Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 535 Breakthrough

Chapter 535 Breakthrough

In fact, Eagle Sauce knew about the Devil's "Zero Fighter" a long time ago.

At that time, Donald of Eagle Sauce was forming the "Flying Tigers" in China. When he discovered that the devils had launched a new type of fighter with excellent performance on the Chinese battlefield, he immediately reported to Eagle Sauce.

(Note: The Flying Tigers were established in early 41, and have begun to take shape in the middle of the year)
But Ying Jiang didn't think that he would be dragged into the war at that time, so he didn't take it to heart.

This directly led to the fact that after the outbreak of the Pacific War, Ying Jiang still knew nothing about the new fighter jet of the Devil. The point at which warplanes are available.

Davis took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Wang Xuexin, saying: "This is my feasibility study on adding a chassis to the Bofors anti-aircraft gun. Regardless of the cost-effectiveness of this equipment, in terms of tactics, I think It’s also not a piece of equipment suitable for the battlefield.”

Wang Xuexin took the document and flipped through it, only to find that it was in English.

Yingjiang has a lot of talents, and translating a few documents can be said to be a piece of cake, but Davis chose not to translate... This shows that he has no intention of communicating with Wang Xuexin at all, or thinks that Wang Xuexin will not understand even if he translates.

Sun Erwei was very sensible. He glanced at the document and said, "Sorry, Wang! I will translate it well!"

Wang Xuexin put the document aside, and asked coldly, "Why?"

"Why?" Davis seemed to have forgotten what he said.

"Why do you think Bofors is not suitable for installing tank chassis?" Wang Xuexin said.

Davis said "Oh" and replied: "It is not suitable for the eagle sauce to be exact. It may be suitable for you, who knows? But for us... do you know what is going on in the Pacific Ocean? We have fighter jets every day Get shot down by the enemy, and if this continues, we will have nothing to fly in a few months! And we are not producing aircraft but anti-aircraft guns, this is definitely a mistake!"

Sun Erwei added a sentence after translating these words: "Wang, I said that if the equipment is useless to us, it is unlikely to be produced!"

Wang Xuexin nodded to express his understanding.

After all, the research and development of equipment also needs funds. Although it is not difficult to install the Bofors anti-aircraft gun on the tank chassis, there are still many details to consider.

The biggest problem is that manual steering needs to be changed to electric... The Bofors anti-aircraft gun has enough space on the ground, and it can be operated by a squad composed of six people: the gunner is in charge of commanding, the first gunner observes the trajectory and is also the deputy gunner, and the second The gunner is responsible for firing and loading, the three gunners aim at high and low and fire, the fourth gunner aims at the direction, and the fifth gunner delivers the ammunition.

If the Bofors is moved to the tank chassis, there will not be so much space for the gun and not enough room for so many people, so the high and low direction aiming must be changed to electric to reduce the complexity of operation.

This is something that only Eagle Sauce can do in a short time.

What Wang Xuexin didn't know was that Davis' tone sounded like Ying Jiang had already rejected the plan, but Ying Jiang had agreed and even started research and development.

Davis hopes to convince Wang Xuexin himself, and then use Wang Xuexin's status to persuade Yingjiang to give up the project.

Wang Xuexin replied unhurriedly: "You don't plan to produce this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. The root cause is that you don't have an advantage in air combat, right?"

"It can be said like this!" Davis nodded: "So the top priority should be to produce more warships and fighter planes, not this kind of anti-aircraft gun that can only be used on land! If one day, we can use this A kind of anti-aircraft artillery, it means that we have started to counterattack, don't you think?"

Wang Xuexin nodded and said, "This is actually not difficult to solve!"

"What?" Sun Erwei asked this question, and Sun Erwei forgot to translate what Wang Xuexin said.

As an intelligence officer, Sun Erwei knew that Yingjiang's fighter planes were being massacred over the Pacific Ocean at this time. Everyone was helpless about this situation, and this Chinese man... He actually said, "This is not difficult to solve"!
"He must be crazy!" Sun Erwei shook his head and said to Davis.

"What did he say?" Davis asked.

"He said that this problem is not difficult to solve!" Sun Erwei replied.

Davis smiled and said, "Well, let's hear his solution!"

Before Sun Erwei could ask, Wang Xuexin asked, "I heard that the machine tools used by devils to produce engines are all imported from you?"

Davis nodded.

"So, can the devil's engine be more advanced than the one you use?" Wang Xuexin asked again.

"No, I don't think so!" Davis replied: "In fact, the devil's aero engine has been lagging behind us."

Davis is right. Many of the Devil’s technologies come from Eagle Sauce, and after the outbreak of the Pacific War, it came from Hans... Hans and the Devil are allies. Knowing that the Devil is weak in aviation development, he sent a submarine Send it to the devil to copy.

At this time, the power of the aviation engine "Ring 12" used by the devil in "Zero War" was only 950 horsepower, while the power of Yingjiang's "Wildcat" fighter R-1830 had reached 1200 horsepower.

"I also think it should be like this!" Wang Xuexin said: "Everyone knows that the industry of eagle sauce is more mature and can produce better things!"

Wang Xuexin added this sentence to dispel the doubts of Sun Erwei and Davis. After all, as a battalion commander of the Eighth Route Army, it would not be normal if he knew that the devil's aircraft engine was not as good as Yingjiang.

But if Wang Xuexin only guessed this result from Yingjiang's industrial strength, it would be understandable... After all, Yingjiang is the world's largest industrial country at this time, and its GDP is far ahead of the Devil's several times, and Hangfa is more advanced than the Devil That's normal.

Sun Erwei nodded, even a hint of pride flashed in his eyes.

Wang Xuexin ignored Sun Erwei and continued to ask Davis: "Major, is the devil's plane better than yours?"

"Yes, of course!" Davis replied: "Their aircraft have super long range, strong maneuverability and excellent climbing performance, which makes our military fighters always in a state of passive attack. ..."

"So, Major!" Wang Xuexin asked again: "Don't you think it's strange? If the devil's aviation engine is not as good as yours, the performance of the aircraft he built is worse than yours, and not only a little bit better..."

Davis couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, which is indeed strange.

I didn't think about it because I didn't know anything about the enemy's fighter planes.

Now after listening to Wang Xuexin's analysis, I found that this is really the case...

Why is this?

Davis realized that this was likely to be a breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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