldier!" Sun Erwei replied with a smile: "Maybe you should listen to him, Davis! There are at least hundreds of devils who died under his hands. His most exaggerated record is driving a A tank rushed into the enemy's city and captured hundreds of people... and he only took two men!"

They communicated in English, and Wang Xuexin probably understood it, but he had to pretend that he didn't understand it.

Davis looked at Wang Xuexin with an unbelievable expression, and then asked Sun Erwei: "Are you kidding! If we can do this in our army, he should have been a colonel long ago!"

"Maybe!" Sun Erwei said, "but that's not what you're here for, is it?"

Davis nodded, and then asked Wang Xuexin past Sun Erwei: "Wang, before this, have you seen Bofors anti-aircraft guns?"

Wang Xuexin was taken aback, and then replied: "No, I haven't seen it!"

The Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun has just been equipped with Yingjiang and has not provided assistance to Huaxia for a long time. Of course, I can’t answer that I have seen it, otherwise I have to explain where I saw it.

"I'm a little strange!" Davis then asked: "You haven't even seen the Bofors anti-aircraft gun, why did you have the idea of ​​​​installing this anti-aircraft gun on the tank chassis?"

"I just hope there is an anti-aircraft gun mounted on a tank chassis!" Wang Xuexin replied: "The power of a small caliber is too small, and it is obviously a waste to use a tank chassis. It is unrealistic to install a large caliber, so I came up with this anti-aircraft gun. Is there any problem?" ?”

"No, no problem!" Sun Erwei replied, and then lowered his voice and said to Wang Xuexin: "Actually, the major himself does not agree with such a modification!"

Wang Xuexin said "oh", it seems that there are still some different voices inside Yingjiang.

"It's like this!" Davis continued: "The main problem we face now is not land air defense, but fighter planes almost confronting enemy planes in the air..."

"Zero type?" Wang Xuexin asked back.

"Yes!" Davis was a little surprised: "Do you know Type Zero?"

"This is not news in China!" Wang Xuexin replied.

The Devil's Type Zero fighter was actually the first to be used on the Chinese battlefield.

Just last year, when the Type Zero was still in the test flight stage, the devils used the Huaxia battlefield to verify the performance of the Type Zero, so 13 Type Zero cover bombers appeared in the sky over Chongqing.

Needless to say what was the result, 41 of the 24 fighter jets dispatched by the recalcitrant army were shot down, and none of the Devil's Zero Type was lost. This is the "913 Bishan Air Battle".

Afterwards, another "314 Shuangliu Air Battle" occurred, and all 30 fighter jets of the Fifth Huaxia Battalion were wiped out, and three of them were accidentally injured by their own firepower.

After that, the recalcitrant air force cast a huge psychological shadow, so that they dare not fight again.

This advanced fighter plane can't even be dealt with by Ying Jiang, so that the moment Ying Jiang pilots fly the plane into the sky, it is almost a farewell to this world.

Wang Xuexin thought, should he teach Type Zero a lesson?
(End of this chapter)

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